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Science F1.

Important questions:
1. Explain the correct way of measuring the volume of the liquid.
The position of eye must be in line with the meniscus bottom part.
Reading is need form the scale that in line with the bottom part of
the meniscus./ perpendicular to the scale of the measuring

2. Action- when swallows chemicals from reagent bottle.

Spit the chemical out immediately and rinse the mouth with a lot of
water. Send the student to the clinic or hospital.

3. Based on the application of density, explain how hot air balloons

Air caught inside the hot air balloons expand when it is heated up by
a burner so that the volume increases and density decreases. When
the density decreases, the hot air balloons will rise.

4. Activity vs. Heart rate

The more active the activity, the higher the heart rate. This is
because the heart needs to pump more oxygenated blood to the
cells in all parts of the body/ to supply oxygen/ pump faster to
provide more oxygen to the body cell.

EX: Swimming
- When swimming, the body cells carry out faster respiration
process to produce more energy. After the activity, oxygen is really
exhausted in the blood. So, the heart needs to pump more oxygen
into the blood for the cells.

5. Body reaction when carry out vigorous activity besides changes

of heart rate.
Body temperature increases and the sweat glands will produce more
sweat. The sweat that produced will be evaporated from the skin to
cool the body/ The condition of low water content in the body is
detected by the brain. The brain will secrete a hormone to give a
signal to the kidneys to reabsorb more water. The body water
content will become normal again.
6. Importance of transpiration:
Cools the plants/Help in transporting water and minerals from the
roots to the leaves.

7. Why are stoma opened during the day?

To enable gaseous exchange to take place and more water to be
evaporated from the leaves through transpiration.

8. Cancer cells:
The production of new normal cells is for replacing dead or damaged
cells in controlled. On the other hand, cancer cells produced due to
the formation of new cells at an uncontrolled rate.

9. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)

A mature ovum will be taken out from the ovary. The ovum will be
fertilized by the sperm outside the body to form a zygote. The
zygote will develop into an embryo. The embryo formed is then put
inside the female’s uterus. The embryo will implant itself into the
uterine wall and develops into a foetus.

10.Why water is needed by the seeds to germinate?

The water can soften the testa and acts as a medium to activate
the enzyme.

11.Maintaining personal hygiene is very important during

menstruation. Explain.
During menstruation, bacteria can easily reproduce due to the
presence of blood. So, personal hygiene is very important to prevent
bacterial infection. /prevent the infection of microorganism at the
reproductive tract, such as urinary tract infection.
(To release pain---get enough rest, warm the lower part of stomach
by warm towel.)

12.Why humans are known as complex organisms?

Humans have the most advanced brain for rational and critical
thinking. There is cooperation among the different parts of the
body to carry out all the life processes.

13.Is it better that a pregnant woman which has a high fever just
buy medicine from the pharmacies without having to see a doctor?
No. It is because any medicines taken by a pregnant mother will be
passed to the foetus. We do not know the content in the medicine.
Therefore, the consulting from the doctor can help to choose the
correct medicine.

14.State how a foetus recieves nutrients from its mother.

A foetus recieves nutrients from its mother through placenta.
Nutrients diffuse from the maternal blood into the foetus blood
and then carried towards foetus through umbilical cord.

X drugs and alcohol--to prevent the damage of brain cells which can
affect the normal growth of foetus.

15.Cause of fertility rate of woman decreases.

Stress caused various problems such as hormone imbalance and
hypertension. Unbalanced diet affects the health of uterus.

16.Why the temperature remain unchanged when reaching the

boiling point and freezing point ?
The kinetic energy of the particles does not increase as the heat
absorbed and released is to ensure that the attraction force
between the particles can be overcome or formed to obtain the
changes in the physical state.

18.Amira’s sister could smell the perfume even though she was
outside the room.Explain why.
The particles of perfume are too fine to move and diffuse into the
air particles which have very large of space between them. These
particles move randomly in all directions and cause the smell to
spread at a fast rate and a far distance.
19.Moth balls -- Moth balls have undergone sublimation in which the
solid has turned into gas. The solid particles have absorbed energy
to break the bonds between the solid particles. The solid particles
have separated and have eventually been released as a gas to the

20.Uses of chlorine in daily life.

Used as a bleaching agent in making detergent.
Used as a disinfectant 消毒剂 to kill microorganisms in swimming
pools and water treatment plants.

