You are on page 1of 11


1. Introduction to the Module ......................................................................................................... 3

2. Contact Details for the Module Leader (and Teaching Team) ..................................................... 3
3. Module Aims ................................................................................................................................ 3
4. Learning Outcomes ...................................................................................................................... 3
5. Teaching and Learning Approach Adopted on the Module ......................................................... 4
6. How Aula will be used to Support this Module............................................................................ 4
7. Teaching Weekly Scheduled Contact Time .................................................................................. 4
8. Module Reading List..................................................................................................................... 5
9. Assessments for this Module ....................................................................................................... 5
Coursework 1 Assignment Brief ......................................................................................................... 5
Coursework 2 Assignment Brief ......................................................................................................... 6
10. Marking Rubric (Marking Criteria) ............................................................................................... 8
Coursework 1 Marking Rubric ............................................................................................................ 8
Coursework 2 Marking Rubric ............................................................................................................ 9
11. APA Referencing......................................................................................................................... 10
12. Feedback of your Assessments .................................................................................................. 10
13. Deferral/Referral Assessments .................................................................................................. 10
14. Useful Resources for Support with your Module ....................................................................... 10
15. Extensions to Coursework Submissions ..................................................................................... 11
16. Important Dates ......................................................................................................................... 11

1. Introduction to the Module
Dear Students,
This module seeks to give you an introductory understanding of the nature of operations management
in the hospitality industry like hotels, resorts, restaurants, catering companies, airlines, cruise lines,
travel agencies, tour operators, visitor centres, festivals, amusement parks and convention centres
etc. with emphasis on hotel operations. Operations is central to the success of any business and is a
key strategic objective in the contemporary competitive environment, especially hospitality
businesses which rely so much upon reputation and service quality for success. Hospitality providers
are regarded as crucial to the success of service operations management. The core theory of
operations management applies to a wide range of hospitality businesses.
The module emphasises business awareness, proactive and logical thinking, research and analysis to
help managers make tactical and strategic customer experience management decisions on a local and
global scale. This approach will help graduating students to understand how hospitality operations
work, as many will experience front-line and customer-facing jobs in their working life.
It is our goal to help you succeed in your career. If you have any suggestions for improving upon the
material in the module handbook or in Aula, please do not hesitate to contact me.

2. Contact Details for the Module Leader (and Teaching Team)

Name of Module Leader E-mail Address Advice & Feedback Hour
(and Teaching Team) (Office Hour)
Mr Charles Cui Please see Aula page

3. Module Aims
This module seeks to give students an introductory understanding of the nature of operations
management in service industries like the hospitality industry. Operations is central to the success of
any business and is a key strategic objective in the contemporary competitive environment, especially
hospitality businesses which rely so much upon reputation and service quality for success. Service
providers are regarded as crucial to the success of service operations management. The core theory
of operations management applies to a wide range of service businesses. The module emphasises
business awareness, proactive and logical thinking, research and critical analysis to help managers
make sound tactical and strategic customer experience management decisions on a local and global
scale. This approach will help graduating students to understand how operations works, as many will
experience front-line and customer-facing jobs in their working life.

4. Learning Outcomes
The intended learning outcomes are that on completion of this module students should be able to:
MLO1. Communicate an understanding of the nature and centrality of operations in hospitality;
MLO2. Exhibit an in-depth understanding of the scope of hospitality operations and to be able to give
suitable examples;
MLO3. Demonstrate skills in the effective practice of critical participant observation in hospitality
settings and understand its limitations and ethical considerations;
MLO4. Resolve problems and poses possible solutions to hospitality industry operational dilemmas.

