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Anthony Esquivias

Reflection Paper Assignment

EDT 180A
April 26, 2019

EDT 180 Reflection

Over the course of this semester I have re-learned things that I have been doing for years

now. While I do not aim to discredit my professor for his work and effort. I simply knew the

information before coming into the class. However, that did not make the class any less helpful,

because I had the opportunity to practice my understanding of computer and the software in an

environment where I could ask questions. Some of the goals that were on the syllabus that I

achieved and understood prior to being taught the topic in class. Goals such as achieving

computer literacy and understanding key terms and concepts with computer and software, were

all things that came easy for me. Understanding the key terms for me was second nature, so

having them presented in class was a refresher course. While I might not be an expert on

computer, I do believe that I had achieved computer literacy before this class. While through the

course I did learn a few things here and there, these neat shortcuts were only helpful things to

know to push me in the direction of actually achieving computer literacy. My knowledge of

computer was not something that I acquired over a small span of time, no it has been hours over

the span of years that I have self-taught myself a lot of things. This due to amount of time and

interest that put into computer outside of this class. Ever since the first time that I have the

opportunity to use a computer I have never wanted to stop using them. As a child and well into

my teen years I would spend countless hours on a computer whether it was at home at a public

library. Computer and what they could fascinated me and still does to this day. This class was

just an outlet for me to reassure and practice the things that I knew, as well as learn a few

shortcuts along the way. Programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher are just

programs that I have used a lot because of school, and I learned the ropes one or another in order

Anthony Esquivias
Reflection Paper Assignment
EDT 180A
April 26, 2019

to get things done as smoothly as possible. Meanwhile programs such as Photoshop are programs

that I have spent hours and hours because of my passion for art. Photoshop and the rest the

Adobe products are something that I have been using for as long I can remember, I grew up with

it. The programs are easy now for me to understand only because I’ve already learned the things

that take the most time prior to this class. While I might not approach computers differently after

this class, I do take away an appreciation for the people who teach these classes. I realized that so

many people that are my age do not know even the basis of a computer. Not to mention the

confusion that some students endure when failing to understand that Windows and Mac OS are

not the same thing. I enjoyed this class and appreciate the effort that some people take to want to

learn more about computer, as for me I’ll stick to spending too much time on computers.

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