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Lesson: Photosynthesis

February 7-18, 2022

● 10th grade
Audience ●

CSEC Biology
36 students
General Objective: Understand that nutrition is the means by which living organisms obtain their energy

and material requirements, and this occurs in different ways.

Specific Objectives:

1. Differentiate among autotrophic, heterotrophic and saprophytic nutrition

2. Describe photosynthesis and give a generalised equation for the process

3. Outline the main stages in photosynthesis and where they occur

4. State what happens to the products of photosynthesis

5. Relate the structures of a leaf of a flowering plant to its function in photosynthesis

6. Explain how environmental factors affect the rate of photosynthesis.

● Item 1
● Item 2
Materials ●

Item 3
Item 4
● Item 5
Types of Nutrition
Watch the linked video and describe all the modes of nutrition.

Distinguish among;

Heterotrophic, autotrophic and saprophytic nutrition. Give examples of

organism for EACH mode and a source of food for the organism named.
Introductory Activity
The students will be asked to share what they know about photosynthesis. They will then be asked for

their responses to the questions below.

● What is the ultimate source of energy for all living things?

● Name some food materials which make up a typical meal.

● From where does each of these materials originate?

● Can any animal survive without plants?

What is photosynthesis?
They will then watch the following video to answer the questions below..

Answer the following purpose questions based on the video:

● Define the term photosynthesis.

● To which type of nutrition does photosynthesis belong?

● State the materials needed for the process

● State the substances produced and what happens to EACH product.

● Where exactly in the leaf does the process occur

● Write the word equation to summarise the process and them the equation using chemical symbols.
Raw materials & their sources
How does EACh of the materials needed for Water:
photosynthesis get to the chloroplast for the
process to occur? Carbon dioxide:

Stages of Photosynthesis
Research: # of stages

Name of stages:
How many stages are involved in
Description of EACH stage:
Name EACH stage.
Describe what happens in each stage.
Organ of Photosynthesis
How is the leaf adapted for the process of
What is the organ of photosynthesis?
Draw and annotate a diagram showing the:
- Tabulate all the structural features of the leaf
- External structures (For the lab book. and tell how they enable the leaf to
See guidelines in the classroom) photosynthesise effectively.


- Internal structures
Feature/structure Purpose of

The leaf is thin Allows sunlight to

penetrate quickly and
carbon dioxide to diffuse
Effects of environmental factors on photosynthesis rates.
Watch the video linked below and answer the What is meant by a limiting factor?
Name 6 factors that can affect the rate of photosynthesis.
Draw and label a graph that explains EACH of the following as limiting factors.
Carbon dioxide,

Light and
SM4A Temperature.
Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis
Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis
Effect of temperature on rate of photosynthesis
Practical Activities Required by CSEC
1. Test for evolution of oxygen using water
plant. 2. Test for end products, starch or reducing sugar.
qnCrc 3. Carry out controlled experiment to demonstrate
that light is necessary for photosynthesis.
Most photosynthesis experiments require the
use of a Bunsen burner. Copy and learn the 4. Carry out controlled experiment to demonstrate
that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis;
steps on how to safely light a Bunsen burner.
Further Learning
The rate of photosynthesis can be measured by varying the amount of light,
carbon dioxide given to the plant or the temperature at which the experiment
Review Questions
(i)Describe the processes involved in photosynthesis. (6 marks)

(ii)Identify TWO characteristics of the leaf that make it an effective photosynthetic organ and state how EACH characteristic
mentioned facilitates photosynthesis. (4 marks)

(iii)How is it possible for a plant no survive after losing all of its leaves?

(iv)Describe a test to show that leaves of the hibiscus are organs of photosynthesis. Explain ONE precaution to be taken in
conducting the test.

(v)How does food manufactured in photosynthesis reach storage areas in the root?

(vi)Using ONLY a fully annotated diagram of the internal structure of a leaf. Explain the role of the parts involved in
photosynthesis. Include in EACH annotation the name of the structure and its function.

(vii)Write a balanced equation that effectively summarizes photosynthesis.

Review Questions
The students observe that a particular species of plant in the original study area occurs in two
varieties, one with completely green leaves and the other with leaves that are mainly red. The
students suggest that the green variety is a more efficient plant than the red variety and
therefore wish to compare the rates at which they would photosynthesise.
They propose a hypothesis and decide on an investigation to test that hypothesis.
(i)Based on the students' observation, suggest a hypothesis for the investigation.
(ii)Describe the investigation you would undertake to test the hypothesis you suggested.
Include in your description the apparatus, materials and method you would use.
(iii)State TWO environmental factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis. (2 marks)
(iv) Write an equation to adequately represent the processes involved in photosynthesis.
Review Questions

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