5. Teaching and Learning Approach Adopted on the Module
Teaching, learning and assessment at Coventry University London offers students the ability to
develop their knowledge, skills and competences through a curriculum that is purposely designed to
provide an exceptional learning experience and engage all with the four areas of curriculum excellence
to which Coventry University London is committed:
• Career-building
• 21st-century-learning driven
• Technology-enabled
• Internationally orientated
All modules will be available to students on-campus, supported by a learning management system
which directs their course of study. All teaching, learning and assessment materials will be available
to both staff and students via the system in a consistent and user-friendly manner. Students will
engage primarily via several learning blocks in each module:
• Knowledge & Understanding; this block is concerned with the sharing of academic theory and
concepts to ensure students have mastered a critical appreciation of current and relevant
research in the subject area.
• Application: this block brings the knowledge and understanding ‘to life’ by relating it to
current practice. It takes a critical view of the theory and concepts as they are employed in
the workplace to encourage students to evaluate their significance and merit.
• Analysis & Problem solving; this block requires students to develop and demonstrate their
essential analytical skills to respond to employer related problems by making a set of clearly
evaluated recommendations.
Assessment is explicitly related to both the module and course learning outcomes detailed above.
Students will be assessed through specific assessment elements each of which has an agreed
assessment weighting for the module.

6. How Aula will be used to Support this Module

The following will be published on Aula:
• Module guide,
• Reading list,
• Detail of assignments,
• Deadlines and dates for submissions,
• Lecture and learning notes,
• Additional papers and reading material.

Submission of assignments will also take place via Aula.

7. Teaching Weekly Scheduled Contact Time

The table below provides a schematic of the module, outlining the indicative content for each
session. Sessions are interactive and students are expected to participate and contribute to the class
discussions and debates.

Teaching Learning Journey Assessment and Feedback

Week 1 Introduction to Hospitality Operations
Week 2 Hospitality Product
Week 3 Characteristics of Hospitality Operations
Week 4 Food and Beverage Operations

Week 5 Lodging Operations
Week 6 Lodging Operations
CW1 – Individual Presentations
Week 7 Restaurant Operations
Week 8 Hotel Development, Franchising and
Week 9 Ethical Dilemma in Hospitality
Week 10 Future Trends in Hospitality Operations
Week 11 Recap and Revision
Submission (CW2)

8. Module Reading List

Essential Reading
• Walker, J.R. (2017) Exploring the Hospitality Industry: Global Edition, Pearson, Boston, 3rd Edition.

Recommended Reading
• Cousins, J., Foskett, D., Graham, D. and Hollier, A. (2019) Food and Beverage Management,
Goodfellow Publishers Ltd., Oxford.
• Hayes, D.K., Ninemeier, J.D. and Miller, A.A. (2017). Hotel Operations Management, Pearson, 3rd
• Walker, J.R. (2013). Introduction to Hospitality Industry, Pearson, Boston, 7th Edition

To access the full resource list for this module, enter 110LON in the search box that opens on clicking
the link below:

9. Assessments for this Module

Coursework 1 Assignment Brief

Assignment Title:
Individual Presentation on Operational Issues within Hospitality Industry
Submission Date and Time:
See Aula submission link
Monday (week 7) 31/10/2022 5:00 pm UK Time
Expected Return of Feedback and Marked Work:
14 days from submission
Assignment Weighting:
25% of the total marks (5 Credits)
Word Count:
10 Minute Individual Presentation (1000 words)
View guidance on word limits for written assignments here
Learning Outcomes Assessed by this Assignment:
LO1. Communicate an understanding of the nature and centrality of operations in hospitality;
LO2. Exhibit an in-depth understanding of the scope of hospitality operations and to be able to
give suitable examples;
Assignment Guidelines:
You are required to research a hospitality establishment of your choice. You will analyse your
subject and prepare a PowerPoint presentation showing the operational challenges it faces, as well

as offering solutions to these challenges. You should also use a literature review to support your

Challenges in current year for any hospitality establishment might involve: staffing, technology,
sustainability, and break out of diseases etc.

Structure and layout of the report

The length of the PowerPoint presentation is 10 minutes. You should follow the standard
presentation structure which includes:
• An introduction in which you explain the aim of the assignment, background of the
business and content to be covered.
• The body, in which you impart most of the information.
• A conclusion, in which you summarise the main points.
• A final slide with references.
• You may use additional handouts if you wish.

Submission guidelines
Submission will be online via Aula by the given deadline.
Any handouts presented must be included within the Aula submission as an appendix.
Files must be uploaded to Aula as a PPT. Use of Prezi is allowed, but uploads must be in the form
of a PPT file.
If you are unclear about how to upload, contact the IT department (in the library) for advice.