21. Why does the bottom of the pot look blacker after cooking?
The combustion of firewood releases soot particles. The soot
particles will be collected at the bottom surface of the pot and
blackened it.

22. Advantages of using higher stands to cook food.

To enable the air flowing through the burning stove. Allow heat to
spread evenly to the surface of burning pot. Avoids the pot from
turning black.

23. Carbon cycle

During photosynthesis process,the green plants use carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere.The carbon elements stored in the green plants
will be transferred to the animals when they eat them.The carbon
dioxide is then returned to the atmosphere by the processes of
decomposition of plants and animals,respiration(R) and
combustion(S) of fossil fuels. By this processes the carbon dioxide
content can be
maintained in the atmosphere.

24. Impacts of the phenomenon(logging) to the surrounding and

living things.
Causes the melting of ice at the poles, causes long term drought,
increases the sea level and causes flood in the lowlands.

25. Effects of the acid rain.

Causes the land to become acidic and less fertile, destroys the life
of aquatic organisms.

26. Effects of air pollution.

Haze causes breathing difficulties and irritates 过敏 our skin, eyes
and trachea 气管 .Haze reduce the rate of photosynthesis and
causes the yield of crops to decrease. Haze effects the food web
of the animals which in turn causes the death of the animals.

27. Fire blanket-- Covering the fire with the fire blanket could cut
off the supply of oxygen to the burning oil. The fire will extinguish
if oxygen is unavailable. Other techniques: Cooling down the burning
surfaces, reducing the quantity of the burning materials.

28. Three humans activities that cause air pollution:

-Releasing of CFC from aerosol spray and refrigerator gases ,
Releasing of asbestos from factories or mines, Releasing of smoke
and toxic from motorized vehicles and cigarettes.

29. Water is denser than oil which will make it sink below the oil. Oil
will float on water and will expose to the oxygen. Therefore, the
fire will not be extinguished.

30. A pencil looks bent on the water surface. Why?

The light rays are refracted when travel through two medium of
different densities.

31. Why the colour of the spectrum are arranged in such order?
Every constituent of colour travels at different speed through a
medium. Red light is formed on the upper part of the screen
because it is the fastest and the least refracted light while the
violet light is formed on the lower part of the screen because it is
the slowest and the most refracted light.

32. Explain the phenomena of blue sky at the midday and the red
sky at the dawn.
During the midday, the Sun is situated at vertical position. The air
molecules scatter blue light at most to all directions. During the
dawn, the Sun is situated at horizontal position. Red and orange
lights travel through the atmosphere without obstruction and reach
the observer’s eyes.

33. Explain the formation of rainbow.

White light consists of 7 colour which are known as spectrum. Each
colour spectrum has different speed in a medium. When sunlight
pass through different mediums, from air to water droplets, white
light refracted and dispersed into 7 colour that is rainbow.

34. Why are stars twinkled at night? Explain.

The light from stars travels in straight lines through the space
vacuum. When the light enters the layers of atmosphere, it will pass
through the layers of atmosphere of different densities. Hence,
the pathway of the light rays will change. Refraction of light causes
the star light that reaches the observer’s eyes to increase and
decrease continuously. Therefore, the stars twinkle at night.

35. How does landslide occur?

Landslide is caused by the mass depletion due to the unstable land
structure. The gravitational force causes the land, sand and rocks
to slide down from the top of slope to the bottom.

40. How does tsunami occur?

The earthquakes in the sea floor push the water up with high force.
In the middle of the ocean, the waves become lower but they move
faster in all directions. When the waves reach the shore, the speed
decreases but the wave height is increased drastically. Destructive
waves are formed and strike the land.

41. Effects of tsunami.

The land animals died by drowning whereas the sea animals are
killed by water pollution. Destroys properties and damages of
infrastructure. Widespread diseases such as malaria and destroys
habitat of animals.

42. Advantages of tree planting campaign.

Prevent soil erosion, prevent flash flood, prevent extinction of some
species of plant and animals to maintain the balance of oxygen and
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

43. Explain the phenomenon of water cycle beginning with energy of

the Sun.
Energy from the Sun heats the surface of the Earth and causes
water to evaporate from oceans, rivers, lakes and land surfaces.
The evaporated water vapour rise up into the atmosphere and
change into tiny water droplets called cloud. Rain occurs when the
tiny droplets combine each other and form bigger and heavier

44. What are fossils?

Fossils are the remains or traces of animals and plants that lived in
the Earth, which are naturally preserved in sedimentary rocks.

