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Persephone Rosas

Reflection Paper Assignment

EDT 180 Icourse
25 April 2020

Going into this class, there was not an expectation to have known everything within the

course already and how to do everything involving internet. Within the first two weeks we

learned about what the course is going to be about and then copyright and violations. Before

going into the class, we were to review the syllabus and within it, it states the goals and

objectives for the course. While overviewing them again before the start of this paper, I can

confidently say that I have accomplished the objectives and achieved the goals. One of the

objectives within the syllabus is “Describe key terms and concepts associated with computers

and software applications.” I know that I have achieved this goal because within the first 2 weeks

I knew the parts of the computer and within the system, such as the drive, modem, folders and

more. Along with achieving this goal from the syllabus, I also learned how use computer

applications for productivity, data analysis, and problem solving. These skills are also within the

syllabus and I have greatly proven I have learned how to accomplish projects for data and more

by the grades that I received for these assignments. By accomplishing these skills, I can create

data and info graphs regarding and comparing between two companies per say. The last goal I

want to discuss is the goal of being able to create a website, that is our portfolio for the semester

as well. Coming into this class, I did not know how to build a website, create info graphs or

anything like that. Now, here we are at the end of the semester, with my website created,

multiple info graphs done in and out of class, and learned how to imbed within a site and more.

Being able to make my website is a big accomplishment for me, especially because I was able to

come back from a tough semester last semester and finish this one strong.

From this class I have learned a lot. This was my first online class and I learned I can

handle an online class and keep up with the course load. I also learned that if I put my mind to

Persephone Rosas
Reflection Paper Assignment
EDT 180 Icourse
25 April 2020

anything, I can accomplish it. Although that may sounds cliché, it is true. This is true to me

because last semester I was going through a rough patch, where I ended up not showing up to

classes and failing a couple of them. Coming into this semester I had a different mindset and here

we are at the end of the semester with 4 ‘A’s and 1 ‘B’. Being able to accomplish this shows me

how strong I am and how I can overcome things. At the end of this course I feel more

accomplished and more empowered to use technology. I have always felt comfortable using

technology, but I feel more comfortable now. More comfortable now that I can create websites,

graphs and charts, along with everything else I have learned this semester, including coding! The

coding aspect has helped because now I know that if I need to code something small, I can!

Cheers to a great semester!!

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