Skills Advice
You are expected to create a presentation and you are strongly recommended to attend Spotlight
sessions regarding these topics for further help.

Coursework 2 Assignment Brief

Assignment Title:
Individual report on operational issues for a chosen hospitality organisation.
Submission Date and Time:
See Aula submission link
Monday (Week 12) 5/12/2022 5:00 pm UK Time
Expected Return of Feedback and Marked Work:
14 days from submission
Assignment Weighting:
75% of the total marks (15 Credits)
Word Count:
3000 words
View guidance on word limits for written assignments here

Learning Outcomes Assessed by this Assignment:

LO3. Demonstrate skills in the effective practice of critical participant observation in hospitality
settings and understand its limitations and ethical considerations;
LO4. Resolve problems and poses possible solutions to hospitality industry operational dilemmas.
Assignment Guidelines:
Observe and analyse the operational challenges faced by a hospitality business of your choice, such
as a restaurant or hotel. Provide alternative solutions to these challenges in ways that
simultaneously improve the customer/guest experience and the efficiencies of operations.

You will present your work in the form of a report, which needs to include:
• An appropriate coversheet.
• A title page, including the given title in full.
• An executive summary highlighting the key points and the main outcomes of your report.
• A contents page.
• A detailed introduction outlining the aim and structure of your report as well as the nature
and background of the business you have chosen.
• A section that demonstrates research into the operational challenges within the hospitality
industry as a whole and the sector you have chosen in particular.
• Detailed findings that present the operational challenges your chosen business faces, which
could be based on some or all of the following: your observations, previous experience,
customer reviews/ interviews/ questionnaires and research.
• A discussion of how these operational challenges affect the customer/guest experience.
• A conclusion which presents an insight into how you would plan to overcome such
operational challenges, which should be clearly linked back to your analysis.

Ensure your report uses literature effectively throughout to support your arguments and the ‘big
statements’ you make. You should include a references list at the end of your report. Please ensure
you follow the APA referencing style, and include numbered appendices if applicable.

Your report should be word processed in accordance with the following:
• Font style, Calibri, font size 12
• 1.5 line spacing
• The page orientation should be ‘portrait’
• Margins on both sides of the page should be no less than 2.5 cm
• Pages should be numbered
• Your name [should/should not - delete as required] appear on the script.
• Your student number should be included on every page.
• Since this is a report, please ensure you use headings and subheadings appropriately.
• Word count: 3000 words. You are allowed to +/- 10% (between 2700 – 3300 words).

Skills Advice
You are expected to incorporate a strong academic underpinning to this report. Therefore aim to
refer to reading regularly using APA referencing.
You are strongly recommended to attend Spotlight sessions regarding these topics for further help.