45. Importance of fossils:

Provide valuable information about the history of the Earth.

46. Function of the fuels

Used as an energy sources either for electricity or fuels.

47. Explain the formation of coal.

When plants and animals died millions years ago, their remaining will
be piled under layers of sediment and mud. Due to high pressure and
heat, the remaining of plants and animals turns into coal.

48. Greenhouse effect

Excessive release of carbon dioxide will be trapped in the
atmospheric layer causing the Earth’s fail to reflect the heat
energy. The effect causes increased Earth temperature to cause
the greenhouse effect./Forest burning releases a lot of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere.The carbon dioxide prevents the
infrared-radiation from being reflected back into the space.This
causes infrared radiation to be trapped in the atmosphere and
heats up the Earth.
49. Why the surface zone contains a large portion of marine life?
The surface zone recieves a large amount of heat and light energy
from the Sun. This condition causes the sea water here to have a
suitable temperature and the process of photosynthesis can be
carried out successfully by planktons and marine plants here. The
existence of food source and suitable temperature could support
many marine life.

50. Convergent of Earth’s crust/ Tectonic plate movement

The mantle under the Earth’s crust is always in turbulence. This
movement causes certain parts of the Earth’s crust converged.
While converging, some parts of the Earth’s crust move upwards
and the other move downwards. The convergent of the Earth’s crust
caused the phenomena of the volcanic cones, earthquakes and the
formation of troughs and mountains.

51. Observe the solar eclipse image by using a basin of water.

To prevent the light from entering the eyes directly and injuring
our eyes. Besides, the image formed is clearer.

52. Why the sulphuric acid is added into the water when carrying
out electrolysis?
To increase the conductivity of electricity of the water.

53. We should heat the leaf in the water bath before testing the
presence of starch in the leaf. Why?
To break the cell wall and soften the leaf.

54. Why is the word “AMBULANS” written laterally inverted at the

front of the vehicle?
So that the drivers in front of the ambulance can see clearly the
true spelling of the image on the ambulance through the side mirror
or rear view mirrors as a result of the reflection of light and thus
giving way to it.

55. Explain why the rate of road accident increases after forest
burning occur.
Forest burning causes haze problem. The haze reduces the sight of
the drivers and motorcyclists. Hence, it increases the total number
of road accidents.

56. A high temperature increases the solubility of the fine sugar in

the water. Why?
When the water temperature increases, the particles of fine sugar
obtain more heat energy. This causes the particles of the fine sugar
to move faster into the spaces of the water.

57. The rate of diffusion of copper sulphate particles is slower in

agar than in water. Why?
The rate of diffusion becomes slower because the spaces between
the solid particles(agar particles) are smaller as the particles are
packed very close.So, it is difficult for the copper sulphate
particles to diffuse through and takes a longer time.

58. Why is the intake of calcium and protein important for the
pregnant women during their pregnancy?
Calcium helps in the healthy formation of foetus bones and protects
the bones and teeth of the pregnant women. Proteins help in
formation of new cells and tissues of the foetus.

59. What is the effect of the intake of alcoholic drinks and smoking
to the babies?
Alcohol causes the newborn babies have smaller size of head and
lower body weight than the average size at birth. Smoking causes
the babies to have high risk of developing respiratory problem and
also increases the baby’s heart rate./ The risk of delivering
premature babies or babies born with low body weight also

60. Is mother’s milk(breast feeding) better than formula milk?

Yes. It is because breast milk contains antibodies that can help the
bay to resist illness such as ear infection. Besides, breast milk is
more easily digested than the formula milk./ Breast milk also
increases the immunity system of the baby/ have more nutritious/
does not have preservatieves.

Extra Knowledge
Bunsen Burner--- Types of flame(luminous/ non-luminous)
Luminous flame is orange in colour whereas non-luminous flame is
blue in colour.(hotter)
Types of error--- Systematic error and random error
Accuracy -- The ability of a measuring instrument to obtain similar
readings with repeated measurements.
Consistency -- The ability of a measuring instrument to obtain a
uniform readings of a physical quantity.

