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2. a decrease in blood O2 level below its normal values

6. inflammation of the bronchi caused by irritants

8. hemoglobin with 02 bound to its heme groups

9. condition in which the airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus

10. respiratory adaptations result from this


1. mixture of lipoprotein molecules produced by secretory cells of the alveolar epithelium

3. small, air-filled chambers where the air and the blood come into close contact with each other

4. external openings of the nose and is also known as nostrils

5. the process of moving air into and out of the lungs

7. neurons involved with respiration are located here


5. hemoglobin with 02 bound to its heme groups

7. small, air-filled chambers where the air and the blood come into close contact with each other

9. mixture of lipoprotein molecules produced by secretory cells of the alveolar epithelium

11. condition in which the airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus


1. principal organs of respiration, and on a volume basis they are among the largest organs of the body

2. inflammation of the bronchi caused by irritants

3. the process of moving air into and out of the lungs

4. respiratory adaptations result from this

6. a decrease in blood O2 level below its normal values

8. neurons involved with respiration are located here

10. external openings of the nose and is also known as nostrils

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