10. Marking Rubric (Marking Criteria)
Coursework 1 Marking Rubric
CW1 0 Fail
No atte mpt, 2 (1-29)
Poor,- Fail 3 (30-39)
Inade - Fail
quate , 4 (40-49) - Pass 5 (50-59) - Pass 6 (60-69)
Compe te - Me
nt, rit 7 (70-79) - Distinction8 Articulate
(80-89) - Distinction
d, highly 9 (90-99)
Supe- Distinction
rb, 10 (100) - Distinction
No unsatisfactory incomple te , Basic, satisfactory, Re asonable , fair, comme ndable , Strong, proficie nt, impre ssive , outstanding, Faultle ss, publishable ,
Le arning Pillars We ight submission, , we ak limite d acce ptable appropriate e ffe ctive highly e ffe ctive e xce lle nt original industry standard
Cri ti ca l e xpl a na ti on
Suffi ci e nt ba s e d on
Incorre ct i nforma ti on tha t i nde pe nde nt
Subje ct Knowl e dge : unde rs ta ndi n The l e a rne r s l i ghtl y i s re l a te s to the s ource s ; The l e a rne r Us e cri ti ca l
Abi l i ty to di s cus s the g of the Li mi te d me e ti ng the cri te ri a . re s e a rch of s e l e cte d / de s i gne d re fl e cti on to Se l f-e va l ua ti on ha s
conte mpora ry the ory. Is not e vi de nce of hos pi ta l i ty hos pi ta l i ty a nd a nd a ppl i e d e va l ua te own work Ta ke re s pons i bi l i ty De mons tra te ta ke n pl a ce
ope ra ti ona l cha l l e nge s No a tte mpt, me e ti ng the unde rs ta ndi ng ope ra ti ona l ope ra ti ons . Ma ny a ppropri a te a nd for ma na gi ng conve rge nt / l a te ra l conve rge nt / l a te ra l /
wi thi n hos pi ta l i ty No a s s i gnme nt the hi s tory of cha l l e nge s we re not good poi nts ma de ; me thods a nd jus ti fy va l i d a nd orga ni s i ng / cre a ti ve cre a ti ve
i ndus try. LO1,LO3 s ubmi s s i on, re qui re me nts hos pi ta l i ty di s cus s e d prope rl y. but the re i s not a ny te chni que s . concl us i ons . a cti vi ti e s thi nki ng thi nki ng
15% Abs e nt ope ra ti ons . cre a ti ve thi nki ng.
Re a s ona bl e us e of
re l e va nt, cre di bl e
Pre s e nt the hos pi ta l i ty a nd Cri ti ca l a ppl i ca ti on
El e me nts a re re fl e cti on i n a ba s i c - bus i ne s s ba s e d on A ra nge of me thods
Orga ni s a ti on: mi s s i ng tha t orga ni s e d ma nne r. i nforma ti on Re l e va nt the ori e s i nde pe nde nt of pre s e nta ti on Se l f-e va l ua ti on ha s
Appl i ca ti on of the ory to i mpa ct Sl i ghtl y me e ti ng the ga the re d from a a nd te chni que s ha ve re s e a rch for ha ve be e n us e d a nd De mons tra te /conv ta ke n pl a ce
conte mpora ry No a tte mpt, unde rs ta ndi ng. cri te ri a wi th ba s i c ra nge of s ource s to be e n a ppl i e d. A conte mpora ry te chni ca l e rge nt / conve rge nt / l a te ra l /
ope ra ti ona l cha l l e nge s No No l ogi ca l No i ntroducti on, re fl e cti on to the s upport your work. ra nge of me thods ope ra ti ona l l a ngua ge ha s be e n l a te ra l / cre a ti ve cre a ti ve
wi thi n hos pi ta l i ty s ubmi s s i on, s e que nce of no tra ns a cti ons , re que s te d Re fl e cti ve a nd te chni que s ha ve cha l l e nge s wi thi n a ccura te l y us e d thi nki ng thi nki ng
i ndus try. LO1,LO3 15% Abs e nt i nforma ti on no concl us i ons . cha l l e nge s . concl us i on. be e n a ppl i e d. hos pi ta l i ty i ndus try.
Ne a r pe rfe ct
re fe re nci ng a nd
ci ta ti ons i n l i ne
wi th Cove ntry
Uni ve rs i ty London
Ha rva rd
Us e of Aca de mi c Re fe re nci ng
Re fe re nci ng:Re fe re nci ng gui de l i ne s .
a nd ci ta ti ons i n l i ne wi th Incompl e te Stude nts work ha s Stude nt ga the re d
Cove ntry Uni ve rs i ty re fe re nci ng a nd be e n thoroughl y hi gh qua l i ty of
London Ha rva rd Poor a tte mpt ci ta ti ons , tha t Exce l l e nt s upporte d by a n i nforma ti on form a
gui de l i ne s . to ci te or a re not i n l i ne The pre s e nta ti on re fe re nci ng a nd e xce l l e nt ra nge of va ri e ty of di ffe re nt
