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14, 2015 559

Broadband Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna With

Parasitic Strips
Jianjun Wu, Yingzeng Yin, Zedong Wang, and Ruina Lian

Abstract—A patch antenna with parasitic strips is presented for

wideband circular polarization. In order to broaden the axial-ratio
(AR) bandwidth of the original corner-truncated patch, four par-
asitic strips are sequentially rotated and gap-coupled around the
patch. A capacitive-coupled feed with a small disc on the top of
the feeding probe is utilized to obtain a wide impedance-matching
bandwidth. Moreover, another disc-loaded shorting pin is placed at
the center of the antenna to adjust the squint beams and improve
the gains along -axis. Measured results show that the proposed
antenna with a low profile of obtains a global bandwidth
of 24% (2.32–2.95 GHz) for dB, dB, and
average gain of 8 dBic.
Index Terms—Circular polarization, enhanced radiation, para-
sitic elements, wideband antenna. Fig. 1. Geometry of the proposed antenna. Dimensions are , ,
, , , , , , , ,
, and (unit: millimeters).

achieves a wide 3-dB AR bandwidth of 16%. However, this an-

C IRCULARLY polarized (CP) antennas have received in-

creasing attention in wireless communication systems be-
cause they can reduce multipath reflections and allow flexible
tenna employs an extra feeding network. Furthermore, the an-
tenna arrays with the sequential rotation technique perform re-
markable CP bandwidths [8]–[10]. In the CP cross dipole an-
orientations between the transmitter and receiver antennas. Gen- tenna in [11], a new additional AR minimum point is generated
erally, for the single-fed CP microstrip antennas, circular polar- by four sequentially rotated parasitic loops. Sequentially rotated
ization can be obtained by truncating patch corners [1] or cutting strips are connected to the cross dipole in [12], and a 3-dB AR
diagonal slots in the patch [2]. However, these antennas usually bandwidth of 23% (2.3–2.9 GHz) is achieved with a profile of
suffer from narrow axial-ratio (AR) bandwidth. AR bandwidth .
can be enhanced when thick substrates or air layers are used. In this letter, a broadband CP single-fed patch antenna is pre-
Techniques of U-slot and L-probe are often adopted to match sented. Four sequentially rotated rectangular strips are gap-cou-
impedance [3]. In [4], 3-dB AR bandwidth of 6.4% is obtained pled to the conventional corner-truncated patch antenna. Wide
on an air layer of is the wavelength corresponding AR band with two minimum AR points is achieved for the patch
to the center operating frequency . Additionally, a circular disc with parasitic elements. A capacitive-coupled feeding structure
is mounted on the top of the feeding probe to compensate the is utilized for impedance matching, and another proximity-cou-
long probe inductance. Another common method to improve pled shorting pin for radiation patterns tuning. Results show
AR bandwidth is the addition of parasitic elements that intro- that the proposed antenna has a 3-dB AR bandwidth of 24%
duce new minimum AR points [5]–[7]. In [6], a antenna (2.32–2.95 GHz) with a low profile of . The profile of our
array consisting of one corner-truncated patch as the driven an- proposed antenna is the same as that of the antenna in [7]. How-
tenna and eight gap-coupled square patches as the parasitic ele- ever, our design achieves a larger CP bandwidth with a simple
ments has a 3-dB AR bandwidth of 3.3%. A microstrip antenna feed structure. Also, compared to the design in [12], this antenna
with capacitive-coupled feeds and coplanar parasitic rings [7] has a similar AR bandwidth but a much lower profile. The char-
acteristics of the wideband CP antenna are studied by simula-
tions and experiments in the next sections.
Manuscript received August 30, 2014; revised October 22, 2014; accepted
November 19, 2014. Date of publication November 20, 2014; date of current II. ANTENNA DESIGN AND ANALYSIS
version February 06, 2015.
Fig. 1 shows the configuration of the proposed antenna. The
The authors are with the Science and Technology on Antennas and
Microwave Laboratory, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China (e-mail: main patch is a square patch with a length of and truncation of;; zedongwang1989@163. . Four parasitic strips with sizes of are sequentially
rotated around the main patch with a distance from the patch
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
at side and from the substrate edge. Both the main patch and
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2014.2373823 the coupled elements are printed on the top layer of a PTFE

