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Lambunao, Iloilo


Name: Renan Sequito

Course and Section: BSCRIM Delta

Date Submitted:

Name of Activity: Activate Prior Knowledge(Fun Ethics Exercise)

Ethical Questions 1: IF you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had eight children already, three
were deaf, two who were blind, one physically disabled, and she had syphilis, would you recommend
that she have an abortion. Explain your answer.

- Absolutely not, because it is considered a sin to our god to take other person ’s life. Besides there was
nothing wrong that the child inside his belly has any single mistakes or sins commited. Instead, I ’ll help
her as best as I can and recommend her to seek help from the other netizen who was also concern
about her and leave her some advice that seek other path to your life and no matter how hard life is
there was always a way to face the outcomes and overcomes it.

Ethical Question 2: It is time to elect the world leader, and yours is the deciding vote. Explain your
answer. Here are some facts about the three leading candidates;

Candidate A: He associates with crooked politicians, and consult astrologer. He had two mistresses. He
also chain smokes and drinks up ten martinis a day.
Candidate B: He was ejected from office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a
large amount of whisky every evening.
Candidate C: He is decorated war hero. He ’s vegetarian, doesn ’t smoke, drinks an occasional beer and
has’nt had any extra-marital affairs.

- I decided to choose the Candidate C, because of its good image and status. I can rest assured thinking
of how he will lead the world when claim the position. There will be no corruption and abuse of its
power to happen in the future with his presence.

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