Bahasa Melayu F1
1. Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan
2. Usaha tangga kejayaan
3. Enggang sama enggang, pipit sama pipit 只和地位相等的人交往
4. Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi 被信任的人出卖
5. Seekor kerbau membawa lumpur, habis semuanya terpalit 一人做错,
6. Membaca jambatan ilmu/ ilmu pelita hati
7. Kalau tidak dipecahkan ruyung, manakan dapat sagunya
8. Duduk sama rendah, berdiri sama tinggi
9. Jauh panggang dari api 无谓的答案/与所指的相差大
10. Antan patah, lesung hilang 祸不单行
11. Berkerat rotan, berpatah arang 恩断义绝/一刀两断
12. Orang berbudi kita berbahasa, orang memberi kita merasa
13. Hancur badan dikandung tanah juga, budi yang baik dikenang juga

Kata banyak makna

1. Kuat---sakit kuat 病重
---ribut yang kuat(kencang)
---kuat menghadapi cabaran/dugaan 坚强
---lelaki yang kuat itu merebahkan 推倒 lawannya 力气大

2. Mentah---daging itu masih mentah 生的,不熟

---pemuda yang mentah itu ditipu 未成年
---daun salad boleh dimakan mentah 生吃
---bahan mentah 原材料(未加工)

3. Gugur---polis yang gugur akan sentiasa dikenangi 死亡

---cucunya gugur 早产
---wangnya gugur dari poketnya 掉了
--- buah itu gugur 早熟的果实掉落

4. Terpendam---harta karun terpendam di dalam tanah 被埋

---kinginan Yasmin untuk membeli komputer itu
terpendam dalam hatinya 藏在心里

5. Selesai---selepas selesai 结束
---hutangnya telah selesai 还清
---selesai menjalani latihan 完成
---rambutnya selesai/ benang yang selesai 不乱
---selesai bercakap 口齿伶俐

6. Longgar---seluar yang longgar

---peraturan yang longgar
---ikatan tali yang longgar
---persahabatan yang longgar

7. Cerah---kulit yang cerah

---cuaca cerah
---baju yang cerah
---hidup cerah

8. Segar---peristiwa yang gembira itu masih segar dalam ingatanku

---sayur yang segar
---udara yang segar
---badan segar

9. Karam---kampung kami karamoleh air bah pada minggu lepas.淹没

---sebelum karam barang-barang di dalam feri itu dapat
Soalan KBAT
1. Tindakan yang boleh diambil untuk mengurangkan pencemaran
-ibu bapa membudayakan anak dengan amalan membaca buku-buku
bahasa Melayu
-guru-guru melaksanakan proses pembelajran bahasa Melayu di
sekolah dengan baik
-mengadakan kempen kesedaran untuk memartabatkan bahasa

2. Bentuk sokongan yang perlu diberikan kepada generasi muda agar

mereka rajin menabung.
-memberikan ceramah tentang kebaikan amalan menabung di sekolah
-menyediakan kemudahan membuka akaun bank di sekolah
-menyediakan skim pelaburan yang menarik kepada generasi muda
agar mereka tertarik hati untuk melaburkan wang mereka

3. Kesan-kesan daripada perkongsian logo hari kemerdekaan

tersebut terhadap rakyat.
-generasi muda akan sentiasa mengingati pengorbanan pejuang
semangat kebangsaan tanah air kita
-rakyat akan sentisa menghargai perpaduan yang kian terjalin di
negara kita yang terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum.
-rakyat akan sentiasa hidup harmoni untuk menjamin kedaulatan

4. Kesan-kesan industri pelancongan terhadap ekonomi negara

-dapat menjanakan sumber pendapatan negara
-dapat menaikkan taraf hidup rakyat Malaysia
-dapat menyediakan peluang pekerjaan kepada rakyat Malaysia
-dapat mempromosikan makanan setempat di negara kita
-dapat mengembangkan industri kraf tangan di negara kita

5. Usaha yang boleh dilakukan untuk menghargai jasa seorang guru

-murid harus mencapai kejayaan cemerlang dalam bidang akademik
mahupun kokurikulum
-murid boleh memberikan hadiah kepada guru semasa sambutan Hari
Guru peringkat sekolah
-kerajaan boleh memberikan insentif khas kepada guru yang benar-
benar berusaha sehingga anak murid mereka mencapai kejayaan luar
-kerajaan boleh menyediakan tangga gaji yang lebih menarik kepada
guru sebagai motivasi dalaman

