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Comp1 - Computer Fundamentals and Programming is complicated and difficult to understand,

especially to those who are not knowledgeable in computer. The learning that I gain from
computer 1 is that you have to be very careful because there are many theories, memorization
and familiarization to do. In chapter 1, I learned how the computer evolve from 500 B.C up to
present and who, what, when they invented these particular computers. In chapter 2, I learned
how the data processes in the computer (Input (Storage (Process (Storage (Output) and what
are the components to use to process the data. In chapter 3, in this topic there are numerous
input devices to use for example the keyboard, pointing devices, voice and video input,
scanners and reading devices, digital cameras, and biometric input. At first, I thought that the
only input devices are the peripherals that found in the personal computer or PC. In chapter 4,
there several output devices to memorize these are the display, printer, fax machine, and
multifunctional peripherals, for me this is the easiest chapter of all the chapters that I
encounter. In chapter 5, I learned what are the components of the system unit and what are
their function for example the Ram, function as the temporary storage, SSD as the permanent
storage, and the power supply that converts the AC power to DC power. In chapter 6, I learned
what are the Internet and the Computer Software. Internet is the global information system
and the Computer Software is the instructions, data or programs used to operate computers
and execute specific tasks. The of the example of software is the Operating System or OS which
control of all operations

of the system. In chapter 7, I learned more about the shortcut keys for example, Ctrl + a which
means to select all, Ctrl + c which means to copy, and Ctrl + v which means to paste. In
programming I think this is the most difficult lesson that I encounter this whole semester
because I have to be careful to type if I don’t want to my program to become error.

My experience in Comp1 - Computer Fundamentals and Programming is not that easy at first, I
thought I know everything but the time when I saw the module, oh I need more to learn. The
computer fundamental is not that complicated because it is more memorization and
familiarization but, when it comes to the programming my head became blank. I need to go
back to the module because I forgot what to do or what to type, and I encounter errors when I
run my program. But overall, I learned something new thanks to my instructor for making the
modules easy to read and to learn. I gained some knowledge and experience to become ready
for the next semester and the future.

Ma’am Marigon is very kind and considerate person because she knows that the internet in the
Philippines is very unstable. Not all of us students have a Wi-Fi connection that is a lot faster
than the Mobile Data. Ma’am Marigon accept the quizzes and exam even though it is late
because of the acceptable reasons. So far, Ma’am Marigon is the best teacher that I encounter
and I hope that all the teachers in WIT the same as Ma’am Marigon because several of the
teachers that I encounter is not considerate especially when it comes to the quizzes and exams
because not all students are financially stable.

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