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For Rosa Parks

On a bus, in the city of Montgomery,

A woman came aboard.
Little did anyone know at the time,
That this woman would change the world.
When the color of your skin made a difference in society,
And determined how you were treated,
There was a woman, who wanted to change that all,
And in the front of the bus, she seated.
When she was asked to move to the back like the rest,
She simply shook her head and didn’t budge.
Even though he was a white man,
She was going to be the judge.
And even as they cuffed her hands,
And sent her away to jail,
In her mind, she was not finished,
She knew she didn’t fail.
Her actions started a very important movement,
In the history of African Americans.
It sparked a revolution for equality,
And so the civil rights movement began.

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