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Subject Class/Semester Topic Time Allocation

English VIII/I Interactions that request
attention, check 2 X 45 Minutes
understanding, reward
performance, request and
express opinions
School SMP ------
KI 1: Appreciate and live up to the teachings of the religion they adhere to.
KI 2: Living and practicing honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual cooperation,
cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and pro-active and showing attitude as part of the
solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment and in
Core Competence
position themselves as a reflection of the nation in the association of the world.
KI 3: Understand and apply knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on their curiosity
about science, technology, arts, culture related to visible phenomena and events.
KI 4: Processing, reasoning, presenting, and creating in the realm of concrete and abstract realms
related to the development of what one learns at school independently and acts effectively and
creatively, and is able to use methods according to scientific rules.

3.1 Applying the social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of oral and written
interpersonal interaction texts involving the actions of requesting attention, checking understanding,
Basic Competence
appreciating performance, requesting and expressing opinions, and responding to them, according to
the context of use.
4.1 Compose very short and simple oral and written interpersonal interaction texts involving the
actions of requesting attention, checking understanding, appreciating performance, and requesting and
expressing opinions, and responding to them with attention to social functions, text structures, and
correct and contextually appropriate language elements.
3.1.1 To know the expressions of getting attention in English. (C1)
3.1.2 To determine the expressions of asking for and giving opinions in English (C3)
Indicator 3.1.3 To find expressions of appreciating someone's work in English. (C4)
4.2.1 To create short conversations that use the expressions and responses of requesting attention,
checking understanding, appreciating someone's performance, asking for and giving opinions
according to the context. (C6)
After following the learning process, students are expected to be able to:
 Students are able to pay attention to the text structure, grammatical elements, social functions
of getting attention, and giving a response
Learning objectives
 Students are able to understand how to get the attention of a person or a crowd.
 Students are able to create a short conversation that contains the expression of attention and its
 Students are able to respond appropriately when someone asks for their attention.
Method Discussion, Assignment and Group working
Media : Slide Power Point, Worksheet, Laptop
Media, Tools, Learning Resources Tools : Projector (Infocus)
Learning Resources :
1. Buku penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris When English Rings The
Bell, kelas VIII, Kemendikbud, revisi Tahun 2016

Learning Activity Steps


Time Allocation Study activities

Teacher Student

1. Greeting 1. Students return the greeting

2. Pray 2. The class leader leads the prayer and the
10 minutes 3. Attendance students pray together
4. The teacher conveys the competencies to be 3. Students raise their hands when their
achieved and conveys today's learning name is called.
objectives. 4. Students listen to the explanation from
the teacher


Study activities

Time Allocation Teacher Student

70 minutes ● The teacher tells about activities related to the ● Students listen to the teacher's story
topic, namely interactions that request attention, ● Students listen to what the teacher conveys about the
check understanding, reward performance, subject matter to be discussed
request and express opinions ● Students listen to what the teacher says about the
benefits of learning the lessons to be learned in
● The teacher informs the students about the topic everyday life.
that will be discussed during the meeting

 The teacher conveys the topic and shows  Students study examples to ask or to get
examples of Giving and asking for attention related to the topic studied
information related to ask or to get attention.  Students sit in predetermined groups.
 The teacher divides students into several
groups consisting of 2-3 people.
 The teacher distributes student worksheets  Students work on worksheets by making
and helps work on the worksheets by dialogues with their group mates
making dialogues to ask or to get attention  Students display the results of their group
regarding the ability and willingness to take dialogues.
an action
 The teacher asks students to display the work
of each group.
 Teacher and students discuss worksheets


Time Allocation Study activities

Teacher Student

10 minutes  Teacher review the materials by asking students  Students answer the teacher's questions
what they have learned today  The class leader leads the prayer and the
 Teacher closing the lesson students pray together
 Pray and greeting
 Students give greeting

Learning materials

1. Definition
Asking for attention is when we tell something, for example information, explanation or a story, we need our listener pay attention to our
information. Giving attention is expression of showing our attention to other people. We need to pay attention to other people showing that we
care about them.
Ways to get attention. And the use of checking for understanding in daily life. Examples of expressions in requesting attention and checking for
understanding. The use of expressions in asking for attention and checking for understanding

2. Social functions
Recognize the importance of expressions of asking for attention, checking understanding, appreciating performance, requesting and expressing
opinions in everyday life.

3. Text structure
 Simple sentence forms for requesting attention, checking understanding, rewarding performance, requesting and expressing
Hello, excuse me. Listen, everybody. I think you need to read Chapter I. Sure, let's go. It is very dirty. Your picture is so beautiful. And

 Simple forms of questions.Example:

Hey guys, are you coming with me? Are you with me? May I have your attention please Is it clear? And so on

4. Language Features
a) Expressions related to requesting attention, checking understanding, appreciating performance, requesting and expressing opinions.
These include:
Excuse me. Attention please. Do you understand? Are you with me? Your picture is so beautiful. What do you think of ...? In my opinion,
and others.

b) Interrogative Words: What, What do you ...? What is ...? How

c) Speech, word stress, intonation

d) Spelling and punctuation

5. Example
To get attention To ask or get Attention (meminta perhatian)

To get attention Responses

- Excuse me - What can I do for you
- Pardon me, but... - Yes?
- May I have your attention, - Alright
please? - Sure
- Attention, please - It’s ok
- I’m sorry, but... - We are ready
- Hey! - Yes, ma’am/sir
To check someone’s understanding
Social function of Checking someone’s Understanding or to check if we are understood

Checking Responses showing
showing that
someone’s that someone
someone doesn’t
understanding understands
- Do you - I see what you’re - I don’t get it
understand what saying - I don’t follow you
I’m saying? - I see what you mean - I’m not sure I get your
- Do you know - I understand what point
what I mean? you’re saying - I’m not sure I know
- Do you know - I’m with you what you mean
what I’m talking - I hear you
about? - I know
- Do you follow
- Are you with
- Right?
- Is it clear?
- With me so far?

