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Dear respondent

We are students from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and we are conducting a survey
on Smoking Habits among students. This survey a requirement for our EWC661 – English
for Report Writing class. We would appreciate it if you could take some time to answer these

Section A: Demographic Profile

1. Faculty ____________
2. Semester ____________
3. Age ___________
4. Gender ___________

Section B: Causes that affect students’ transportation issue (Ahmad Danial)

1. Are you having any problems regarding transportation issue? If yes, then what is it?
a. Distance from house to campus
b. Availability of transport
c. Cost of transportation
d. Schedule management
e. Others. Please specify __________
2. How frequently do you have to come to the campus?
a. Once a week
b. Twice a week
c. Trice a week
d. More than three times a week
3. Is there any alternative from you to overcome the problem? Choose.
a. Carpool with friend
b. Stay most of the time at the campus to manage your schedule
c. Planning to get your own vehicle such as bicycle or motorcycle
d. Other. Please specify __________
4. How easy it is to reach public transport from your house location?
a. 1-5 minutes walking
b. 6-10 minutes walking
c. More than 10 minutes walking
Section C: Effects students face due to transportation issues. (Alief)

1. How long does it take for you to arrive to campus from your house?
a. 10 – 15 mins
b. 15 – 30 mins
c. 30 – 45 mins
d. 45 – 60 mins
2. Do you feel exhausted after a long journey to campus and back?
a. Yes
b. No
3. Overcrowding a public transportation may be occur during peak hours. Have you ever
used public transportation during peak hours?
a. Yes
b. No
4. Have you ever experienced sexual harassment on public transportation?
a. Yes
b. No
5. How much does transportation issues affect your study?
a. Slightly affecting
b. Not really affecting


A) How much you spend on transportation
a. RM 0 – 50
b. RM 50 -100
c. RM 100 – 200
d. RM 200 – more

B) What aspect cost you the most

a. Fare
b. Maintenance
c. Tax and toll
d. Fuel

C) Payment type used

a. Cash
b. Credit or debit
c. E- wallet

Section E: Method of solving students’ transportation issue

Where do you live?

a. Hostel
b. Less than 10km away from university
c. Less than 20km away from university
d. Less than 30 km away from university

Do you have your own transport?

a. Yes. Please specify ______

b. No

Is there any parking available for you to park at the university?

a. Yes
b. No

Do you think university concerned about your transportation issue?

a. Yes
b. No. Please specify __________

What do you wish for the university to solve your transportation issues?

a. Creating carpool service mobile application among students

b. Free bus every day to every distance from university to students’ home
c. Building new and bigger parking spaces for students only
d. Others. Please specify _________

Is there anybody you knew can carpool you to the class?

a. Yes. Please Specify ________
b. No

Do you think public transport can get you to the class on time and safely?

a. Yes
b. No

Section F(MUHAMMAD IZZHAM BIN IBRAHIM)= The preferable type of

transportation uses by student

1) How do you go to the class?

a. Public transport
b. Car
c. Motorcycle
d. Taxi

2) Which one do you think the affordable transportation?

a. Public transport
b. Car
c. Motorcycle
d. Taxi

3) Would you carpooling with friend to go school?

a. Yes
b. No, please Specify _______

4) Do you satisfy with your current transportation

a. Yes, please specify________
b. No, please specify ________

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