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Strategic seating

Seating plans and layouts in classrooms can vary tremendously.

According to the British Council, teachers should consider the
following when seating children.
Can I see children‘s faces? Can they see me?
Can everyone see the board (if you‘re planning on using it)?
Can the children see one another?
Can I move around the room so that I can monitor effectively?

Tips: Strategic seating

For the teacher to ‘catch‘ both good and difficult behaviour

early, e.g. eyes wandering, facial expressions, etc. The children
who have the potential to display unwanted behaviour should
be facing the teacher.
When a child begins to display inappropriate behaviours,
however small, immediately catch the behaviour before it
escalates to a level where it becomes too difficult to control.

Position of the teacher

The position of the teacher in the classroom is key to establishing a
positive learning atmosphere.

Tips: Position of the teacher

If possible try not to stand or sit with your back to the children
to identify appropriate and inappropriate behaviours
immediately and respond appropriately.
When using a board, write on an angle to have a full view of
the classroom.
Establish the whole room as your territory by moving around.
Scan the classroom, and ‘sweep‘ it with your eyes over and
over to ‘catch‘ appropriate or inappropriate behaviour.

14 Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom

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