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Identifying Details

1.- Explain why the villagers think the monster is “evil and dangerous”
2.- Explain why the old man welcomes the monster.
3.- What does the monster experience for the first time in the old man ́s home?


1. The villagers think that the monster is bad and dangerous because he is ugly and makes ugly

This is wrong because they get carried away by what they see and even though the monster does
this without meaning to and besides what does it matter if someone is ugly or not, he should not
be taken as a bad person or much less as a danger to us.

I think this part of the story wants us to understand that we should not judge people by their
appearance or any disability they may have because maybe that could have happened to us,
besides we are all equal and we should love others as we love ourselves.

2. In this question highlights what I answered, to answer this question we go to the part of the
story and we are told that the monster goes to the house of an old blind man, when the man feels
the presence of him he grabs him by the shoulder and tells him to sit down and this gentleman
gives the go to eat and tells him that I am not afraid and even teaches it to eat.

Then he offers him something to drink and the monster does the same thing of not knowing
whether to drink or not, but the man explains again how to drink and drinks next to him.

Then he puts a cigarette in his mouth and tells him to smoke with him, to which the monster
gets scared again, but the man tells him it's okay to smoke and they smoke together.

From the beginning of this story it is clear that the man, not seeing, does not let himself be
carried away by appearances and welcomes him with all the kindness in the world.

3. I think the monster experience was a little weird, but very nice at the same time.

For the first time in the village there is someone who does not repudiate him or feel terror
towards him, otherwise instead of saying that he was a bad person, he treats him as if he were an
innocent person with whom he was dealing.

I think this is a good thing for the monster because it will give him a good experience and a
friend he can trust so he won't feel alone anymore.

The lesson for me for this question is that we are made of experiences and if we only have bad
experiences we could be bad people or lonely people for thinking that everyone was like that
with oneself.

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