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Table of Contents
Section 1: Understanding Yourself............................................................................................3

1. Personality Quiz Results.....................................................................................................3

2. Communication Style Assessment.....................................................................................4

3. Team Roles Test.................................................................................................................5

4. Your Leadership Skills.......................................................................................................6

5. Conflict Resolution Questionnaires....................................................................................7

Section 2: Understanding Others................................................................................................8

Leadership Style Consideration..............................................................................................8

Communication Style.............................................................................................................9

Personality Type...................................................................................................................10

Motivation and Goal Setting................................................................................................11

Resolving Conflict................................................................................................................12

Reference list............................................................................................................................13

Section 1: Understanding Yourself

1. Personality Quiz Results

I have played the Quiz from the given link and after answering the questions; I have been
shown a result about my personality style. The questions are set in such a way so that the
answers can be arranged logically in order to find out a proper and suitable result considering
my personality features. The result shows that I have an executive personality and where I
have found some attributes about my personality contexts like my strengths, weaknesses,
habit, potency, efficiency, and ability to handle organizational operations. My personality
shows my strong will power, dedication, honesty, loyalty, patience, reliability, excellent
organizing abilities, etc strengths as well as inflexible, stubborn, judgmental, too focused on
social status, etc weaknesses which would help to build an executive personality as a whole.
Another attribute of my personality is how I am romantic in a relationship, like to pursue a
steadfast love and limits of rationality because I have the potency in maintaining each and
every aspect adaptable in a relationship or in maintaining a suitable collaborative relationship
in trade.
Possessing an executive personality, my strength is to make friendship with loyalty and
cooperation that makes me gain experiences in managing friendly relationships with my
business partners to sustain the trade relationships. I have a simplified but responsible career
path as like my personality and therefore it would help me in building a strong career in
shaping my future. Perseverance, continuous focus, consistent tendencies, cooperation, etc
are the workplace habits of any executive and also I have such potential in maintaining a
workplace effective for business purposes.
Executives are the father figure of the 50’s era as they have such potency of doing hard work,
focusing on a topic continuously, and showing respect to others. Similarly I have such
characteristics in maintaining parental responsibilities too as this also helps in building my
executive personality.
I agree with the quiz findings as this shows the identical results as my personality possesses
and I think that such an executive personality enables anyone in shaping his career aspect or
handing an organization working as an executive. I have adequate potential in maintaining

corporate relationships with partners and shareholders for expanding business areas and
regions as well as maintaining employees for gaining an effective workforce.

2. Communication Style Assessment

I have played the communication quiz and it shows my communication style is excellent and
has been considered as an “Excellent communicator” because I have secured 63 scores in the
game. There, I have to answer 15 questions and after submitting the answers the organizing
authorities have provided me a score as per my answers. My communication potency shows
that I have a strong side of communicating problems with the coordinators or with the others
persons for managing an issue effectively. It shows a suitable leadership communication
attitude towards making trade profitable and enjoyable. Sending and receiving messages as
well as replying to them in a right manner would be one of my communicating features which
helps to maintain an efficient workflow or sustaining effective communication style inside
organizational activities. Clear and preciseness is my communicative attribute as an
executive personality must maintain a sophisticated communication style for maintaining
organizational operations to its core so that it can generate profitability for effective trading.
I agree with the communication assessment as the results show the actuality about my
communication style. I have possessed the proper communication style as a leader.
Therefore, I also accommodate an effective leadership style in communicating with people
I have experienced that an effective communication style may help to sustain a suitable
relationship among the partners and stakeholders and therefore it would assist to build a
business relationship that helps both the parent organization and its shareholders. It helps to
enhance the business relationships and a proper leader must possess such potential in order to
develop the organizational functions and operations in order to increase revenue collection
and make business with ease. On the other hand, improper communication may experience
poor business growth or relationship building attitude among the shareholders. Therefore, it
would diminish the business growth and show an imperfection in leadership.
But in this case, as per the quiz results I possess an excellent quality of communicating with
other people and therefore it would help to improve the business relationships as well as
collaborative approach towards sustainable business growth enhancing profitability and
functionality. My conversational quality is clarity and precision, as an executive personality
needs to retain competent communication skills to conduct corporate activities in order to
produce earnings for profitable trading.

