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Topic: Healthy Lifestyle Practices – Drugs and Sports

Sub-Topic: Social Drugs – Smoking

Cigarettes are social drugs which are legally used by some adults in various social situations
and are widely available.
There are several harmful substances found in cigarettes which include:
nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, methanol, etc.

Nicotine is an extremely addictive substance found in tobacco products.

What happens when we smoke a cigarette?

● When an individual smokes the nicotine in the cigarette is absorbed quickly into the
bloodstream and moves to the brain.
● Nicotine increases heartbeat and narrows blood vessels. This decreases blood flow and
increases blood pressure (bp).
● The increase in bp can heighten the risk of an individual suffering a heart attack.


• Damages Body Structures
• Reduced Lung Efficiency
• Decreases Fitness Levels
• Increases the Risk of Diseases



Smoking Reduces Lung Efficiency

● When one smokes the hairs in the bronchial lining located in the upper part of the lungs
are damaged.
● The hairs are burnt, and this causes an increase in dust intake clogging the lungs.
● Smokers tend to cough to remove waste particles.
● In addition, the bronchioles can become infected leading to bronchitis.
● The air sacs in the lungs become less elastic as the tar in cigarette smoke coats the
● When an individual smokes, it produces phlegm. Phlegm causes congestion in the
● Smoking affects one’s ability to engage in prolonged physical activity as it decreases the
body’s ability to use oxygen efficiently.

Smoking Reduces the Blood’s Ability to Carry Oxygen

● The carbon monoxide that is produced when you smoke is taken into your lungs and is
passed into your bloodstream.
● Carbon monoxide attaches itself to the red blood cells. This reduces the amount of
oxygen carried in the blood to working muscles.
● The reduction of oxygen levels in the blood decreases our levels of endurance.

Reduces Fitness Levels

● Smoking damages your lungs and affects the circulatory system.
● When athletes train and smoke, the damage to their lungs and circulatory system
reduces their ability to perform to their maximum.

Prone to Illness
● Athletes need to be physically fit at all times.
● Smoking leads to coughs, colds, wheezing, asthma, etc., and is linked to fatal diseases
such as pneumonia, emphysema, and lung cancer.
● Smokers are susceptible to catching colds, etc.
● Colds lead to chest infections and this reduces lung capacity.

Cardiovascular Diseases
● The nicotine in cigarettes causes the blood vessels to constrict and tighten.
● This reduces blood flow and can lead to cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, heart
attack, and high blood pressure.

Other Effects
● Reduces life expectancy because
● smoking puts a person at a higher risk of getting cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
● Social Standing- The tobacco smell sticks to our skin, hair, and clothes and these fumes
are quite unpleasant to non-smokers.
● Vision- Poor vision and diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts may develop.
● Smoking reduces appetite.
● Taste and smell may be damaged by smoking.

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