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Technological Devices in Cars

Throughout the years technology has evolved to the point that it has become
essential in people’s lives. That is the reason why many manufacturers decided to
incorporate different technological devices inside automobiles. Although it may seem like
an innovative idea it could be dangerously distracting and useless.

Technology inside cars can be dangerous in the sense that drivers can get easily
distracted which can result in cars accidents. Hands-free technologies might make it easier
for drivers to text, talk on the phone, or even use Facebook while they drive, but
dangerous mental distractions exist even when drivers keep their hands on the wheel and
their eyes on the road.  The distracted driving research done by the Foundation for Traffic
Safety found that as mental workload and distractions increase, reaction time slows, brain
function is compromised, drivers scan the road less and miss visual cues, potentially
resulting in drivers not seeing items right in front of them including stop signs and
pedestrians. This is too high a risk to be taken mildly, especially nowadays when people
are so used to technology and even addicted to it.

Also, some technological devices can be considered useless inside cars since they may
not be necessary due to the fact that cars’ main use is transportation not entertainment.
For example, internet connection is not indispensable inside cars having into account that
most people already possess computers and phones with said capability. So, what is the
point of searching the web while driving, when it can be done at another time and under
safer circumstances?

Considering how far the production of technological devices has come and
acknowledging that as time goes by more gadgets will be created, two main questions to
be asked are: is it really necessary to have them inside cars? Which are the pros and the
cons? Personally, I believe the disadvantages are greater than the advantages.

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