To give compliments / rewarding someone’s work

- To show appreciation to others : To give compliments about something
To compliment someone Responses
- Excellent! - Thanks
- Nice try! - Thanks, I’m glad you like it
- Great
- What a great mark!
- How beautiful!
- You look great
- You are clever
- Wow, that’s marvellous
- Terrific
- That’s really fantastic, sir

To asking and giving opinions

- To tell ask what we or other people think of something
Asking for opinions Giving opinions
- what do you think...? - I think..
- what’s your opinion about..? - I must say...
- how do you feel about..? - From my point of view...


1. Sikap spiritual

a. Teknik Penilaian: Observasi

b. Bentuk instrumen: Lembar observasi

No. Sikap yang dinilai Instrumen

Mengagumi suara, dialek, dan gesture temannya

1. 1–3
sebagai sempurna nya makhluk ciptaan tuhan YME.

Lampiran 1
2. Sikap Sosial

a. Teknik Penilaian : Penilaian diri

b. Bentuk instrumen : Lembar penilaian diri

No. Sikap yang dinilai Instrumen

1. Percaya diri 1

2. Kesopanan 2

3. Tanggung jawab 3

Lampiran 2

3. Pengetahuan

a. Teknik Penilaian : Tes tulis

b. Bentuk instrumen : Uraian

No. Indikator Instrumen

Menyebutkan 3 ungkapan mendapatkan perhatian dalam

1. Soal No 1
bahasa Inggris.

Menyebutkan 3 ungkapan mengecek pemahaman dalam

2. Soal No 2
bahasa Inggris.

3. Menyebutkan 3 ungkapan meminta dan memberikan Soal No 3

pendapat dalam bahasa Inggris.

Menyebutkan 3 ungkapan menghargai pekerjaan

4. Soal No 4
seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris.

Lampiran 3

4. Keterampilan
a. Teknik Penilaian : Tes praktik
b. Bentuk instrumen : List pengecekan
No. Indikator Instrumen
1. Melakukan dialog percakapan dua orang didepan kelas Tes praktik
Lampiran 4

Lampiran 1

Penilaian sikap spiritual

Digunakan untuk menilai sikap spiritual peserta didik.

1. Buatlah dialog percakapan yang mengandung ungkapan attention dan mengecek pemahaman dengan teman sebangkumu.

2. Hafalkan dialog percakapan yang sudah di buat.

3. Presentasikan didepan kelas dialog percakapan yang sudah dihafalkan.

No Penilaian sikap Skor

1 2 3
1 Menilai suara temannya saat berbicara dalam bahasa

2 Menilai dialek temannya saat berbicara dalam bahasa


3 Menilai gesture temannya saat berbicara dalam

bahasa Inggris.

Jumlah Skor yang diperoleh

Kriteria Penilaian:

Nilai = Jumlah Skor yang Diperoleh X

Skor Maksimum

Konversi Penilaian:

Sangat Baik (SB), apabila 3 < Skor ≤ 4

Baik (B), apabila 2 < Skor ≤ 3

Cukup (C) apabila 1< Skor ≤ 3

Kurang (K) apabila Skor < 1

Lampiran 2

Penilaian sikap sosial

Digunakan untuk menilai sikap sosial peserta didik, dalam hal: percaya diri saat melakukan presentasi, kesopanan dalam berbicara, dan bertanggung
jawab dalam menyelesaikan tugas yang telah diberi.

Lakukan penilaian terhadap diri sendiri dalam hal percaya diri, kesopanan, dan tanggung jawab saat mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan
Lembar Penilaian Diri berikut.

No. Sikap
1 2 3

1. Percaya diri

2. Kesopanan

3. Tanggung jawab

Jumlah Skor yang Diperoleh

Lampiran 3

Penilaian pengetahuan

Digunakan untuk menilai pengetahuan peserta didik pada materi pokok tentang ungkapan perhatian, mengecek pemahaman, meminta dan memberi
tanggapan, dan menghargai pekerjaan.


1. Menyebutkan 3 ungkapan mendapatkan perhatian dalam bahasa Inggris.

2. Menyebutkan 3 ungkapan mengecek pemahaman dalam bahasa Inggris.

3, Menyebutkan 3 ungkapan meminta dan memberikan pendapat dalam bahasa Inggris.

4. Menyebutkan 3 ungkapan menghargai pekerjaan seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris.

No. Jawaban Skor


1. 2. 5



2. 2. 5



3. 2. 5



4. 2. 5


Maksimal skor 20

Kriteria Penilaian:
Nilai = Jumlah Skor yang Diperoleh X 100
Maksimal skor

Lampiran 4

Penilaian keterampilan

Digunakan untuk menilai keterampilan peserta didik dalam hal, membuat sebuah percakapan, mempraktekan didepan kelas percakapan yang telah
dibuat oleh siswa dan gesture tubuh yang diharapkan sesuai.
a. Buatlah kelompok yang berjumlah 2 orang
b. Buatlah dialohg percakapan tentang cara mendapatkan perhatian dari teman sebangkumu!
c. Hafal dan presentasikan dialog percakapan yang telah dibuat!
No. Indikator 1 2 3
1. Kosa kata
2. Ejaan tulisan
3. Pengucapan
4. Kelancaran
5. Gesture
Jumlah Skor yang Diperoleh

Kriteria Penilaian:
Nilai = Jumlah Skor yang Diperoleh X 100
Maksimal Skor

Tanjungpinang, 20 May 2023


(Galuh Pratama)

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