Big Mouth and Ugly Girl - Ch5-9 - Alexander Bergström

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1. Matt is brought to the police station for questioning.

How is he treated by the

policemen? Describe his feelings and thoughts during the interview.

He is treated quite badly. The policemen are hostile and accusing, as if they already
decided that he was guilty. Matt feels unheard. He feels like he is on trial. During the
questioning he goes through a bunch of different feelings. Feelings of disbelief, shock
and anxiety. He doesn’t always describe or give name to all his feelings, but his actions
and words and thoughts reveal them, and it’s easy to connect the dots when he
describes the situation, what he says, what Mr. Parrish says and what the policemen

2. Ursula overhears her parents talking about her and what she’s like. Ursula’s dad
says that she is an idealist - what does he mean by that?

An idealist is described as “a person who is guided more by ideals than by practical

considerations.”1 In this particular context he is talking about Ursula and her vegetarian
diet, that she picked up based on her thoughts and opinions on consuming animals
(which she deems as morally and ethically wrong). He means she made this change to
her diet, and sticks to it, based on her own values without considering the inconvenience
it may cause.

3. After being interviewed by the police, Matt desperately needs to talk to his friends.
Why don’t Matt’s friends answer his emails?

Matt’s friends don’t answer his emails because of their parents and/or lawyers advicing
against it.

4. How do Matt’s parents react to the allegations against him?

At first they asked if there was any truth to the allegations, as to just make sure. Just in
case. When Matt told them “no” they seemed relieved and quickly tried to reassure and
calm him.


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