6. Kesan terhadap negara jika rakyatnya hidup secara aman dan

- ekonomi negara bertambah maju dan setanding dengan negara-
negara maju lain
-peperangan dalam negara dapat dielakkan
-rakyat dapat menjalani kehidupan seharian dengan tenangnya dan
7. Manfaat yang dapat kita peroleh apabila melakukan aktiviti sukan
-meningkatkan stamina dan daya tahan tubuh badan
-menambahkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman baharu
-mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim dalam peserta

8. Amalan-amalan yang dapat dilakukan untuk membentuk keluarga

yang bahgia.
-mengamalkan nilai sayang-menyayangi dalam keluarga supaya dapat
merapatkan hubungan kekeluargaan.
-sikap saling menghormati mesti dipupuk antara ahli keluarga untuk
mengelakkan konflik dalam keluarga
-ibu bapa perlu memberikan didikan agama dan moral kepada anak-
anak untuk membentuk sahsiah diri anak-anak yang baik.

Kerangka karangan
1. Kebaikan Menabung
Amalan menabung merupakan amalan mulia yang perlu dipupuk sejak
kecil - melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya - ibu bapa boleh
membuka akaun simpanan anak-anak di mana-mana institusi kewangan
- persoalannya, apakah kebaikan amalan menabung dalam kehidupan
Isi-isi Penting
1 Membantuseseorangmenghadapicabaranpadahari muka yang tidak
menentu - memberikan jaminan masa depan jika kita menabung
dengan bijak - misalnya, mengurangkan pelbagai perbelanjaan
untuk hiburan dan aktiviti pelancongan - masa depan terjamin jika
amalan menabung dimulakan sejak kecil

2 Amalan menabung membolehkan simpanan dibuat untuk tujuan

pendidikan-ibu bapa dapat memastikan kelangsungan pendidikan
anak-anak hingga peringkat lebih tinggi memandangkan kos
pendidikan semakin meningkat- sediakan payung sebelum hujan -
contohnya, anak-anak yang mendapat keputusan cemerlang boleh
dihantar ke luar negara waima di dalam negara bagi mengikuti kursus
yang diminati - amalan menabung dapat merealisasikan cita-cita anak.
anak mereka dalam bidang pendidikan

3 Amalan menabung membolehkan masyarakat menghadapi saat-saat

kecemasan dengan lebih tenang - kos perubatan yang semakin
meningkat sering menjadi kebimbangan dalam kalangan masyarakat
contohnya, menabung dalam bentuk insurans dan kad kesihatan dapat
memberikan keyakinan bagi menghadapi sebarang musibah- amalan
menabung dapat memberikan keyakinan kepada kita untuk menempuh
pelbagai dugaan pada saat kecemasan

4 Dapat memupuk budaya berjimat cermat - keinginan untuk

berbelanja mewah secara boros dapat dibendung - misalnya, membeli
pelbagai barang perlu disusun mengikut keutamaan
contohnya,perbelanjaan isi rumah dibuat tidak melebihi kemampuan -
ukur baju di badan sendiri-amalan menabung dapat mewujudkan satu
budaya positif dan mulia dalam kalangan masyarakat

Amalan menabung dapat memberikan kelegaan kepada masyarakat
pada hari muka - malang tidak berbau- hidup perlu diteruskan
dengan cabaran-cabaran yang tidak dapat dijangka -bijak merancang,
hidup bahagia

2. Kesan positif dan negatif internet

Isi-isi Penting (Kesan positif dan negatif)
1 Memperkaya maklumat dalam diri remaja - Internet merupakan
gedung ilmu terbesar yang kaya dengan pelbagai disiplin ilmu -
maklumat boleh diperoleh melalui sentuhan hujung jari

2 Internet merupakan medium komunikasi yang paling efektif dan

pantas pada zaman ini - remaja dapat berinteraksi secara positif
untuk bertukar- tukar pandangan-satu kemahiran menyampaikan
maklumat dan berdebat secara matang

3 Internet merupakan pentas untuk mengetengahkan kebolehan dan

bakat remaja - banyak remaja seperti golongan artis dan karyawan
berjaya menjadikan laman sosial sebagai medium untuk
mempromosikan hasil seni dan kreativiti mereka

