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Task 1

A branch of pragmatics called speech act  examines how words are used to perform activities in addition 
to conveying information.These utterances are used to make requests, cautions, invites, promises,
apologies, predictions, and similar speech acts. Such behaviors are common in communication life. A
normative framework that is inherent in linguistic activity, including even that portion of this practice
that is concerned with describing reality, has been made more apparent through an appreciation of
speech acts.

Speech acts are associated with the performance of speakers in saying something. The three types of
speech acts are: 1. locutionary act, is the performance of a speech or utterance, whether it is asking,
telling, ordering, or otherwise 2. ilocutionary act: delivering of content or meaning in an utterance; 
3.perlocutionary act, which is the effect of the results of the speech or utterance on the listener in
accordance with the conditions and pronunciation of the speech, such as frightening, intimidating.

"It's raining outside." The illocutionary act in this statement is that the speaker wants the listener to use
an umbrella if they want to go outdoors, or stay inside because it is raining outside. Meanwhile, the
listener using an umbrella when leaving the house or remaining in the house till the rain ceases is an act
of perlocutionary in the utterance. There are at least five functions of speech acts: representational,
directive, commissive, expressive, and declarative.

Task 2

The meat is rich in vitamins, the steak is a a meat. Therefore steak contains vitamins.

The most sales of Kazakhstan export come from oil. Based on this information, Kazakhstan government
decided to allocate more marketing dollars to oil.

All fish can swim. Penguins are fish. So, penguins can swim.

Smoking causes cancer. Therefore, if you smoke for many years, you will probably have a cancer.

It is cold in Almaty in January. So, probably it will be cold in Almaty next January.

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