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Vol. 16, No.

1 Tahun 2019 | 26-36

Moral Value in The Story of Bangbang Teja in Balamut of Gusti

Jamhar Akbar (Sainul Hermawan Transcription)

Noor Indah Wulandari a.1, Heppy Lismayanti b,2

STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin
1, 2

Informasi artikel ABSTRAK

Keywords: Lamut serves many values the lives of individuals with other
Moral Values, Lamut individuals in the community, good value education, moral and
cultural. Lamut art over the centuries has helped the establishment of
the pattern of attitude, mindset, and the behaviour of community
supporters. Literary works are able to uplift its readers from the
everyday to the level of superficiality is more civilized and subtil,
adding to the richness of the inner connoisseur, being more sensitive to
life and living. Therefore, the need to do research to learn more about
the value of moral in the acts of particularly lamut Bangbang Teja
Aria. This research is a kind of qualitative research with literary and
sociological approach using the method of dekskriptif analysis, i.e.
describing the facts which are then followed by analysis. The data
source of this research in the form of translation and transcript book
story lamut episode story in the Aria Teja Bangbang balamut Gusti
Jamhar Akbar, by Sainul Hermawan. Prints the year 2017 published by
Scripta Cendikia Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. As for the
engineering data analsis in this study i.e., descriptive techniques
(Arumsari, 2016:20), which lays out the overall data in advance. Next
the researchers interpret or identifying data collected. Results of the
study of moral values in the story such as Aria Teja Bangbang: 1)
Relationship of humans with God includes two aspects: (1) and (2) the
grace of God. 2) human relationships with himself include six aspects,
namely (1) optimistic; (2) to be honest; (3) the ingenious; (4) soft; (5)
liberality; and (6) patient. And 3) human relationships with other
human beings in a social sphere covers four aspects: (1) give nasih; (2)
friendship; (3) like the meolong; (4) the faithful; (5) willing to help.

