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One interpretation of the story states that the argument about the weights had so belated matters that

exiled oppressor Marcus Furius Camillus had redundant time to muster an army, return to Rome and expel
the Gauls, saving both the megacity and the storeroom, and telling Brennus," Non auro, sed ferro,
recuperanda est patria", which translates to" not by gold, but by iron, is the nation to be recovered".
According to Plutarch, following original combat through Rome's thoroughfares, the Gauls were first ejected
from the megacity, also hugely annihilated in a regular engagement eight long hauls outside of city on the
road to Gabbi.( 5) Camillus was hailed by his colors as another Romulus, father of his country' Pater Patriae'
and alternate author of Rome.

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