3. Team Roles Test

Playing the quiz, I have secured 9 out of 10 and it shows that I am an explorer and
chairperson having innovative and expertise quality. I have to answer 35 questions in this
quiz and this would help to produce my team role skills and it has been depicted in the below
figure. The questions are drafted in such a way so that each answer would justify my team
role potentials and as per my results it can be stated that I have an outstanding quality in
managing any team for effective business relationships.
Being a proper leader, I have possessed adequate potency in handling relationships with the
employees and customers for effective business performance. A leader must possess such
potential in handling his team comprising management personnel, customer relationship
manager, supervisors and other departmental managers and I have such quality in
maintaining an organization sustaining trade relationship with stakeholders also.
I have agreed with the test findings as I understand that I have enough potency in managing
any team properly so that it would help to produce an effective workforce and people
For example, inside a tourism sector, managing their employees would be one of the most
significant tasks as such an industry majorly depends on sophisticated services. And in this
sense, providing proper training to their employees is an important task. Managing people
resources is a significant potential of a leader and I have possessed identical team building
and managing potency for effective trading.

4. Your Leadership Skills

After playing the game, I have been considered to possess Democratic leadership style that
resonates with the ideology of “grow together”. I have the tendency of blending my team’s
ideas and concepts with self recognition and would take decisions and provide suggestions.
My leadership skill proves that I have enough potency in handling my organization and team
members collaboratively as their decisions and thinking must be accepted and justified for
enhancing business transactions.
I have agreed with the test findings and the decisions made by the tool after judging my
answers for expressing my leadership skills and potency for the improvement of the business
relationships and corporate cultures. Participatory administration is among the greatest
efficient types of administration since it enables lower-level personnel to exert influence that
they'll have to utilize intelligently in subsequent jobs. It is indeed similar to how choices are
reached in corporate company sessions.
Inside a corporate board session, for instance, a participative leadership may present the
group with a few decision-related possibilities. Being a democratic leader, I must possess
such potential that a board meeting can be conducted effectively for the improvement of the
Decision making ability is the key quality of a leader and I also have such potentials for
managing any organizational operations properly. They might then start debating every
choice. Following a debate, this leadership may accept the committee's opinions and
suggestions into account, or they could put the choice to something like a referendum.
In the global downturn period, maximum leaders would decide to choose transformational
leadership style which may help to survive in critical situations.
Democratic leaders would be able to make the right decision by considering their team’s
opinions and concepts and as per the results of the quiz; I possess such potency in
maintaining organizational functions and operations to its core. Decision making ability is the
key potency of a leader and it would help to manage the critical situation to its depth.

5. Conflict Resolution Questionnaires

I have played the quiz and it showed that my ability to meet any conflict would be associated
with the owl's conformation that to meet any problem anyway through collaborative
approach. I have the ability to face any issue from front side to reduce the intensity of the
Owls perceive disagreements as issues to be addressed, and they look for a resolution that
fulfils both their personal as well as the other group's interests — a “win/win” situation. Owls
will not be pleased unless a remedy is discovered that meets both their individual and then the
other people's desires.
I have agreed with the results of the quiz and it would assist to understand the whole
consideration regarding the management of conflicts in critical situations. A leader's capacity
to make decisions is a critical characteristic, and I have the capability to manage any
organizational activities effectively. I have sufficient ability in managing relationships with
workers and customers for efficient business performance. I have managed conflicts
whenever I worked for an organization in the hotel industry. I have managed emergency
situations of servicing whenever high attendance was present and also handled many aspects
of enjoying our guests for diluting difficulties. These are some of my experiences of how I
handled the criticality working in a firm.
The best approaches towards mitigating risks or handling contingencies can be achieved by
proper training and skill enhancement practices. During my training session I have been
advised how to handle guests during room services and clearing operations, how to manage
guests whenever their access is denied during check in and check out, and others. Such
difficulties can be achieved only through practical experiences and I have acknowledged such
instances whenever I was working in a hotel.
Various individuals employ various dispute resolution tactics. These methods are often taught
in developmental stages and appear to act naturally. We are typically unaware as to how we
respond in confrontation. We basically do whatever comes easily to all of us. I do, however,
have a personalized technique, and since it is learnt, we can almost always alter it by
discovering better and thus more successful dispute resolution techniques.

Section 2: Understanding Others

I have been working in a hotel named Whiteleaf hotel, and that time I had experienced some
poor management and administration of the leader. His leadership style, communication
style, motivating aspects, conflict management aspects were not suitable for the organization
and therefore difficulties and mishaps were present in managing the hotel properly.