INTRODUCTION sense (at home, at school, and outside the

Many of the factors that led to the
collapse of the nation's potential for Literary works are able to uplift its
Indonesia at this moment. Among them is readers from the everyday to the level of
the weakening of the value of education, superficiality is more civilized and subtil,
moral and culture of each individual. The adding to the richness of the inner
character of a nation plays a major role in connoisseur, being more sensitive to life
achieving the level of success and progress and living. Literature that was born by the
of the nation. Moral crisis caused by not literati is expected to be able to give you
effectively values education in the broad the satisfaction of intellect for the reader.
However, often the work of literature it the messages and values of religious,
was not able to be enjoyed and understood social, and culture of Banjar. Lamut is the
fully by most community members. art of the story speak performed by flying
Therefore, the need to let the study and or tools for the art tabuh hadrah. Since the
research of literature which is described to year 1500 A.d. to the present lamut is
be more easily understood by the public. known most communities as major
Literature as a reflection of the social tatamba or treatment as well as
culture of the nation must be handed down entertainment.
to generations of youth. According to
The purpose of this research can be
Herfanda (2008:131), literature has a great
formulated as follows: (1) describe the
potential to bring the community into the
relationship of man with God in the story
direction of changes, including changes in
of Aria Teja Bangbang Balamut Gusti
Jamhar; (2) Describe the relationship of
It is also like what is delivered by man with himself in the story of Aria Teja
Sehandi, (2016:17) that was created Bangbang Balamut Gusti Jamhar; (3)
because the author has good intentions for Describe human relationships with other
the suggested values, message, goals, as human beings in a social sphere in the
well as his thoughts and feelings in his story of Aria Teja Bangbang Balamut
mind. Inner experience delivered is a Gusti Jamhar. Researchers hope the oral
means of education for the community of literature of lamut remain sustainable as its
connoisseurs of literary works. One of the name derived from the Arabic "laamuta"
literary works that have moral values are, which means it is not dead.
as in the story of lamut lamut serves many
values the lives of individuals with other
individuals in the community, good value Type of this research is a
education, moral and cultural. Lamut art descriptive qualitative research. Bogdan
over the centuries has helped the and Miller (Moleong, 2006:3) suggests that
establishment of the pattern of attitude, qualitative research is research that
mindset, and the behaviour of community generates descriptive data in the form of
supporters. the written word or spoken from people or
behavior is observed. This research use
Lamut is one genre of literature, a
sociological approach to literature. Basic
tradition of oral story-telling or describes
philosophical approaches to Sociology is
SOCIA: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial | 27
the essential relationship between a literary According to Mudjiarahardjo
work with the community. Relations is (Sujarweni, 2014:34) is a data analysis
caused by: a) literary works produced by activities to organize, sort, classify, code or
an author, b) author itself is a member of sign, and categorizes them so obtained a
the public, c) author of harnessing the finding based on the focus of the issue or
wealth that exists in society, and d) the want to answered. As for the instruments
results of the literary works that utilized in the collection of data is as follows:
back sociological Approaches by the
Table 1.
public, especially to Indonesia, good old
Instrument Research
literature or modern land of promising
research that will never dry (Ratna THAT ARE TION
1 Human hmt
This research uses descriptive relationship
With God
analysis method. The method of this 2 The hmd
research is done by way of describing the of man with
facts which are then followed by analysis. 3 Human hmm
The source of the data used in this study relationships
with other
i.e. book transcripts and translations of the human
story story episode lamut Bangbang Aria
Teja in balamut Gusti Jamhar Akbar, by
Sainul Hermawan. Prints the year 2017 The data obtained will be analyzed
published by Scripta Cendikia Banjarbaru, with descriptive technique (Arumsari,
South Kalimantan. 2016:20), which lays out the overall data in
Data collection techniques used in advance. Next the researchers interpret or
this research is the technique document. identifying data collected.
The document is a record of events that
have already passed. The document could
have shaped the writing, pictures, or the RESULT AND DISCUSSION
monumental works from someone.
The moral is derived from the Latin word
Documents that shaped the work of such as
Mores, meaning custom. The word mores
artwork, which can be either an image,
have synonyms; MOS, moris, manner or
sculpture, film, and others. (Sugiono,
manners, mores morals in Poespoprodjo
(Muslich, 2013:20). In Indonesia language
28 | SOCIA: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial
the word moral means of morals or thanks by remembering that the favour of
decency which contains the meaning of the God, and so forth; (2) individual moral
code of conduct or code of conduct inner values constitute the moral values related
conscience be supervising inner behavior to human relationships with private life, or
in life. But according to according to how humans treat yourself; (3) as social
Endraswara, (2013:44) the moral attitude is creatures, humans can not escape from the
a must in the literary copyright. Literature others. Humans certainly do relationships
will depict a particular moral stance, at with other human beings in daily life, both
least aimed at building community. The in the family environment, society and the
moral stance to form a high level of State.
ideology in social culture. Wrong literary work that has moral
value is lamut. Lamut literally comes from
Moral values in the literary work
the Arabic laamuta which means that is not
must always exist, because readers are
dead. This is a hope, that the lamut is
mengkhayati the results of literature will
always there and were able to survive and
find it a useful for life. According to
is able to adapt to the times. While
Guidance dkk (2016:2) says of literary
etymologically the word lamut/balamut
works were created in addition to
was one of the names of the characters in a
providing amusement or pleasure, also
story or a play which was performed.
became a means of cultivation of moral
Lamut is the literature of ancient times and
values. Literary work serves to develop
pre-independence literary history.
feelings of the subject values achieve
Lamut born since the 15th century in
intimacy towards a semi-democracy. The
the form of oral literature without music.
moral is a very important regulation
When Islam is growing in South
enforced in a society because it can be a
Kalimantan, Banjarese King Sultan
signs in life as well as the patron for the
Suriansyah, bearing then lamut
community itself.
accompanied music called flying. Musikk
The moral is divided according to the
instrument is influenced Islamic Arts in the
Guidance section of some dkk (2016:3) as
form of burdah and hadrah. Maman
for the kinds of moral values as follows:
(2004:4) says lamut is the masterpiece of a
(1) the moral values of divinity, is the
Tartar who come to work and serve in the
moral values that concern the relationship
Kingdom of Srivijaya was during the
of man with God. A servant who always
menjatkan prayer to the Lord, always give
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golden age, the writers write a Tartar Meaning:
“The Bismillah..
Nation literature in Chinese characters.
“Bismillah early told you this”
This literature is the literature said (BTA/hmt:06)
that is a Chinese tradition. This nation
From the quote above, it appears
loves to trade to all corners of the world,
that the pelamut or who carries the story of
especially to the plains of Southeast Asia
lamut always start their stories with
past the Islands in the archipelago,
mention of the name of God. This shows
including land kerling (Borneo).
the relationship of man with God. That
At each performance figures lamut or
what is delivered in a European to
commonly called Uncle lamut, though not
goodness it will be a good result anyway.
the central character, but is a very
Aside from pelamutan, also in the many
important figure in taking a decision. Since
texts that refer to the moral values of the
tahun1860 balamut Arts began spreading
order relating to the hubunngan of man
to Central Kalimantan and East
with God, as reflected in the citation the
Kalimantan. In 1926 when the European
following script:
technologies such as movies and
gramaphone penetrated into the general
“Ya pun, ibu mendoakan pun. Ya semoga
public, traditional art began to selamat diperjalanan dan lagi selamat
kembalinya putraku.” (BTA/hmt:34)
marginalized populations.
"Yes my son. Mother pray for hardness,
hopefully in perlajanan and be back again
Human Relationship With God my son " (BTA/hmt:35)