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Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on March 23,2022 at 09:40:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 2. Simulated and AR of the single patch and the patch with parasitic

substrate with length of , thickness of , relative permittivity of

2.55, and dielectric loss tangent of 0.002. A thick air layer with
height is employed between the substrate and the ground. The
feed probe is located at -axis, and a shorting pin connecting
the ground is below the center of the main patch. Discs with radii
of and that are printed on the bottom layer of the substrate
Fig. 3. Current distributions on the patch and parasitic strips at (a) 2.4 and
are on the top of the two probes. The radii of the feed probe and (b) 2.8 GHz.
shorting pin are both 0.65 mm. The optimized parameters in the
caption of Fig. 1 and the simulated results are obtained with the
aid of ANSYS HFSS 15 software.

A. Patch With Parasitic Strips

The dimensions of the original single-fed patch antenna are
, , , , and other parameters are
the same as the proposed antenna. The capacitance between the
patch and the disc can compensate the inductance of the long
feed probe, and good impedance matching is achieved conse-
quently. The simulated and AR results of the original patch
in Fig. 2 indicate that this antenna has a 3-dB AR band of 9.9%
(2.5–2.76 GHz) within a wide effective impedance matching
band. Fig. 2 also depicts the results of the patch with parasitic
strips but without the shorting pin. Two minimum points can be
seen in the AR curve, and the 3-dB AR band is from 2.33 to
2.89 GHz. The CP bandwidth of the original single patch is en-
hanced greatly after the parasitic strips are inserted.
To investigate the generation of the two minimum AR points,
we examine the current distributions on the patch and strips with
a period at 2.4 and 2.8 GHz, shown in Fig. 3. In the lower fre- Fig. 4. Effects of parameters on the AR performance: (a) , (b) , and (c) ,
quency 2.4 GHz, most of the currents concentrate on the shorter and (d) the definition of rotation angle .
diagonal of the patch and upper and right strips at . The
equivalent current direction is along . Meanwhile,
the currents concentrate on the longer diagonal of the patch, and while the one at higher frequency is more influenced by the in-
the direction is along at . The directions serting strips.
of currents at and are opposite to those at The longer diagonal of the main patch is about a half-wave-
and . Then, the currents rotate counterclockwise length of the AR minimum point with lower frequency, while
to yield right-hand circular polarization (RHCP) waves in the the length of the strips is about a half-wavelength of the AR
boresight direction. The current distributions at in higher minimum point with higher frequency. Fig. 4 shows the effects
frequency 2.8 GHz are similar to those at 2.4 GHz. However, of the key parameters , , and on AR. By increasing
most of the currents are on the strips at , which are , the first minimum AR point moves to lower frequency. Dif-
different from those in 2.4 GHz. We can conclude that the two ferent results in the movements of the two minimum points,
AR minimum points are determined by the patch and the para- and has a fiercer effect on the second one. The four parasitic
sitic strips simultaneously since the energy on the strips is still strips are coupled from the main patch with sequential phases.
gap-coupled from the main patch. However, the main patch has Smaller corresponding to larger rotation of the strip from the
a stronger effect on the AR minimum points at lower frequency, patch center in Fig. 4(d) results in a smaller value of the second

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on March 23,2022 at 09:40:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 7. Radiation patterns of antennas with different feed structures at 2.6 GHz.

Fig. 5. Different feed structures: (a) single feed, (b) differential feed, and
(c) proposed feed.

Fig. 8. Photograph of the fabricated CP antenna.

