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Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1. Identify the
environmental attributes to be considered for the EIA study. 2. Formulate objectives of the EIA
studies. 3. Identify the methodology to prepare rapid EIA. 4. Prepare EIA reports and
environmental management plans. MODULE I Introduction: Concepts of environmental impact
analysis, key features of Nationalenvironmental policy act, Environmental protection acts, EIA
methodologies Screeningand scoping - matrix and network methodologies for impact
identification, description ofthe affected environment environmental indices, Rapid EIA and
Comprehensive EIA. MODULE II Prediction and Assessment of Impact on Air and Water
Environment: Basicinformation on air quality, sources and effects of air pollutants, key
legislations andregulations, impact prediction approaches, assessment of significance of
impacts,identification and incorporation of mitigation measuresAssessment of impact on water
quality (surface and ground water), Vegetation andwildlife. MODULE III Prediction and
Assessment of Impact on Noise & Social Environment: Basicinformation on noise, key
legislation and guidelines, impact prediction methods,assessment of significance of impacts,
identification and incorporation of mitigationmeasures, Environmental Risk Analysis, Definition
of Risk, Consequence Analysis. MODULE IV Decision Methods for Evaluation of Alternative:
Development of decision matrix. Public participation in environmental decision making,
techniques for conflictmanagement and dispute resolution, verbal communication in EIA studies.

References: 1. Canter, L.W. Environmental impact assessment. McGraw-Hill.1997 2. Marriott,

B. B.Environmental Impact Assessment: A Practical Guide. McGraw-Hill Professional.1997 3.
Peter Morris, P.and Therivel, .Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment. Routledge.2001 4.
Denver Tolliver, D.Highway Impact Assessment. Greenwood Publishing Group.1993 5. Jain, R.
K., Urban, L. V., Stacey, G. S. and Balbach, H. E. Environmental Assessment. McGraw-Hill
Professional.,2001 6. Relevant IRC and CPCB codes. 7. Anjaneyalu, Y. Environmental Impact
Assessment Methodologies. B.S. Publications, Hyderabad.2002 8. Canter, R.L.Environmental
Impact Assessment. McGraw Hill Inc., New Delhi.,1991 9. Environmental Assessment Source
book , Vol.I, II & III., The World Bank, Washington, D.C.,1991 10. Judith Petts, J..Hand book of
Environmental Impact Assessment. Vol. I& II, Blackwell Science.,1999 Type of Questions for Semester End
Examination (SEE) PART - A (8 x 4 = 32 marks) Question No. I (a) to (h) Eight short answer questions of 4 marks each with two questions from
each of the four modules. PART - B (4 x 10 = 40 marks) Question nos. II, III with sub sections (a), (b) ---- 10 marks each with option to answer
either II or III from Module I. Question nos. IV, V with sub sections (a), (b) ---- 10 marks each with option to answer either IV or V from Module II.
Question nos. VI, VII with sub sections (a), (b) ---- 10 marks each with option to answer either VI or VII from Module III. Question nos. VIII, IX
with sub sections (a), (b) ---- 10 marks each with option to answer either VIII or IX from Module IV. The maximum marks that can be awarded for
the Semester End Examination (SEE) will be only 60, even though the questions are for 72 marks.


Course outcomes: On completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Identify and frame
issues of sustainable development through the integration of theoretical knowledge from several
disciplines relating to sustainability 2. Provide knowledge necessary to apply green technologies
in sustainable building construction and materials; and different rating systems. 3. Gain
knowledge and understanding of world water problems and sustainable water management 4.
Understand the critical linkage of waste management and resource recovery in achieving
sustainability 5. Identify challenges and strength of various energy conservation technologies 6.
Analyze and provide solutions to use resources efficiently and effectively to solve sustainability
challenges and to manage risk to minimize adverse impact to people or the environment from
local, national and global perspectives MODULE -I Evolution of sustainable development
History of Sustainable Development, Sustainable development Goals Global issues in
sustainability- International SD issues-SD in developing countries Dimensions of sustainability-
Climate change - causes and effects-water supply and demand - energy - generation options and
economic effects- sustainable cities land use, density and transport issues- pollution and waste
management -ecology and biodiversity 97

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