Leadership Style Consideration

According to Armstrong (2018), in today's market, a business that does not view human
resources like a vital enabler is lucky to pass. The organization’s ability to compete would not
be built if it does not properly manage its resources. Recognizing the connections among
corporate as well as individual goals, with, as a result, individual along with corporate
performance, became a critical component of performance management. This perspective on
process improvement is strongly linked to strategic HRM, which concentrates on combining
organizational objectives using HR rules as well as successfully implementing a business
plan and achieving a company's current mission.
According to FAKHRI et al. (2021), leadership would be a worldwide phenomenon with
people and among the country's greatest preoccupations. Leadership always performed an
important role in the development of groups, communities, including nations throughout
history, through antiquity to current times. Over years, leaders' behaviors have been used to
define leadership. Even earlier than that of the sixth century BC, this author sought to
describe leadership using classics across "Western, Egyptian, Greek, and Chinese literature".
According to Mitchel, (2020), leadership would be a notion that has been studied extensively
in the fields of management as well as organizational studies; it's just less well-known in the
travel industry. Leadership behaviors are significant instruments for motivating personnel,
thus helping the organization achieve its objectives (Kavanaugh & Ninemeier, 2021).
I have analyzed the leadership style consideration from different pieces of literature which
are peer reviewed journals and articles in order to collect information and knowledge for
advocating effective leadership style inside the organizational functions. Whenever I worked
for the organization I have felt poor administration and management due to lack of potency of
the leader and therefore it would generate obstacles in managing business considerations.

Communication Style

According to Uzunsaf and Zihni, (2018), Leadership is critical in guiding a group to

accomplish specific objectives, as defined by the aspects of leadership. As a consequence, a
leader's style might be crucial in gaining subordinates' support for change incentives in order
to provide higher-quality service. The approach is determined by three: this same leader's
features as well as characteristics, these same subordinates' qualities, as well as the
organizational environment (Kavanaugh & Ninemeier, 2021). According to Yang et al.
(2020), Leadership of project teams has recently been a hot topic in project planning.
Leadership was defined as the set of organically communicative activities. For one project to
succeed, communication as well as teamwork is essential. A growing body of evidence
suggests regular communication styles have a significant impact on project groups.
According to the study, proper communication boosts organizational health, while ineffective
communication can lower staff morale. Inside the long - term, effective communication style
can increase employee loyalty to a business as well as improve work performance.
According to Ali et al. (2021), transferring a message first from one department to another
via certain routes is known as communication. Because they've been subjected to the proper
encryption system, all messages are broadcast across the channels as a sensor. A person's
communication depends on the user, a steady kind of communicative conduct that manifests
itself in many situations of engagement. Style was affected by a combination of factors;
including communicative ability, type of connections, communicators' as well as recipients'
originality, societal features, etc (Wijesundara & Kaluarachchige, (2021). Users can engage
more successfully in any firm since it will have excellent communication abilities in the trade
I have felt numerous problems in recognizing their communication and interaction strategies
and therefore I have always faced problems in communicating with my seniors and
colleagues. They actually did not follow any communication style in order to maintain the
organizational functions and activities. But, I have gather knowledge and expertise how a
sustainable organization maintains superior method of communication by considering
excellent communication strategies throughout the organization. Here I found excellent
attitudes for discussing problems, spreading information easily throughout each layer and all
for maintaining an effective communication style for making business with ease.

Personality Type

According to Jacobs and Washington (2019), Employee performance has been defined as "a
comprehensive series of predetermined programmes delivered across time to ensure that
almost all personnel have the competency to operate to their maximum capacity in favor of
the company success". While personality evaluations have been used in career progression
for more than a century, their popularity has skyrocketed during the last fifteen years.
Throughout all stages of large organizations, as well as many small pieces, public persona
training is now standard practice. Teamwork, executive coaching, communications, even
resilience training are some examples.
According to Uzonwanne (2019), in the management of societies, the definition of leadership
describes the strategy used by bosses in everyday contacts with respective teams. Leadership
has such a rich history of becoming studied that encompasses various aspects. Standards,
beliefs, conventions, things, or difficulties observed in the workplace that may affect an
employee's play, feelings, or behaviors are referred to as leadership (Yahaya & Ebrahim,
2016). Democratic leadership has ability to create a vision that people want to pursue, as well
as the ability to form relationships as well as efficiently arrange resources.
According to Shurbagi and Zahari, (2022), Different leadership styles as well as types were
discovered inside the research, which were used in a variety of companies, cultures, and
different locations. While some leaders combine diverse leadership as well as personality
styles when leading some, depending on the circumstances, others generally follow patterns
regardless of the situation that they have been in. Each leader does have distinct leadership
personal traits that's also affected by corporate culture as well as being likely to develop a
leader behavior which is both effective for the individuals and representative of a standard
approach all leaders follow.
I have searched peer reviewed journals for understanding the executive personality in order to
maintain a sophisticated method of organizational functions. Whenever I worked in the hotel
organization I have followed some issues and mishaps which dismantle the ethos of the firm.
Such poor personality of the leader would not be able to maintain an efficient administration
style inside the firm’s operations and therefore cut of employees and customers were
associated then. But, executive personality may help to dilute such difficulties and obstacles
that hinder the corporate culture.