4 Internet juga mampu meruntuhkan moral dan akhlak remaja

sekiranya disalahgunakan - kandungan Internet seperti bahan lucah,
bahan subversif serta ideologi songsang bukan sahaja boleh
menyesatkan remaja tetapi melekakan mereka - pemuda harapan
bangsa, pemudi tiang negara

English F1
Paper 1 Part 2: Error Correction
(Verb--- + ing / + ed / + ly adverbs)
1. In---on/ out / to/ above/ under / at/ by/ up
2. Have---has/ had
3. Him--his
4. They--their/you/them/ We---our
5. Was---were/is/are/be/do/does/done
6. Or ---and/so/because/but/if
7. Off---of/for/in
8. A --- an/ the
9. Much --- many/ more / most/ mostly
10. May --- might/should/ must /shall(modal verbs)
11. Our--- your
12. Would--- could/ will/ can
13. Which--- who/ where /when
14. This---These
15. That---Those
16. With--for/ by /or/ through/ to / of/ in/ from
17. For---from/ into/ to
18. Neither---Either
19. Therefore---However
20. Both--- Each
21. Between--- among
22. Being---been
!!! Never 后面加 ed

Paper 2 Part 1: Short Communicative message

- It’s great news that……
- I just read your message. After thinking about that,……
- I am sorry to hear that. I think firstly,……
- ……that you mentioned sound interesting.

- I hope I have been helpful./ I hope my recommendation helps you
- Let me know……you decide to…
- All the best in……
- Give my love to……(parents/uncle/aunt)
- Hopefully by using a……,you are able to……
- Good luck!
- Have fun!
- I cannot wait to……
- Bye for now.

1. Favourite Pastime
My favourite pastime is playing badminton. I like playing
badminton because it is challenging and gives me a good workout.

I was introduced to badminton by my older sister,Kate when I was

eight years old. One evening, I was playing video games with Kate.
She then said that we had played enough video games. She
suggested we go out and play badminton instead. From then I was

I now play badminton every evening. Sometimes I go to the nearby

court but mostly I play in front of my house or at school. To play,
you only need a racquet and shuttlecocks so it does not require a lot
of money.

I am now quite good at it. In fact, I am even on the school team. I

hope I can represent the country one day, just like Datuk Lee
Chung Wei.

2. Camping Trip
My family and I went camping during the school holidays. We
camped for two days and one night. The campsite was in Tanah Aina,
Pahang. It was big and spacious and had many facilities such as
toilets and shower rooms as well as tables and benches for picnics.

My family and I rented two tents. My parents shared one tent

while I shared with my brother. We had fun setting up the tents. It
was such a challenging activity as I never set up a tent before that
and it had become an great experience for me to try something new.
We worked together and took only a short time then we had
finished setting up the tents.

After setting up the tents, we went jungle trekking which was

the most thrilling activity that I has been waited for. Father hired
a guide to take us into the jungle to see the flora and fauna which
rarely be seen in the city. I took out my camera and snapped a lot of
beautiful picture of the varieties of flora in the jungle so that I
could keep them as a souvenir.

Then, we had an enjoyable time cooking our own food over fire.
Enjoying the delicious food and the stunning scene at the camping
site were such a great fun for us. We also sang song around the
campfire and chit-chatted happily. That night was the first time I
slept in a tent. It was an unforgettable experience.
We really had a whale of a time and I think camping is a beneficial
activity. It brought us closer and made us forget about the stress
of city life. It also gives us a chance to induct ourselves to nature

3. Favourite Game
My favourite game is a board game called Monopoly. It is a classic
game where players compete with each other to buy properties and
earn the most money while racing around the board.

The maximum players for Monopoly are 4 players and each

players recieves the same amount of money to invest before the
game started. Then, when the game started, the first player will
throw the dice and move his or her chessman according to the
number of steps on the dice and followed by the next player. In the
first round, each players cannot buy or invest any project. After
the first round, its time for the players to buy their properties!

I usually play this game with my family or with friends as it is

best played with many people. Since a game usually lasts at least two
hours, players often bring drinks and snacks to share. This helps to
build strong bonds between us.

As Monopoly is a board game, it can be played anywhere at any

time. It has everything you need in one box. I like Monopoly because
it teaches financial management in a fun way. As the saying goes,
“kill two birds with one stone”. I can have fun while playing and also
learn some money management tips! Players also need to plan their
moves and negotiate with other players.

I feel extremely happy whenever I play this game.

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