Us e of re fe re nce s to re fe re nce a ny wi th Cove ntry fol l ows a re fe re nci ng ci ta ti ons i n l i ne ve ry hi gh qua l i ty s ource s , i ncl udi ng
s upport the work of the Uni ve rs i ty s tyl e tha t Effe cti ve re fe re nci ng wi th Cove ntry s ource s . books , journa l s ,
pre s e nte d. s ource s us e d. London Ha rva rd mos tl y compl i e s wi th a nd ci ta ti ons i n l i ne Uni ve rs i ty London Outs ta ndi ng l i ce ns e d, da ta ba s e s ,
Us e of Aca de mi c Ve ry poor Re fe re nci ng the wi th Cove ntry Ha rva rd bre a dth a nd de pth we bs i te s a nd pri ma ry
Re fe re nce s Bre a dth a nd bre a dth a nd gui de l i ne s . Cove ntry Uni ve rs i ty Ci te d a l l s ource s of Uni ve rs i ty London Re fe re nci ng of re s e a rch wi th docume nts . Source s
de pth of knowl e dge de pth of Stude nts ha ve London Ha rva rd i nforma ti on a nd Ha rva rd Re fe re nci ng gui de l i ne s . e vi de nce of a re re l e va nt a nd a n
di s pl a ye d, i ncl udi ng re s e a rch wi th ma de l i ttl e Re fe re nci ng though i ma ge s a ccura te l y gui de l i ne s . Stude nts Us e of re fe re nce s Stude nts work ha s i nnova ti ve us e of e xce l l e nt e va l ua ti on
re l e va nt the ori e s , No a tte mpt, no e vi de nce e ffort to s upport the i n te xt ci ta ti ons to de mons tra te the work ha s be e n a nd quote s to be e n s upporte d by the re l e va nt of the we bs i te s us i ng
s upporte d by a ca de mi c No provi de d of the i r work wi th a re not ma de cre di bi l i ty a nd s upporte d by a good e va l ua te or a n e xce l l e nt ra nge the ori e s a nd a n a cce pte d
re fe re nce s LO1,LO3. s ubmi s s i on, the re l e va nt ve ry poor purpos e ful l y. a uthori ty of the ra nge of a de qua te i l l us tra te s pe ci fi c of a de qua te qua l i ty e vi de nce of wi de r e va l ua ti on tool ha s
10% Abs e nt the ori e s . qua l i ty s ource s . i nforma ti on. qua l i ty s ource s . poi nts of ope ra ti ons s ource s . re a di ng. ta ke n pl a ce .
A va ri e ty of di gi ta l
me di a a re us e d to
s ha re di s pl a y
Two di ffe re nt ki nds hi s tori ca l me di a .
Qua l i ty of Sl i de s : Appropri a te l e ve l of of di gi ta l me di a a re [gra phi cs , i ma ge s ,
Ea s y to re a d, s ui ta bl e Unre l a te d to te xt on the s l i de s . us e d. Ima ge s a re s ound, vi de o]
a mount of te xt a nd the me a nd Se e ms Ba s i c us e of Effe cti ve a mount of Profe s s i ona l l a yout, cl e a r. Al l e l e me nts Ima ge s a re cl e a r.
de ta i l s on e a ch s l i de ; di s tra cts unre l a te d to Some wha t e nha nce s pi cture s a nd te xt a nd a ppropri a te Exce l l e nt a nd s ui ta bl e a mount of cl e a rl y contri bute Al l e l e me nts
s ui ta bl e pi cture s a nd No a tte mpt, from conte nt; the me ; poor the me , but a re i nfogra phi cs . us e of gra phs . a mount of te xt a nd te xt a nd de ta i l s on to contri bute to
gra phs . Profe s s i ona l No i na ppropri a t qua l i ty, l a cki ng i n Acce pta bl e the me Upda te d Pa ge s a nd a ppropri a te us e of e a ch s l i de ; s ui ta bl e communi ca ti on of pos i ti ve e xpe ri e nce
l a yout. s ubmi s s i on, e re s ol uti on re s ol uti on or qua l i ty chos e n, wi th a n Mi cros oft Forma t gra phs a nd ta bl e pi cture s a nd the me or me s s a ge . of the whol e .
5% Abs e nt a de qua te l a yout. te mpl a te . cha rts . gra phs .
Spe a ke r
a ppe a rs
di s e nga ge d
from the
a udi e nce .
Spe a ke r l a cks
a ny body Spe a ke r
Spe a ke r moti ons or Pre s e nta ti on i s cons i s te ntl y us e s
a ppe a rs ve ry ge s ture s or cohe re nt, wi th i nfl e cti ons to
une a s y a nd de mons tra te s cl e a r i ntroducti on, e mpha s i s e ke y
