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Background story

Luther doesn't remember his mortal life. Even after his embrace, his sire did not reveal any
information on why he was embraced. His sire, Magnus Davids, explained that his memories are
irrelevant to his goals. Magnus believes that every premonition he receives is a direct order from his
antediluvian, Malkav. Magnus and his coterie hope that Malkav would spare them for the service that
they had given once Gehenna does come.

For many years, Luther served his sire. He is often tasked to accompany him during meetings and
negotiations. Luther is extremely perceptive and manipulative. He would then tell these pieces of
information to his sire in order to win the said negotiations. So, it was no surprise when He was
appointed as the right hand of his sire, being assigned to blackmail and manipulate both kine and
kindred to advance their cause. Because of this, Luther was given the nickname “Sage”.

Luther amassed resources and continued to hone his skills in subtly manipulating every mortal and
kindred that he meets. One day, Luther had a vision regarding gehenna. Everything was hazy. But,
the emotions and fear that he felt were so real that he became obsessed with it. After researching the
symbolism that he saw in the vision, he only uncovered one thing. That the events all occurred in the
city of New Orleans. With the knowledge in hand, he asked permission from his sire and traveled to
this new city, hoping to uncover the secrets of his premonition.

Personality and Attitude

Luther likes to test the mettle of others, especially the so-called betters. He realizes that most of the
time, people pretend to be something that they're not to get what they want. Similarly, a lot of potential
goes untapped because no one is willing to challenge themselves and test their strength. So he often
plays the devil's advocate and throws obstacles at his friends and enemies. Luther is perceptive,
smart, and weird. His actions may not seem logical and reasonable for the average kindred, but he
always acts with the end goal in mind. So, he often surprises people. Luther also likes knowing
secrets and gaining knowledge. He uses this information to further advance his cause and coterie.
Because he doesn’t remember his mortal life, Luther can be apathetic towards mortals. However, he
realizes the importance of keeping the beast at bay, so he avoids things that would stain his soul.

Other Information

● Name: Luther “Sage” Fort

● Clan: Malkavian
● Generation: 10
● Flaw: amnesia
● Nature: Idealist
● Demeanor: Enigma

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