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Work completed in September:

At the beginning of the month, I started thinking about the topic of my personal project
and had several related discussions with my friends and my family. After comparing
different ideas, I finally decided that my personal project would be the following:
Learning a programming language during my first form lyceum year.
Programming is something that I always found very interesting, however at school we
were not taught any programming languages. We had some informatics lessons where
we utilized specific tools in order to create a website, however we did not learn how to
write code using a programming language.
Therefore, after deciding on the topic of my project, in mid September I started
researching about programming languages that are used by developers in order to
create various applications. There are various advanced programming languages such as
Java, Python, html and C++. After having some discussions with some colleagues of my
father, who have experience with programming, I decided that the best suitable
language in order for me to start learning how to program is the C++ language. It is a
programming language that is taught in informatics and engineering studies in
universities and it is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It
requires analytical thinking and good knowledge of mathematics, which is one of my
favorite subjects at school.
Towards the end of September I started researching possible ways to begin learning the
C++ language. There are several books on C++ available, however I decided to watch
some online tutorials for beginners that I found on youtube. The time frame for
completing the personal project is relatively short, therefore I had to start learning how
to code without losing any time. So I started learning the basic coding rules of C++ and
I found out that with my level of knowledge of mathematics I was able to understand
the programming logic.

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