i ns e cure . cons i s te ntl y Spe a ke r a ppe a rs tra ns i ti ons , poi nts or to cre a te Spe a ke r's ta l ki ng The communi ca ti on
Fa ce s di s tra cti on body ge ne ra l l y a t e a s e l a ngua ge us e , a nd Spe a ke r cons i s te ntl y Te chni ca l l a ngua ge i nte re s t. Spe a ke r pa ce i s cons i s te ntl y i s a ppropri a te for
a wa y from moti ons or a nd concl us i on; fa ce s the a udi e nce ha s be e n a ccura te l y cons i s te ntl y a ppropri a te . fa mi l i a r a nd
Communi ca ti on Ski l l s : the ge s ture s . confi de nt. s pe a ke r a nd ma i nta i ns good us e d. Spe a ke r's body fa ce s the a udi e nce Spe a ke r uti l i s e s the unfa mi l i a r
Enthus i a s m, El ocuti on, No a tte mpt, a udi e nce or Spe a ke r i s Some ti me s a ppe a rs de mons tra te s e ye conta ct. Spe a ke r moti ons a nd a nd ma i nta i ns good room ve ry a udi e nce s a nd
Eye conta ct, body No ma ke s no e ye compl e te l y to be e nga gi ng wi th i nti ma te us e s body moti ons ge s ture s ne i the r e ye e ffe cti ve l y vi a a ppropri a te me di a
l a ngua ge , poi s e . s ubmi s s i on, conta ct. s ta ti ona ry the a udi e nce . knowl e dge of the a nd ge s ture s ve ry s upport nor de tra ct conta ct. move me nt. ha ve be e n us e d.
5% Abs e nt s ubje ct e ffe cti ve l y. from pre s e nta ti on.
Li mi te d
Uns a ti s fa ctor pa rti ci pa ti on i n Fa ul tl e s s , we l l -
y cl a s s a nd Hi ghl y i mpre s s i ve s tructure d a nd
pa rti ci pa ti on i nte ra cti on wi th Stude nt come s to Re a s ona bl e The l e a rne r took the e nga ge me nt a nd a ccura te i n
i n cl a s s a nd pe e rs . cl a s s pre pa re d, but pa rti ci pa ti on i n Accura te vi s ua l , re s pons i bi l i ty to col l a bora ti on wi th e xpre s s i on a d
i nte ra cti on Ina de qua te doe s not vol unta ri l y cl a s s a nd ve rba l a nd wri tte n l e a d i n pre s e nta ti on l e cture r a nd Outs ta ndi ng re fl e cti on, ve ry e a s y
wi th pe e rs . unde rs ta ndi ng contri bute to i nte ra cti on wi th communi ca ti on of a nd a cti ve l y cl a s s ma te s . Hi ghl y e nga ge me nt a nd to fol l ow a nd
Poor of the di s cus s i ons a nd pe e rs . The a ppropri a te e nga ge d. The i mpre s s i ve , ve ry col l a bora ti on wi th unde rs ta nd. Stude nts
s tructure s i gni fi ca nt gi ve s onl y mi ni ma l re fl e cti on i s i nforma ti on. The re fl e cti on i s fl ue nt, we l l - l e cture r a nd work i n col l a bora ti ve
a nd ve ry probl e ms wi th a ns we rs whe n ca l l e d ge ne ra l l y fa i r, pre s e nta ti on a nd pre s e nta ti on i s a l s o s tructure d a nd cl a s s ma te s . groups i n whi ch the
i na ccura te s tructure a nd upon. s tructure d a nd re fl e cti on i s fl ue nt, ve ry fl ue nt, we l l - profe s s i ona l l y Supe rb, fl ue nt, we l l - groups ma ke
Indi vi dua l pe rs ona l re fl e cti on. a ccura cy i n The re fl e cti on i s fa i r a ppropri a te i n we l l -s tructure d a nd s tructure d a nd a ccura te i n s tructure d a nd de ci s i ons re ga rdi ng
re fl e cti on a nd No a tte mpt, Coul d ne i the r re fl e cti on, a tte mpt a nd fol l ows e xpre s s i on, a ccura te i n a ccura te i n e xpre s s i on a nd a ccura te i n pl a nni ng,
e nga ge me nt i n cl a s s No be fol l owe d di ffi cul t to ba s i c s tructure a nd re a s ona bl y e a s y to e xpre s s i on, ve ry e xpre s s i on, ve ry re fl e cti on. Ve ry e xpre s s i on, ve ry i mpl e me nti ng, a nd
de ba te a nd i nte ra cti on s ubmi s s i on, nor fol l ow a nd a ccura cy. fol l ow a nd e a s y to fol l ow a nd e a s y to fol l ow a nd e a s y to fol l ow a nd e a s y to fol l ow a nd e va l ua ti ng the i r
wi th pe e rs 50% Abs e nt unde rs tood. unde rs ta nd unde rs ta nd. unde rs ta nd. unde rs ta nd. unde rs ta nd. unde rs ta nd. work.

