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pulmonary artery to lungs to heart (pulmonary circulation )

lungs to parts of the body then back 2 the lungs (cystemic ciculation)
bicuspic , tricuspid valves
inter auricular septum, interventricular septum

in Humana
4 chamberd heart
maintain body temp
prevent mixing of oxygenated and de oxygenated blood
need more eneryg for the process 2 work

in the amphibians
3 chambers
there is some mixing of blood this can b tolerated becoz they dont use energy to
maintain their body temp (depends on the surrounding )

in fishes
2 chambers
single circulation
the deoxygenated blood reaches the gills(pumped from the heart) gets oxygenated
then goes 2 the rest of the parts of the body

the pressure exerted on the walls of the vessles is called blood pressure (measured
from sphygmomanometer)(brachial artery)
blood pressure in the artery is greater than the veins
systolic(during ventricular contraction)(120 mm ) , diastolic pressure (pressure af
the blood inside the artery during ventricular reaction)(80 mm )
high blood pressure - hypertention
our heart beats 72 every minute


Arteries r elastic and contain narrow lumen and thick walls to withstand high blood
pressure dont have valves
Vein have thin walls with larger lumen have valves
lumen is the space that is present in vein or arteries through blood flows
arteries - arterioles - capillaries


when there is bleeding the platelets rush towards that region to form a platelet
plug , blocks the wound and dosnt allow further flow
forms clots or coagulation

Lymph (tissue fluid)

colourless fluid Lymph plasma
Lymph corpulscles
destroyes invading microorganism
(transportation in animals is called circulation)

(reamember photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts)
transportation in plants takes place by the process of diffusion in small
plants.Not in large trees
zylem are filled with chemical substances excreated by the plant itself

y energy req of a tree is less

. they dont move like animals
. most of the cells are barks or dead cells so they dont req energy

trachids and vessels r hollow and are arranged end 2 end. xylem tarnsportes water
only in 1 direction
xylem colomn
mineral content in the root hair are normally more than the soil
with energy minerals move into the root hair which creates an concentration
differrence of ions between the root hairs and the soil
so due to this difference of water it moves into the roots
diffusion is not enough to absorb the minerals ATP is needed difussion is not
enough to transport water to all parts of the plant body
.transpiration helps in the proper circulation of water
.it helps in temp regulation of the surrounding area
.root pressure pressure difference helps in absorbtion of water during the night

water gets attached to the xylem cells

water gets attached to each other

movements of food or the products of photosyntesis is called translocation

for easy transportation of glucose it is converted into sucrose it diffuse into the
phloes sieve tube with the help of energy
inside the sieve tube there is water in which the sucrose is dissolved now due to
the difference in the concentration of sucrose
so it diffuses from higher to lower concentration
lower concentration area is called SINK

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