Pray Ridho on God is a mother, and a

good boy always asked for consent when
Moral values relating to human
he wanted to go abroad. Any mother say
relationship with God. A servant who
their prayers to the Lord so that the son
always menjatkan prayer to the Lord,
always bless her. This is a manifestation of
always give thanks by remembering that
the human relationship to God.
the favour of God, and so on. The
following excerpts of the manuscript:
The Grace Of God
“Bismillah ini..
Bismillah ini mula pang kubilang” The grace of the Lord here meaning
(BTA/hmt:05) is all the good that is handed down by God.

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Kindness received directly or indirectly i.e. “Lamun damintu, ulun esok pagi handak
bajalan. Yah, kada tantu perjalanan ini.
via intermediaries. Virtue provides benefits
Baikpun di gunung, di hutan atau di
created his servant, so that a slave could to kampung lain. Kalu kada mandapat ilmu
laduni ulun mungkin tiada pulang ka
share to the world around them in order to
banua Perak Kencana.”(BTA/hmd:20)
favour the Lord the greater perceived by
the servants. Like the following script
"All right then. The Temple will depart
excerpt illustrates the gift to the King, but
tomorrow morning. Either where the
the King give the grace of the Lord, i.e. by destination. Ulun going up the mountain
and enters the forest. If it does not get in
leading the Kingdom in a fair and sensible.
science, ulun will not return to Perak
Kencana. " (BTA/hmd:21)
“Ini kasugihan Raja kabanyakan senjata.
Kabanyakan rakyat di banua Perak As the son of a King, of course have
Kencana. Lagi pulang di Banua Perak
a big responsibility to carry on the throne.
Kencana ini aman, damai, tentram dan
sejahtera” (BTA/hmt:14) Need to have a high science and migrated

Meaning: to the country people is the best way to get

"This is the King's wealth very much got
the weapon. Rakyatya too much. Besides
Perak Kencana secure, peace, peaceful, Honest
and prosperous ". (BTA/hmt:15)
Honest is the definition of the nature
shown by someone if he says or talks by
A secure, peaceful country peaceful
saying what it is. Said as he knows or he
and prosperous course because it has a
heard without exaggerating. Honest nature
good King and the Trustees in
means careful straight (no lie). The
following script excerpt illustrates

The Relationship Of Man With Himself someone's honesty.

Optimistic “Maksud ulun ini bukan handak babini,

tidak. Cuma ulun mancari pengalaman di
banua malih di banua urang. Handak
Optimism is an unyielding effort
malihat adab tata krama, bagaimana di
before getting what you want. So keep nagri urang dan, bagaimana di nagri
surang dan panghidupan di banua urang
trying whatever would happen. Optimistic
penghidupan di banua surang.”
attitude has always had good expectations (BTA/hmd:40)
in every way. Like the quote the following Meaning:
"Yes, the temple is not intended to seek a
wife. Ulun looking for experience in the
Affairs of others. Ulun wanted to see adab
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and manners of the country people, and Ingenuity in the fight with the enemy is
how to live in our own country if compared
indispensable in order to win the battle as
to the standard of living in the country. "
(BTA/hmd:41) reflected in the following texts:
From the excerpt above, the youth
“Lamut tanding perang. Lamut baluncat di
said that the imaged with to be honest tangah pasiban alun-alun. Siapa Lamut
tadi surupannya? Aria Sena Gampuran
that's not looking for wife's aim was to
Alam. Aria Sena Gampuran Alam maubah
wander. But rather to seek to add insight. dirinya jadi naga putih. Naga putih
malancar di tangah pasiban”
Ingenious (BTA/hmm:86).

