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Task Five – Identifying Communication Skills (2.

Part A

Listening- The importance of listening when it comes to communication skills is

very helpful. Listening can lead to a lot of important information such as during
lectures when learning new subjects or when watching videos or other
tutorials and learning and listening what is being taught in those.
Speaking- Speaking is very useful when it comes to communication skills as it
can help you speak out about your issues and become more confident in
speaking. This can lead to many things such as being more confident in person-
to-person job interviews and a bunch of other situations which require good
speaking skills.
Reading- Reading is also very important when it comes to communication skills
as it is very similar to listening. This is due to reading and focusing om a book
and being able to consume a lot of information. This can be useful for when
you want to revise or learn about a certain subject on your own while reading
a book.
Writing- Writing is also a very good communication skill as it is used in a lot of
situations for getting into places. This is important is writing is used in many
things such as university or job applications when writing about how you
would be a good asset to their establishment or business.
Non-Verbal- Finally, Non-Verbal is a very good skill to have which can come in a
lot of use when it comes to speaking. This is due to body language to tell what
mood you are in and what you are trying to convey. This can come in use when
having an interview as having good and positive body language can make you
more likely to get selected for the position.

Part B

Preparing for an interview- When preparing for an interview it is very

important to have good listening, reading and writing skills. The reason for
having good listening skills for an interview preparation is due to being able to
listen for instruction from the interviewer and other people to know what
you’re doing for it and making sure your successful with getting there. You
would need good reading skills as well to read what the company and
interview said about your interview and how it will go. Finally, you would need
good writing so that you can write down your strengths and weaknesses. This
is so the interview knows what you are better at and worse at so they can
evaluate how good you will be for the job.

Attending the interview- When attending an interview some important

communication skills you will require involves Listening, speaking and Non-
verbal language. You would need good listening skills for this interview as you
will be told a lot of information about the job during this interview and vital
skill you need to know for that line of work. You would need good speech for
this interview as it will be face to face or over the phone so you should be
confident in what you’re going to say during your speech so you can come
across as a good candidate for the job. Finally, you would need good non-
verbal language. This is due to how the interviewer see’s you during the
interview and can be a big factor in if you get the job or not. If you are slumped
back in the chair and not looking interested you will be less likely to get the
job, however if you are sat straight and paying attention you will be more likely
to get selected for that job.

Following up the interview- When following up and interview it is very

important to have good speaking, reading and writing. It is important to have
good speaking due to the having a phone call after the interview with the
interviewer as they might talk to you about how you did and what you could
have done while you thank them for their time and be appreciative about
being given the opportunity for the job. You would also need good reading as
instead of it being a phone call, they might email you about the interview
instead in which you can read up on your information. Finally, you would need
good writing when sending an email back after the interview to thank them for
their time and for the opportunity for the job.

Planning for a film shoot in a team- When planning a film shoot in a team some
skills that are important include; Speaking, Non-verbal and listening. Speaking
would be important when planning a film shoot due to giving out orders to
people and getting things in check for the movie so people know what to do.
Non-verbal would also be important due to people seeing your serious and
hardworking body language which will make them work harder and engage
more with the filming. Finally, listening would be important for the creation of
this film as you will need to listening to others advise and the script so you
know what you’re doing when making the movie.

Preparing and delivering a presentation- When preparing and delivering a

Presentation, important communication skills you would need include;
Speaking, Non-Verbal and Reading. Speaking would be extremely important
when delivering a presentation due to being able to present you’re work in a
confident way so that it comes of memorable and impressive to people that
viewed it. Non-verbal is very important in a similar way to speaking due to it
being showed when you present as you want to look confident and friendly
when showing of your work. Finally, Reading would be very important for this
due to reading off important information in your presentation to people so
they know what it is about.

Completing an application form- When completing an application form some

important skills you would need include; Reading and writing. Reading would
be important for this as you would need to read over the questions and other
things asked when reading over the form so that you know what you are doing
while attempting the form. Writing is very important for completing an
application form as you are writing to impress the readers of your form that
the place you are applying. This would include your strength and weaknesses
as well as how you can help the business and be successful at the job.

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