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Nombre de la actividad: Vocabulary

Nombre del estudiante: Margareth Alexandra Arriola Ramos

Grado: Noveno Sección: "A"


Loud (Ruidoso) adj: The first definition of loud in the dictionary is relatively great in volume.
Another definition of loud is making or being able to make sounds of relatively great volume.

Mad (Enojado) adj: Angry or annoyed.

Musician (Músico) noun: The musician only plays his own compositions.

Agree (Acordar) verb: To have the same opinion.

Nearly (Casi) adv: Almost, or not completely.


Laugh (Risa) verb: The act or sound of laughing.

Push (Empujar) verb: Pushing one thing.

Pool (Piscina) noun: A small area off usually still water.

Immediate (Inmediato) adj: Happening or done without delay or very soon after something
Blood (Sangre) noun: The red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart, and carries
oxygen and important substances to organs and tissue, and removes waste products.

Film (Película) noun: A series of moving pictures, usually shown in a cinema or on television
and often telling a story.

Carefully (Cuidadosamente) adverb: With great attention.


Advice (Consejo) noun: An opinion that someone offers you about what you should act in a
particular situation.

Download (Descargar) verb: To copy or move programs or information into a computer's

memory, especially from the internet or a larger computer.

Instruction (Instrucción) noun: Something that someone tells you to do.

Lift (Levantar) verb: To move something from a lower to a higher position.

Advanced (Avanzado) adj: Modern and well developed.

Digital (Digital) adj: Recording or storing information as a series of the numbers 1 and 0, to
show that a signal is present or absent.

Explain (Explicar) verb: To make something clear or easy to understand by describing or

giving information about it.


Member (Miembro) noun: A person, animal, or thing that is part of a group.

Photography (Fotografía) noun: The activity or job of taking photographs or filming.

Laptop (Portátil) noun: A computer that is small enough to be carried around easily and is
flat when closed.

Sort (Ordenar) noun: A group of things that are of the same type or that share similar

Happen (Pasar) verb: Of a situation or an event.

Message (Mensaje) noun: A short piece of piece of information that you give to a person
when you cannot speak to them directly.

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