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My father is my life's hero because he has always supported me

and helped me with problems and assignments, taught me

things I didn't know, and advised me on what I should and
shouldn't do in various situations. He never fails to brighten my
day and make me laugh, and he never fails to make me feel
loved and special with his words and dishes. He was always
there for me whenever I needed someone to lean on for
support, love, and attention. He is the main reason that I am still
able to continue on because of the pandemic, which caused us
to experience many difficulties like losing loved ones and caused
our family to break up, which devastated me greatly because of
how many loved ones I lost, but because of him, I was able to
see the brighter side of life and was able to carry on thanks to
his words and the love he made me feel, so I toughened up and
made the goal that I would make my dad proud and help him
have a better future life and feel special like how he made me

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