Ingenious is a smart person who
has certain ways to get the desired in terms "Jumping into the action field Lamut.
Lamut aka Aria Sena natural turn itself
of goodness. So one's perspicacity, make
into Gampuran baga white. Dragon slid
others wonder. The ingenuity demonstrated paseban amid "(BTA/hmm:87).
by the speed he's thinking more precisely With proven strategies of war to that of
how to get out of trouble again. Like the lamut, managed to win the battle.

following script excerpt when Lamut save

the Aria Teja Bangbang's son in the siege Soft
of the enemy.
Soft is soft and smooth; limp, weak;
“Lamut bajalan ka balakang mahligai. not hard; not a loud; good heart; smooth;
Lamut memejamkan matanya. Lamut
mengubah tubuhnya...” (BTA/hmd:76) and bad taste in heard. Gentle nature
means someone in words or behavior
towards others she is very gentle (not
"Falling backwards Lamut. Lamut closed grainy). Gentle attitude in lamut nasah also
his eyes and turn his body ... "
(BTA/hmd:77). reflected as follows:

“Dingarani Raden Peramah Sahdan,

bukan Prama. Peramah karena tutur
In the quote the text imaged that
katanya ramah tamah. Orangnya adil, baik
lamut turn himself to trick enemies. Real han. Pokoknya jakanya ibarat mancari
paut tu kada kawa. Tempeleng urang kada
easy just to fought with the enemy to
malawan paribasanya.” (BTA/hmd:98).
lamut. But it could take some casualties.
Then the lamut prefer to rely on cleverness
"Named after Raden Peramah Sahdan
by setting the strategy until finally
instead Prama. Peramah because of the
managed to save Son Teja Bangbang Aria. friendly summoned, good and fair. There is

32 | SOCIA: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial

no comparison. Ditempeleng people don't same terms with demanding religious
fight." (BTA/hmd:99).
knowledge to scholars or kiayi. As
From what's presented the reiterated in the quote the following script:
pelamutan, that Raden Peramah has a
gentle nature, very friendly and hospitality. “Nah cari nang bangaran ulamalah! Na
ulama Allah. Cari bujur-bujur ikam!”
This is the moral value of a human (BTA/hmm:18).
connection with himself.
"Well Find scholars of God. Earnest!”
Human relationships with other human
beings in a Social Sphere
Give each other advice is a form of
Give Advice human relationships with other human

Giving advice to others is a form of beings in a social sphere. Many script

human relations towards others. In this excerpts showed the presence of give each

case gives advice to children, wife, other advice. Among them the following:

husband, family, friends, neighbors and “Bagus, ujar Bangbang Teja Aria nak ai.
Ayo kuijinakan ikam. Cuma sabuting ujar
even the new dikenla. Advise tenntunya Bangbang Teja Aria, di kampung urang di
have a good purpose. As illustrated on the Banua urang, ikam harus halus-halus adab
budi pekerti, kasih sayang cinta mencintai,
following script excerpt: tulung manulungi, sayang manyayangi,
bantu mambantu putraku.”
“Ikam nih sudah ganal. Karena selama- (BTA/hmm:34).
lamanya ikam akan meninggalakan
kampung halaman. Nah, ikam mancari Meaning:
ilmu, mangaji, di manakah mangaji!” "A good deal. Rama allow. Just remember.
(BTA/hmm:18). If you are in the land of the people, you
have to be courteous and polite. Take care
Meaning: Bob pekertimu. Care about other people's
"Since you've been great, try looking for love, love, help, and mutual help, my son. "
work or looking for science. Leave your Aria Teja Bangbang Said. (BTA/hmm:35)
hometown. Search science. The Koran"
(BTA/hmm:18). Advising has high expectations for
someone who was given advice. Giving
From the excerpt above, looks the
advice is also the same as pleading for
role of father to drive her son on something
prayer to God Almighty to granted what to
good. Although his father was a famous
King of his fortune but still not shattered
our intention to ask her son to go abroad to Friendship
seek knowledge, advance the science of
religion. In South Kalimantan made the
SOCIA: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial | 33
Hospitality or fraternity can be
defined a bond very closely in touch Although only a glass of water, but
whether it's because of the same parents or it means a lot to a person who is in need.
other family limited. In the paper the lamut This is a manifestation of human
much describes the attitude of friendship. relationships with others in the form of
As illustrated on the following script helpful attitude.
“Ulun banyak-banyak manarima kasih Loyal familiar words to be heard.
atas kadatangan sinuhun. Lagi pulang
The faithful may imply the existence of
kada kawa ulun mambalasakan budi
pakarti sampian, jasa-jasa sampian...” someone at home or still want to
accompany others deemed to family,
Meaning: friends or companions.

