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MGT 502



ID : Bc190410300


Ali has recently joined an IT organization. He was assigned a project to develop a new software
as per the requirements of the company for synchronization of the data. After working

Manager A: Point out his mistake and tell him that his work does not meet the standards. It was
very demoralizing for Ali and he was forced to complete the assigned task.


All the managers used Reinforcement techniques to set the behavior of employee.

 Manager A Adopt Extinction.


Manager A using extinction reinforcement here because of in extinction reinforcement extinction

will bring an end to behavior that the employee has learned over a given period of time. Manager
A point out Ali’s Mistake and tell him that his work does not meet the standards. Sometimes Ali
may be forced to focus on his work to complete the assigned task to avoid failure again.

Manager B: Ali was required to attend the weekly training session to improve his performance. The
manager also decides to give a day off if Ali completes the assigned task and he is often seen as nagging
by the manager.

Manager B adopts Negative Reinforcement


It increases the probability that a desired behavior then occur by removing a negative
consequence when a worker performs the behavior. The Negative consequence is faced until a
worker performs the desired behavior then the consequence is removed. A manager’s nagging is
a negative reinforcement if the nagging stops when worker performs a task correctly. Negative
reinforces differ for various individuals. Nagging may not affect some subordinates. They will
not perform the desired behavior even if the nagging stops.

Manager C: The manager has penalized Ali and has deducted his one day salary.

Manager C adopts Punishment.


Manager C using punishment reinforcement here because of in punishment reinforcement it

refers to adding something in order to decrease a behavior. So here Manger C Punish Mr. Ali on
his mistake that caused an error in the system which ultimately delayed the assigned task.

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