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Skill-related physical fitness is needed for success in athletics and lifetime sport

activities. Fitness components important for success in skillful activities and


events; encompasses agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed

(Hoeger & Hoeger, 2010). Skill-related physical fitness components following

(Kotecki, 2010):

Agility: the ability to quickly and accurately change the direction of the

movement of the entire body in space. In game such as tennis, agility is important to

reach the ball in time.


Balance: the ability to maintain equilibrium while moving or stationary.

Activities such as gymnastics, ballet, and skiing require balance.

Coordination: the ability to combine the senses with different body parts

to perform activities smoothly and accurately. Activities such as catching a

baseball or kicking a football require the hands and eyes or foot and eyes to work


Power: the ability to transfer energy into force at a fast applies speed and

strength to produce a muscular movement. Almost all sport requires power to


Reaction time: the amount of time it takes to respond and react to a

stimulus. Activities such as returning a serve in tennis or badminton require fast

reaction times.

Speed: the ability to move quickly from one point to another. Actives such

as the 100- or 200-meter sprint in track or running the baseball require speed.


Like other countries, the Philippines, has implemented movement restrictions and
social distancing strategies in response to COVID-19 since March 2020 ( IATF,
2020). Under the enhanced community quarantine, all households are mandated to
stay at home with movement limited to what is necessary for acquiring essential
goods and services; public transportation is inaccessible, mass gatherings are
forbidden, non-essential businesses (e.g., fitness centers) are prohibited from
operating, and schools of all levels are closed ( IATF, 2020). even physical activities
are forbidden that causes weakening of the physical body and diseases. Statistics
show the decline of the fitness industry also caused a further decline in physical
activity all around the world. In 2018, WHO announced that one in every four do
not meet the minimum physical activity recommendation. One per three women and
one per five men are inactive. The pandemic significantly increased inactivity
across all ages, pushing the 20-percent obesity WHO projection for 2025 into reality
by 2022.Like other countries, the Philippines, has implemented movement
restrictions and social distancing strategies in response to COVID-19 since March
2020 (IATF, 2020). Under the enhanced community quarantine, all households are
mandated to stay at home with movement limited to what is necessary for acquiring
essential goods and services; public transportation is inaccessible, mass gatherings
are forbidden, non-essential businesses (e.g., fitness centers) are prohibited from
operating, and schools of all levels are closed ( IATF, 2020). even physical activities
are forbidden that causes weakening of the physical body and diseases.

(Ajibade, 2011) This paper has studied physical activity patterns among African
American female college students. The purpose of this study was to monitor a wide
range of health-related behaviors among college students, including their diet and
physical inactivity habits. Various demographics were assessed such as age, gender,
residence, hours worked per week, health insurance, enrolment in physical
education classes, sports team participation, height and weight. Body Mass Indexes
were also calculated based on self-reported height and weight, which was used to
check the various categories of BMI they fall into (underweight, overweight, normal
and obese). This study also examines the relationship between campus housing and
physical activity behaviors in a sample of African American female college
students, as studies show that participants living on campus are more likely to meet
the required amount of physical activity as compared to those living off campus.
Physical activity was further divided into light, moderate and vigorous to check
what activities these students are most likely to engage in .

Increased physical activity plays an essential role in risk reduction for heart
disease, stroke, and cancer. For university students, engagement in physical activity
can lead to better mental health and it can help them cope better with the stress and
demands of university life Despite the importance of physical activity, there seems
to be a high prevalence of sedentary lifestyle among university students The
occurrence of leisure-time physical inactivity has been evident among a large
number of universities students.

University students have a busy and demanding schedule in both their academic and
extracurricular activities. They are more susceptible to adopt unhealthy coping
behaviors as high caloric food intake and alcohol consumption. Also, university
students have been found to exhibit decreased level of physical activity and
inadequate sleep. Unhealthy lifestyle of university students may lead to various
diseases in their adulthood years. It is vital for them to adopt a healthy lifestyle
throughout their university life.

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