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2G Tourism and Hospitality Business Training evaluation questions

1. How would you rate the overall quality of the training program?
 Excellent
 V. Good
 Good
 Not Bad
 Poor
 V. Poor
2. Did the training program meet your expectations? If not, please explain, .
3. Which specific topics covered in the training program was most valuable to you?
 Introduction to Heritage and Museum Concepts
 Museum Functions and Collection Management
 Visitor Handling and Museum Marketing
4. Were the training materials and resources provided helpful in enhancing your understanding
of the topics covered?
5. How effective were the training methods used in delivering the content?
 lectures
 group discussions
 practical demonstrations
6. Did the training program provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute
to the successful renovation and revitalization of Dessie Museum?
7. Were the trainers knowledgeable and effect qdtive in delivering the content? Please

How would you rate the level of engagement and interaction during the training program?
Were there any areas of the training program that you felt could have been improved? If so, please

Would you recommend this training program to others? Why or why not?

These evaluation questions are designed to gather feedback from the trainees on the effectiveness of
the training program, the quality of the training materials and resources, and the trainers' effectiveness
in delivering the content. The responses to these questions can be used to identify areas of
improvement for future training programs and to assess the overall impact of the training on the
trainees' knowledge and skills.

Training report

[Title Page]

Training Report

Capacity Building Training for Ethiopian Heritage Trust


[Table of Contents]
1. Executive Summary

- Brief overview of the training program, its objectives, and key outcomes.

2. Introduction

- Background of the training program

- Objectives of the training

- Overview of the training methodology

3. Needs Assessment Analysis (NAA)

- Summary of the needs assessment findings

- Identified gaps and areas for improvement

4. Training Program Overview

- Detailed outline of the training program, including topics covered each day

5. Training Objectives

- Summary of the specific objectives of the training program

6. Training Methodology

- Description of the methods and materials used during the training program

7. Significance of the Training

- Benefits of the training at organizational, individual, and societal levels

8. Audience of the Training

- Identification of the target audience and their roles in the training program

9. Training Evaluation

- Summary of the post-training evaluation process

- Feedback and responses from the trainees

10. Acknowledgments

- Recognition and appreciation for the support and collaboration from involved parties

11. Conclusion

- Summary of the overall impact and effectiveness of the training program

12. Recommendations

- Suggestions for future training programs or areas of improvement

13. Appendices

- Additional materials, feedback forms, or supporting documents


This structure can be customized to include specific details, outcomes, and feedback from the training
program for Ethiopian Heritage Trust. It should provide a comprehensive overview of the training
program, its objectives, methodologies, and the impact on the participants.
Training codes of conduct

[Training Code of Conduct]

1. Introduction

- Purpose of the code of conduct

- Importance of maintaining a respectful and professional training environment

2. Professional Behavior

- Participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times.

- Respectful and courteous behavior towards trainers, fellow participants, and staff members.

3. Punctuality and Attendance

- Participants are expected to arrive on time for all training sessions.

- Notify the training organizers in case of absence or lateness.

4. Confidentiality

- Respect the confidentiality of training materials, discussions, and fellow participants'


- Avoid sharing sensitive information outside of the training environment.

5. Respect for Diversity

- Embrace and respect individual differences, including cultural, religious, and personal
- Avoid discriminatory or offensive language or behavior.

6. Use of Training Materials

- Use training materials and resources responsibly and for the intended purpose.

- Avoid unauthorized duplication or distribution of training materials.

7. Compliance with Policies and Guidelines

- Adhere to all training program policies, guidelines, and instructions provided by the trainers and

8. Feedback and Participation

- Engage in training activities, discussions, and exercises with a positive and constructive attitude.

- Provide feedback in a respectful and professional manner.

9. Compliance with Local Laws and Regulations

- Participants are expected to comply with local laws and regulations during the training program.

10. Consequences of Non-Compliance

- Outline the potential consequences of non-compliance with the code of conduct.

11. Reporting Violations

- Provide a process for reporting violations of the code of conduct.

12. Conclusion

- Acknowledgment of participants' commitment to upholding the code of conduct.


This outline can be customized to align with the specific requirements and expectations of the
training program conducted by 2G Consultancy. It should reflect the values, standards, and
expectations for behavior and professionalism during the training program.

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