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Andy Yang
English Composition
Mr. John Stephens
June 17, 2018
Global Warming
Human science and technology progresses little by little, but at the same time
there are many negative effects. The environment is the foundation of the world.
People’s major concern is the impact of industrial progress on the environment. Many
experts believe that global warming is one of many negative effects, but there are
many controversies within this issue.
Many people think that global warming is due to the carbon dioxide emitted by
industries, which leads to global warming. Solar radiation, atmospheric circulation,
and surface conditions are the three basic factors that contribute to climate change. In
addition, there are four other factors that affect climate change, which are human
activities, solar activities, and volcanic activity. Factors that affect global warming
include natural factors and man-made factors. However, the main factor that has
contributed to the continuous global warming in recent history is the man-made factor
(human activities). Since the industrial revolution at the end of the 19th century, the
industrialization and urbanization of the countries in the world have developed
rapidly, resulting in atmospheric greenhouse effects such as CO2. Gas levels continue
to increase, and forest vegetation are decreasing and being destroyed. The global
coverage of forest vegetation has continued to decline, and the ecological functions of
CO2 and O2 in the atmosphere have been declining. As a result, the global
"Greenhouse Effect" has continued to increase, making the world much more unstable
than how it was 100 years ago. Climate change still continues. Natural factors have
cyclical rather than persistent impact of solar activity on global warming. Solar
activity has a warming effect during the enhanced period (peak period), and also has a
cooling effect during the weakening period (lower season). Climate change also has
an impact, but the continuous increase in the "greenhouse effect" of gases such as
CO2, which is caused by human activities, is much less relevant to global warming.
A famous French physicist named Irish John Tyndall accurately measured the
absorption of infrared radiation by various gases in the atmosphere. This measurement
gives the greenhouse gas effect hypothesis some very powerful, and yet, practical
evidence. Some scientists claim that the earth's periodic orbital trajectory changes
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from an ellipse to a circular trajectory, moving closer to the sun. According to a

scientist's study of the Earth's temperature, there has been a change in the high
and low temperatures; there is a certain degree of regularity.
We have natural CO2 and manmade CO2, but since manmade CO2 levels are
very little, is it possible that it can make the temperature rise? There’s no
evidence for that. If there is no evidence for that, how come all the scientist say
that manmade CO2 is pushing global warming? Well, here is how they do it- they
don’t have direct evidence, what they say, is that base on computer models,
temperatures is going up, and they try to think, try to test, what is the reason the
temperature going up. Couldn’t be solar radiation, they think not, nor the clouds,
or the orbital tilt of the earth, they are not sure. And then they say it could be
CO2, so, they will say it CO2., They are saying that we looked at other reasons, so
why are the temperatures are going up fast? We don’t see those reasons as
fitting. So, it must be CO2. Another thing, first, the computer models are always
wrong, none of their computer models have recorded correct evidence. Second,
how do you know if there is another reason which is causing the warming? When
you ask those scientists, they only know a little about the earth.
But since there is no evidence that global warming is directly caused by man,
so why are there so many "scientists" saying that it is? They wrote books, made
movies and documentaries, and spent their lives trying to convince people that
man-made carbon dioxide is the root cause of global warming. Why? The reason
for saying this is money. Because if they insist on this statement, the local
government will give them money to ask them to solve the problem. Citizens will
buy their books because they want to know but if they say that global warming is
the cause of the sun, people have no reason to give them money because the
problem cannot be solved. Citizens will not buy their books, because everyone
knows that if they are not human, they can only listen to their fate.
For last ten to twenty years, we think it is because of the manmade CO2,
but this year, we have a new technology, which can see across the ice. And they
saw volcano, the magma are like blood vessels to keep the ice melt, so we know,
that’s because the volcano, those ice melt, not because the global warming.
Therefore, my point is that human activities are related to the global
warming, but it is definitely not a major factor for real scientific research.

Usually, a theory or hypothesis is proposed, and then you try to challenge this
hypothesis. Only when a hypothesis is experimentally verified and theoretically
self-conformed can it be accepted as a scientific conclusion. Global warming is a
scam like this.

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