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Week 8: Tech Support

1. What is the problem of Anderson? How was it resolved?

 In our generation technology plays a huge role. Businesses adopt technology to more
efficient and will have a flexible ways to carry out tasks. Now, Anderson’s problem is
their IT Support – it didn’t help Anderson with its problem so he just used his own
knowledge to make a solution to the problem.

2. If you were Anderson, what would you do to solve the problem?

 If I were Anderson, I will call the IT Support and give them a notice that they didn’t help
at all. In that way they will be aware and do their job properly.

3. What are the communication barriers present in the scene? How could these barriers be
 The communication barrier present in the scene is the conflict in workplace, employees
must know their purpose, roles and capabilities. They must have a good communication
skills to be effective and efficient in work.

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