Coursework 2 Marking Rubric
CW2 0 Fail
No attempt, 2 (1-29)
Poor,- Fail 3Inadequate,
(30-39) - Fail 4 (40-49) - Pass 5 (50-59) - Pass 6 (60-69) - Merit 7 (70-79) - Distinction8 Articulated,
Competent, (80-89) - Distinction
highly 9 (90-99) - Distinction 10 (100) - Distinction
No unsatisfactory incomplete, Basic, satisfactory, Reasonable, fair, commendable, Strong, proficient, impressive, outstanding, Faultless, publishable,
Learning Pillars Weight submission, , weak limited acceptable appropriate effective highly effective excellent original industry standard
An Executive Overall well Coherent well Excellent executive Outstanding
Very limited Basic attempt at Summary is presented Executive presented Executive summary included. executive summary
No Executive attempt at an providing an presented which Summary that Summary that Demonstrates an with strong
Summary or Executive Executive Summary. partially highlights articulates the key clearly articulates articulated ability engagement. Super Exceptional
Inadequate Summary. Demonstrate a basic the key features of features of the the key features of to identify and b ability to identify executive summary
Executive summary, No attempt, information Incomplete ability to provide the submission. submission. the submission. provide coherent and provide included. A faultless
Introduction and No provided and introduction introduction to the Demonstrate Demonstrate a Demonstrate introduction to the coherent piece of work with
Background: LO2, L04 submission, no clear and report and the appropriate level of competent ability to proficient ability to report covering all introduction to the new insight brought
10% Absent introduction background. background. ability to identify identify and introduce the report the areas report covering all into the study.
Poor Inadequate Acceptable level of Work has made Knowledge based on Work shows a strong Work shows an Work shows an Highly critical work
understandin reference to knowledge and adequate commendable depth of knowledge excellent depth of outstanding depth shows an
g of suitable understanding, reference to sources.Work has by referring to knowledge by of knowledge by extraordinary depth
observation observation and mostly descriptive - suitable theories or made commendable suitable models, referring to referring to original of knowledge by
Knowledge and and hospitality based on weak concepts used to reference to suitable theories or concepts excellent models, models, theories or referring to
Understanding: Ability to No attempt, hospitality operations and sources. Work is support the observation and to support and theories or concepts to support innovative models,
Explain the Core No operations theory. Work is largely descriptive subject. Basic hospitality enrich the given concepts to support and enrich the theories or concepts
Concepts of the Subject submission, and theory. mostly and lacking evidence examples have operations theories subject in a highly and enrich the given given subject in a to support and enrich
LO2 30% Absent Work is highly superficial. in some places. been used to or concepts that effective manner. subject in a highly superb manner. the given subject in

