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Mouse Deer And Crocodile

Once upon a time in a vast wilderness lived many kinds of animals. One of them is the
mouse deer. This mouse deer known to had amazing cleverness. Not only clever but it is
also known as a friendly animal because it always helped animals in need.

One day, the mouse deer walk around the forest. The mouse deer then hungry and
decided to eat some grass. But unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to relieve its hunger.
Feeling dissatisfied, the mouse deer continued to walk until it arrived at a riverside. The
mouse deer then drink the water to freshen up its body.

After drinking, the mouse deer who was looking at the river immediately lit up when he
saw something interesting on the other side of the river. There were many fruit trees that
might be delicious. So, the mouse deer decided to eat that fruits to relieve its hunger.

But unfortunately, the flow of the river was too strong to allow him to cross the river. So,
the mouse deer looked around and thought of a way to cross that strong-flowing river.
Seen some crocodiles, the mouse deer then found a way to cross the river safely.

Not long after that, a crocodile came out to the river bank towards the mouse deer who
looks happy, “Hey mouse deer! What are you doing here? Would you like to be our
meal?” asked the crocodile to the mouse deer. The mouse deer then answered with its
cleverness, “I have a piece of good news for you all! I was ordered by the king to count
the number of crocodiles in the river so he could give you all some fresh meats. You just
need to line up on the river and I’ll count you all.”

Hearing the mouse deer’s story, the crocodiles happily lined up on the river and formed a
bridge that allows the mouse deer to cross the river. “We are ready!” answered the
crocodiles excitedly. The mouse deer then happily hopped the crocodiles and pretended
to count the crocodiles that had lined up like a bridge.

After arriving on the other side of the river, the mouse deer then thanked the crocodiles,
“Thank you crocodiles, thanks to you, I can cross this river safely”. Knowing that they
have been deceived, the crocodiles angry and shouted to the mouse deer, “Arghhh! You
will be our meal next time!”. Didn’t care about the crocodile’s anger, the mouse deer run
fast and eat all of the fruits freely.

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