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What do you think is the contributions of Erikson's theory towards enhancing

understanding of career development?

Erikson's theory of psychosocial development is a useful framework for
understanding career development. Our experiences over the course of our lifespans
influence how we view ourselves and our place in the world. This can impact our choices
regarding future education and work experiences, and it is important to reflect on these
experiences as we move through young adulthood and enter a career.

This theory helps us think about career development in a way that is useful, but it
is not an end-all-be-all method for understanding our job choices. It is simply one
theoretical perspective, or framework, for thinking about what makes for a successful
career. If you can learn to see the good (and bad) points of Erikson's theory, you can
start thinking about what aspects work for you and which doesn't fit as well. If you use the
theory as a tool to help frame your own thoughts about challenges and successes in your
life, it might be able to help you get closer to figuring out what you want out of life—what
will make you happy. Of course, your own personality might not fit into Erikson's mold
perfectly, but I believe it does provide some benefit in helping us make sense of how we
develop over time

Moreover, psychosocial development theory is incredibly important because it

addresses the multiple facets of individuals as they grow and interact with the
environment. It is a theory of human development that encompasses childhood issues,
but also recognizes how personalities continue to develop later in life in reaction to critical
life events. The theory is also significant in that it acknowledges the importance of social
relationships during each stage as they help shape preferences and behaviors as well as
personality traits.

Because so many people face challenges in their lives, Erikson's theory remains
relevant today’s career development. Understanding the stages of development can
help you to see how your career life has been or could be similar to others, and it can
help you learn ways to better cope with the challenges you face today.

In conclusion, Erikson's psychosocial theory of development has been and

continues to be a useful framework for understanding how individuals career change as
they move through life. it remains a useful tool for understanding and provides a holistic
view of development in an individual's development over the course of his or her life.

MAED, Guidance and Counseling

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