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Name:_________________________________ Subject and Section: ____________Date:__________

Endocrine System:

I. Briefly provide definition and the function of the following glands:

 Pituitary
 Anterior Pituitary
 Anterior Pituitary EM
 Posterior Pituitary
 Adrenal Gland
 Zona Glomerulosa
 Zona Fasciculata
 Zona Reticularis
 Adrenal Medulla
 Thyroid
 Parathryroid
 Endocrine Pancreas
 Islets of Langerhans

II. Reveal the location of the endocrine glands in the human male and female.

III. Draw a schematic diagram (example) for negative feedback and positive feedback.
IV. Concept Mapping: (Follow the Concept Map) Provide a concept map for the following hormones
 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
 Anti diuretic hormone
 Growth Hormone
 Adrenocorticotropin Hormone
 Follicle Stimulating Hormone

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