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Bully always happen to student that nerd and not only student got bully but also the
teacher is also can be as a victim or a culprit. There are different categories of
school bullying and some of the categories overlap. There also two type of bullying
pack bullying and individual’s bullies.
Pack bullying is bullying undertaken by a group, in my old school before there were
founded about the pack bullying that was prominent in our high school and
characteristically lasted longer than bullying undertaken by individual. Other than
that, pack bullying may be physical, emotional bullying and perpetrated in person or
in cyberspace. In person it can take place in schoolyards, school hallways, sport
field, and gymnasiums, classroom and on the school bus. The fact will happen the to
student if this keep continue, for example, the physical bullying is bullying that takes
the form of physical abuse, such as pushing, shoving, hitting, fighting, spitting, and
tripping. Threats of physical harm and attempts to force people to act in ways they
would prefer not to be and sexual harassment also included.
Emotional bullying is bullying that involves factors other than physical interaction,
such as insults, derogatory remarks, name calling, and teasing. Also included are
attempts to ostracize the victim, such as being left out or ignored, which is
sometimes referred to as social bullying, as distinguished from verbal bullying.
Emotional bullying could also take the form of purposely misplacing or hiding
someone’s belongings. Emotional bullying can be done in person or through

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