Motivation and Goal Setting

According to Devesa et al. (2020), Motivation is important to understand since it is a key

stimulant of human behavior in general as well as tourism in particular. In the last few
decades, visitor motivation has become a hot topic of research. Studying motivation is
important in tourism since it should be used to forecast potential visitation to either a site as
well as repurchase intention. Many reasons can influence as well as determine behavior at the
same moment; certain motivations were primary, while others are subsidiary. Traditions
tourists inside a historical city, for instance, were primarily needed in order to see the city.
Purchasing and having fun are their primary motivations.
According to Nyaupane et al. (2021), Tourists at one heritage site were divided into
categories based on its motivations. Recognizing tourist customer segments is crucial for the
economic policymakers since it allows them to custom tailor one‘s programmes to meet the
needs of each section. Researchers discovered three segments: civilization, society, and
civilization, which differed depending on whether the motivation was driven by discourse
actions or recreation activities.
According to Ferreira (2018), the goal of employees to leave is a big issue that hotel
operators encounter daily. Since operators place varying focuses on various elements based
on the organizational fit, there have been no established techniques within the hotel sector
that illustrate well how to maintain employees as well as keep them engaged. But, if
management successfully executes staff retention methods like training along with education,
proper remuneration, good communication, including enhancing work satisfaction, they may
help decrease turnover. Making implementation of necessary retention tactics by a company
can support an employee's desire to stay. Due to the obvious worldwide character of the hotel
sector, a personnel war had erupted, with hotels competing for the best candidates.
For maintain an organization properly, motivation and goal setting would be the effective
managerial attitude of the leader for sustaining their employees or encouraging their
employees to produce effective workflow. Effectiveness is the key consideration in this case
and I have acknowledged such instances from different pieces of the literature articles. I have
considered many aspects for handling profitability and functionality so that sustainability can
be achieved.

Resolving Conflict

According to Kolenova, (2018), the subject of conflict resolution itself and procedures,
including the tactics for dealing with it, is a highly hot highly studied topic these days. This is
also an element of the education sector. Faculty members always have disagreements
involving students, coworkers, supervisors, or families. Distress, stress, egoism, deception,
relationship breakup, subjugation, superiority complex, wrath, or hostility are the most
common outcomes of these scenarios. Conflict, on either side, can bring to fresh perspectives,
a lot of work, and identity; this can aid in identity, the capacity to deal with difficult
situations, but it can also add new aspects to relationships.
According to Jerng et al. (2019), Conflict has always been a part of society, causing power
struggles, conflicts, and competitiveness between the people as well as organizations
throughout history. Conflict also was defined as inevitable, dynamic, but persistent, as well as
an intrinsic human trait. Conflict is described as interpersonal unrest resulting from
disagreements between two or more persons or groups concerning ideas, attitudes, or beliefs.
This is also defined either by participation as well as cognizance with at least 3 or maybe
more, along with strong bad feelings, opinions, objectives, as well as behaviors aimed at
having defeated or repressing the opponent in order to gain power or a personalization above
another, or some other, person(s) or group. It is devoid of values as well as beliefs. 
According to Redpath et al. (2019), Effective conservation of Spotted Owl, as all disputes,
necessitates “partners”. Although people typically refer to nature conservation disputes as
"conflicts” this terminology is both misleading and unproductive. Conflicts over conservation
are almost always among people, not between humans along with animals. Explaining
sentient disputes as "mortal conflict" could actually obstruct our awareness of the underlying
causes of preservation conflicts by diverting attention away from the true source of conflict—
people who retain sufficiently opposing viewpoints on preservation of resources usages that
they have been ready to fight over them.
Conflict management is also an effective attitude of a leader for maintaining his firm’s
activities properly but I have experienced poor maintenance capabilities of our leader
whenever I worked in the Whiteleaf hotel in London. Throughout my tenure I have
experienced poor management criteria of the firm’s leader and therefore they always faced
issues in operational management.

Reference list

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