Fig. 6. Gain performances with (a) different ground sizes and (b) different feed Fig. 7 shows the simulated radiation patterns at 2.6 GHz for an-
structures. tennas with different feed structure. The single-fed antenna has
a beam tilt of in the -plane and in the -plane.
The differential-fed antenna has symmetric radiation patterns
AR minimum point. When the strips are placed at the center in both planes. The antenna with proposed feeding structure has
of the patch edge ( and ), the second AR beam tilts of and . All in all, our feed structure is simple
minimum point is disappeared. It further demonstrates that the and can be used to improve the radiation patterns.
rotation angle has a reasonable influence on the second AR To give detailed design principles of the proposed wide-
minimum point. band CP antenna, simple design guidelines are summarized as
B. Feed Structure to Improve Radiation Patterns 1) The dimensions of the main patch and the length of the
From the current distributions shown in Fig. 3, we can see coupled strips correspond to the two minimum AR points.
that the currents are nonuniform on the strips. The currents on Wide AR bandwidth can be obtained when the two mini-
the right and upper strips are extremely strong since the feed mums are close.
point is located at -axis. The right strip, like the directors 2) The corner truncation and the rotation of the parasitic
in a Yagi–Uda antenna, has a directing effect on the radiation strips determine the polarization sense of the radiating
patterns and leads to a beam tilt. The antennas with differen- waves. The antenna can yield left-hand circular polariza-
tial feeds have symmetric radiation patterns, and there exists a tion (LHCP) when the truncation is opposite to that in
virtual ac ground line between the two feeds with phase Fig. 1 and the rotation angle value is negative.
difference [13], shown in Fig. 5. However, an extra feed net- 3) The proximity-coupled shorting pin is placed below the
work is needed to generate differential signals. In order to tune center of the main patch to improve the radiation patterns.
the radiation patterns with the idea of differential feeds and sim- 4) The position of the capacitive coupled feed and the radius
plify the feed structure, we place a shorting pin at the center of of the top-loaded disc are tuned to match impedance after
the antenna to imitate the virtual ac ground line. From the sim- a good CP performance is achieved.
ulated procedure, we find that a disc-loaded shorting pin has a
more obvious effect on radiation patterns improvement than a
shorting pin connecting the patch and ground directly. More- III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
over, different feed structures have slight influences on antenna To validate the design strategy, a prototype of the pro-
AR. Fig. 6 shows simulated gain in -axis for the antenna posed antenna was fabricated, as shown in Fig. 8. Two plastic
with different ground sizes and three feed mechanisms. For the posts are installed near the truncation to fix the substrate
single-feed antenna, larger ground size brings a boresight gain above the ground. The was measured using the Agilent
enhancement, especially at higher frequencies. In addition, the N5062A vector network analyzer, and radiation characteristics
proposed feeding structure has an average gain enhancement were measured in an anechoic chamber with Satimo system.
of 1 dBic in -axis compared to the patch with single feed. Fig. 9 shows the simulated and measured , AR, and

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on March 23,2022 at 09:40:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

patch without parasitic strips. The simulated and measured

normalized radiation patterns at 2.4, 2.6, and 2.8 GHz for the
proposed antenna are presented in Fig. 10. Measured results
show that this antenna has a beam tilt of in the -plane
and in the -plane at 2.4 GHz, and at 2.6 GHz,
and and at 2.8 GHz. The pattern improvement of
the shorting pin is more obvious in the -plane and at low

Fig. 9. Simulated and measured results of the proposed antenna: (a) and
AR and (b) gain. IV. CONCLUSION

A broadband CP antenna with sequentially rotated parasitic

strips is investigated in this letter. By simply using capaci-
tive-coupled feed and parasitic elements, the proposed antenna
exhibits considerable impedance bandwidth of 49.8% for
dB and 3-dB AR bandwidth of 24%. Additionally,
a shorting pin at the center is utilized to improve the squint
radiation patterns, and a gain enhancement of 1 dBic along
-axis can be observed. Due to the advantages of low profile,
wide CP bandwidth, and high gain, the proposed antenna is a
good candidate for broadband CP applications.


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