"Ulun grateful pian came. Ulun very “..Ulun sayang, cinta lawan turunan pian
grateful over the coming pian sampian. nangini han. Lawan datu sampian, moyang
Ulun cannot reciprocate goodwill sampian sampian pun sampai ka kai sampian.
... " (BTA/hmm:25). Sampai ka kuitan sampian. Sampian ka
putra sampian pulang nah. Ulun ni maabdi
salama-lamanya pun, han.”
From the quote above, it is
envisaged that the existence of a family of
closely interwoven. Although everyone has
".. Ulun dear love to the descendants of
the bustle of each is not a reason not to
sampian is ancestral to, love, parents, right
bersilaturahim and please help. up to this sampian. Now go home. The
Temple will serve all. " (BTA/hmm:95).
Helpful From the above quote, tergabar that

Helpful is someone who is very fond of a character loyal to the King of lamut. It is

when it could help someone else with the defined with the word serve forever.

ability he's got. The following script

excerpt illustrates the attitude is helpful. Willing To Sacrifice

Willing to sacrifice artinnya

“Ayu ka sini nak, ka sini, (lalu dibari
banyu..). (BTA/hmm:38). sincerely, willing and not expect a reward
for the benefit of others. The nature of
someone who dared to take the risk to meet
"Come on, over here Son" (and then given
the demand of a person. Almost could
water) (BTA/hmm:25).
34 | SOCIA: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial
answer the life for someone she cared 2. The relationship of man with
about. himself include six aspects, namely
(1) optimistic; (2) to be honest; (3)
In the paper the lamut researched,
the ingenious; (4) soft; (5)
there are many quotations that illustrate the
liberality; and (6) patient.
existence of the attitude of being willing to
3. Human relationships with other
sacrifice even life as stakes. Because in the
human beings in a social sphere
story of Aria Teja Bangbang Lamut, trying
covers four aspects: (1) give nasih;
to save it's son King of the innocent being
(2) friendship; (3) like the meolong;
punished and tortured. The following
(4) the faithful; (5) willing to help.
excerpts of the manuscript:

“Urusan ikam ya urusanku, karana ni REFERENCE

darah dagingku, anak cucuku”
Emti, Ian. (1992). Lamut sastra Lisan
(BTA/hmm:90). Teater Tutur Kalimantan Selatan.
Banjarmasin: Taman Budaya
Meaning: Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. 1992
Hermawan, Sainul. (2017). Kisah
"None of your business have I to do too! Bangbang Teja Aria dalam Balamut
Because they are my flesh, blood of my Gusti Jamhar Akbar Transkripsi dan
granddaughter son! " (BTA/hmm:91). Terjemahan. Banjarbaru: Scripta
The manuscript's quote is an idea
Hidayah, Nur Kholis dkk. (2016). Nilai-
willingly sacrificed to save the life of the Nilai Moral Dalam Novel Negeri
son of King though have to bet the life. Lima Menara Karya A. Fuadi.
Jurnal Nilai Moral, 1-11. (Online,
Maman Mukhlis. (2004). Lamut.
Based on the results of the analysis of Banjarbaru: Scripta Cendikia.
the story of Aria Teja Bangbang in
Moleong, L.J. (2006). Metodologi
Balamut Gusti Jamhar Akbar (the Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: PT
transcription Sainul Hermawan), then it
can be summed up as follows: Ratna, Nyoman Kutha. (2015). Teori,
Motode, dan Teknik Penelitian
Sastra. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
1. The relationship of man with God
includes two aspects: (1) and (2) Sehandi, Yohanes. (2016). Mengenal 25
Teori Sastra. Yogyakarta: Penerbit
the grace of God. Ombak.

SOCIA: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial | 35

Sujarweni, V. Wiratna. (2014).
Metodologi Penelitian. Yogyakarta:
Sugiono. (2013). Metode Penelitian
Pendidikan (Pendekatan Kuantitatif,
kualitatif, dan R&D). Bandung:

36 | SOCIA: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial

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