Faultless critical
Thorough Impressive critical application and
Incorrect / An appropriate application which Highly critical application and analysis based on
No attempt, poor analysis Limited level of application perhaps lacks application analysis analysis based on professional/
Cognitive (thinking) No and application of Descriptive drawing which has some critical analysis or Critical application based on proficient original research industry standard
skills: Application of submission, application of theory and some low-level critical analysis or independent based on proficient research with with outstanding research with
Theory and Analysis LO4 30% Absent theory. analysis. analysis synthesis evident research research excellent synthesis synthesis excellent synthesis

Seems Identify and apply

unrelated strategies to find Ideas have been
Unrelated to totheme; not Acceptable appropriate generated and
theme cler evidence of evidence, related in Clear evidence of solutions. Use critical decisions taken,
Recommendations for No attempt, anddistracts understanding. some part with the understanding and Select/design and reflection to Take responsibility Demonstrate Problems have been
Operational Dilemmas No from The learner is latest trends of the learner is apply appropriate evaluate own work for managing and convergent/ solved,
LO4 submission, content;inap not meeting the restaurant meeting the methods and and justify valid organising lateral/creative Receptiveness to
20% Absent propriate criteria. management. criteria. techniques conclusions activities thinking new ideas is evident
Report is Report is Report is Report is Report is structured Report is structured Report is structured Report is structured Perfectly balanced
unstructured - unstructured - unstructured - structured correctly - overall correctly - overall at a high standard - at very high report- highly
overall layout overall layout overall layout shows appropriately - layout shows good layout shows very overall layout standard - overall structured - highly
shows no shows no effort. minimum effort. overall layout effort. Competent good effort. There is shows exceptional layout shows articulated . There is
Citing and Referencing - effort. There Incomplete Acceptable citing shows fair effort. level of citing and a very good level of effort. There is an exceptional effort. exceptional level of
Structure, Language No attempt, is no citing citing and and referencing Adequate level of referencing within citing and excellent level of There is citing and referencing
Used and Lay Out of the No and referencing within the report. citing and the report. Overall, referencing within citing and exceptional level of within the report.
Report LO2, LO4 submission, referencing within the Overall, the standard referencing within the report shows the report. Overall, referencing within citing and Overall, the report
10% Absent within the report. Overall, is satisfactory. In- the report. Overall, good academic the report shows the report. Overall, referencing within shows exceptional

11. APA Referencing
As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out research and using this when writing up
your coursework. Turnitin includes a plagiarism detection system and lecturers are experienced
enough to recognise plagiarism when it occurs.

To avoid academic misconduct and plagiarism remember it is not acceptable to reproduce another
source without acknowledging it in your assessment. This includes using paraphrasing as well as
direct quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference the work you have used. If you
need help putting your references into the correct style, you might like to start with the APA
Referencing: A Guide for Students, which can be found here. The Academic Support Unit also offer
workshops on APA referencing and can be booked here.

12. Feedback of your Assessments

You can normally expect to have marked coursework returned to you via Aula within two weeks.
Provisional marks and feedback can be provided online/in class/face to face. Your marks will be
formally approved once an external examiner has completed their review and a Subject Assessment
Board has ratified the results.

13. Deferral/Referral Assessments

The submission date for all referred/deferred work is notified by Registry.
Referral/Deferral exam period will be notified by Registry.

14. Useful Resources for Support with your Module

The Academic Support Unit provides Spotlight workshops focused on all areas of your learning to
provide you with the skills and confidence needed to succeed in your academic and professional
career. Workshops are one hour, interactive classroom sessions, which are run repeatedly
throughout the term. Workshops are delivered by our professional and academic staff according to
area of expertise. The Spotlight team can also run sessions on request for small groups, at a time
that suits you and colleagues.

The majority of information relevant to you while you study at the University has been brought
together into your course handbook. Please refer to your course handbook for any further
information you might require including:
• How to submit assignments,
• Deadlines and extenuating circumstances
• Plagiarism and referencing
• Who to go to for advice or if you are concerned
• How to provide us with feedback
• Key administrative procedures
• Student support and welfare
• Library

15. Extensions to Coursework Submissions
If you fail to submit by the specified deadline, you will get a mark of zero (0) unless you have an
authorised extension or deferral. The University wants you to do your best. We know however that
sometimes events happen and you may not be able to submit your coursework by the deadline. We
will try to help you in these situations. It is important that you follow the extenuating circumstances
procedure outlined in the Registry web pages. You should contact Registry as early as possible and
before the deadline, so that we can assist you.

You will find information about the process and what is or is not considered to be an event beyond
your control here.

See Course Handbook for more information.

16. Important Dates

Submission Date and Time for CW1: Monday (week 7) 31/10/2022 5:00 pm UK Time

Submission Date and Time for CW2: Monday (Week 12) 5/12/2022 5:00 pm UK Time


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