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1. Subject : English
2. Time Allotment : 30 minutes (from 10.40 to 11. 10)
3. Venue : AD Building R 301
4. Class : VII SMP
5. Level : (same ability level)
6. Semester : First semester
7. Language Focus/Basic Competence : writting dan speaking
8. Topic : introduction
9. Prior Knowledge : Greating
10. Objectives :


Level of Taxonomy Operational Verbs for Objectives

Behavioral Terms
1.Knowledge ( Recall of tell, define, name, repeat, The students are able to list their
specific information) state, list, recall, identify, personal data

2.Comprehension infer, review, generalize, The students are able to describe

(Understanding of restate, paraphrase, relate, theirself
communicated information) describe, explain,
transform, change,
summarize, give examples,
3.Application (Use of rules, solve, apply, demonstrate, The students are able to show the
concepts, principles, and prepare, show, use, list of their personal data
theories in new situation) modify, employ, report

4.Analysis (Breakdown distinguish, detect, dissect, The students are able to survey
information into parts) differentiate, break down, the errors from another
uncover, list, diagram, appearance
survey, separate,
categorize, classify,
compare, contrast,

5. Synthesis (Putting together create, design, develop, The students will have the ability
of ideas, concepts, principles, construct, compose, plan, to produce the complete data of
and theories into a new or modify, organize, devise, theirself
unique plan) produce, generate

6. Evaluation (Judging the judge, decide, select, The students will have the ability
value of materials or ideas on justify, appraise, assess, to evaluate their personalities
the basis of set standards or criticize, verify, evaluate,
criteria) recommend, debate,



1 Menerima nilai menerima suatu nilai dan memberikan perhatian

terhadap nilai tersebut
2 Merespon nilai menjawab suatu nilai, dan mereka memiliki rasa
puas dalam membicarakan nilai tersebut

3 Mengapresiasi nilai menganggap nilai tersebut baik; menyukai nilai

tersebut; dan komitmen terhadap nilai tersebut



Peserta didik mampu:
1 Meniru meniru suatu gerakan/tindakan dari hal yang diamati
2 Mengembangkan mengembangkan gerakan/tindakan yang memiliki ketepatan
presisi yang baik tanpa ada kesalahan yang berarti
3 Melakukan tindakan mengembangkan gerakan/tindakan yang dipelajari sebagai suatu
alami miliknya yang alami

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Step/Phase Estimated Teacher Role/ Activity Student Role/ Patterns of Success Indicators Purposes
Time Activity interaction
Beginning the

• Entering the 2 second Teacher enters the Students ready T-SS Answer and receipt Students
classroom class to receipt their each other know that
teacher the teacher
has exist in
the class
• Everyday 20 second Teacher asks Students answer Answer each other To warm
greeting students condition teachers (between teacher and up
question about students) and teacher situation,
their condition know students make
condition mental
teacher and

• Meeting a new 3 minutes Teacher gives Students Teacher says: Students and teacher Students
class greetings and asks respond teacher Hello class, this able respond each and teacher
chance to students greeting and is my first time to other are able to
for introducing their give chance to teach you. know each
self teacher for Let me introduce other and
introducing myself or etc. between
him/herself students said: ok them can
mom/sir nice to make a
meet you (T-SS) mental

• Taking the
Register 3 minutes Teacher checks Students T-SS Respond each other Teacher
students presence respond teachers know
check absence students
who absent
and present
in the class

After the
Teacher asks who chairman guide Students aware that Train the
• Getting down to
the chairman of that for praying, the praying before students for
start (Start with
prayers) 2 minutes class and then ask students are studing is important conduct
she/he guide her/his praying together T-SS, SS-SS and should be the praying
friends to pray habitual action. before
Reviewing the
Running the class Asking the previous previous lesson The students are To recall
a. Presentation lesson capable of reviewing the
• Beginning with 2 minutes the previous lesson previous
revision (prior T-SS, S-T lesson
knowledge) Listening to the
Introducing a new teacher The teacher can To
• Starting
something new lesson describe the material introduce
2 minutes that will be taught students
T-SS with the
Listening to the
• Telling the Teacher explains the teacher The teacher can state To give the
objectives 1 minutes objectives the objectives of students
teaching and learning insight
T-SS process. about what
they will
get in the
end of
Listening to the
• Presenting the Teacher explains teacher The students To give the
materials 5minutes the materials understand the students a
materials new
+ 31 T-SS materials
Asking the
• Making things Let the students to unclear part(s) The students To make
ask for the unclear problems in sure that
understanding 1 minutes materials, explains understanding the students
for clarification T-SS, S-T, materials are solved understand
the material

Listening to the
• Telling the Mention the teacher T-SS The students can To give
sequences of sequences of explain about insight to
activities the 2 minutes activities for practice sequences of the students
students have to and production ( T-SS-T activities that will be about the
do to achieve the writtung ) done activities
that will be
2 minutes Pay attention the The students can
a. Activities for Teacher explains explain T-SS-T introduce theirself
Practice : how to do the (writing )
completing the activities

Pay attention the The students can

b. Activities for 2 minutes teacher T-SS-T Inroduce theirself
Production/Use: Teacher makes the (writing )
each students students Introduce
introduce theirself (writing ) To
theirself complete
b. Practice the
 Based on the Completing the The students are able
sequences of
30 second missing parts in to complete the
(completing the
Guiding and sentences T-SS missing parts of
introduce) monitoring the sentences.
students So that the
• Checking Students can can
progress Students ask complete the complete
1 second Guiding and about the task T-SS itroducuce well the
monitoring the that teacher Introduce
students gives
- -
c. Production/Use
Completing the
• Based on the Guiding and missing parts in
sequences of 10 second monitoring the sentences
activities students

• Giving/Taking Teachers gives Students asks T-SS

turns (reporting 20 second chance for asking to about the
or asking the students problem that
questions, etc.) they find

Closing the lesson T-SS

d. Closure
Teacher give signal
• Checking the 1 minutes that lesson will Students
time finish by ask about respond by
time or ask students answering
make their activity teachers
as soon as possible question about
finish the time
• Setting taking Teacher Give them
home 1 menutes homework Students do
assignment what teacher
expectation to
Teacher give
10 second limitation of time T-SS
• Stopping work and give signal or
announcement that Students
the exercise should respond by stop
be finish quickly their work

• Ending the 20 second Teacher close the

lesson class

Teacher say good respond what
• Saying good bye 3 second bye to students teacher said to T-SS

Answer teacher

Teacher ask to
• Clearing the 2 second students for T-SS
class checking everything
that maybe forget or Students do
leave in class what teacher
expectation to
Makassar, 20-Nov 2022

Peer Teachers,

Jul asro


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