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Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456

Skull Crusher-51
for JEE (Advanced) - (Class XI)

Chapter Name : Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory

Topic Name : Thermodynamic Processes, Specific Heat Capacity, Thermodynamic Processes,
Kinetic Theory of An Ideal Gas

1. An adiabatic piston of mass m equally divides an insulator container of length . One end of a light spring
is connected to the piston and other end to the right wall. The container contains equal volume V0 of helium
gas in each part. The pressure on both side of piston is P0. The container starts moving with acceleration
a towards right, find the elongation in the spring when acceleration of the piston equals acceleration of
container. (Assume displacement of the piston << )

ma 2ma
(1) (2)
 8 P0V0   P V 
k + 2  k + 0 20 
   8 
ma 2ma
(3) (4)
 P V   PV 
k + 0 20  k + 02 0 
   
2. One mole of an ideal gas is taken along the process in which PVx = constant. The graph shown represents
the variation of molar heat capacity of such a gas with respect to ‘x’. The values of ‘c0’ and x0’ respectively
are given by

5 5 5 5
(1) R, (2) R,
2 2 2 3
7 7 5 7
(3) R, (4) R,
2 2 2 5

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [1]
Skull Crusher-51 for JEE (Advanced) - (Class XI) Physics

Paragraph for Question Nos. 3 to 5

Two fixed and horizontal cylinders A and B having pistons (both massless) of cross sectional area 100 cm 2
and 200 cm2 respectively, are connected by massless rod. The piston can move freely without friction. The
cylinder A contains 100 gms of an ideal gas ( = 1.5) at pressure 105 N/m2 and temperature T0. The cylinder
B contains identical gas at same temperature T0 but has different mass. The piston are held at the state
such that volume of gas in cylinder A and cylinder B are same and is equal to 10–2m3. The walls and piston
of cylinder A are thermally insulated where as gas in cylinder B is maintained at constant temperature T0.
The whole system is in vacuum. Now the pistons are released and displaced quasi statically until
mechanical equilibrium is reached at the state when the volume of gas in cylinder A becomes 25 × 10–4

3. The mass of gas in cylinder B is

(1) 200 gms (2) 600 gms
(3) 500 gms (4) 1 Kg
4. The change in internal energy of gas in cylinder A is
(1) 2000 J (2) 1000 J
(3) 500 J (4) 3000 J
5. The compressive force in the connecting rod at equilibrium is
(1) 2000 N (2) 4000 N
(3) 8000 N (4) 10000 N
6. A horizontal tube of length 1 m closed at both ends is moved along its length with a constant acceleration
a0 m/s2. The tube contains Argon gas (molecular mass 40 u) at temperature T, where RT = 2800 S.I units.
If the Argon concentration at the tube's ends differ by 0.5% and the value of a0 is 5 × N m/s2, the value of
N is (ln(1.005) 0.005)

  

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [2]
Physics Skull Crusher-51 for JEE (Advanced) - (Class XI)

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456

Skull Crusher-51
for JEE (Advanced) - (Class XI)

1. Answer (1)
Let x0 be elongation in the spring, when acceleration of piston equals acceleration of container

Let P1 and P2 be the pressure on left and right part.

For left part
As process is adiabatic
 
 Using P0V0 = PV
1 1

V 
 P1 = P0  0 
 V1 
For right part

V 
P2 = P0  0 
 V2 
Now FBD of piston at this instant

Here A is cross-sectional area of piston

Now P1A + kx – P2A = ma
(P1 – P2)A + kx = ma
  V   V  
P0 A   0  –  0   + kx = ma
  V1   v 2  
 
 
   

 l l
A   A    2x  
– –
   + kx = ma 2x  
P0 A  2  – 2  P0 A  1– – 1 +  + kx = ma
 l    l     l  
 l  
  – x  a    + x  A  
  2   2   

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [3]
Skull Crusher-51 for JEE (Advanced) - (Class XI) Physics

As x < < l
 4 x 
 P0 A   + kx = ma
 l 
As V0 = A
8P0V0 x ma
 + kx = ma  x=
l2 8P0V0 
2. Answer (2)
Given process, PVx = constant = k (let)
dW = PdV
dW = dV
So W = k 
V1 vx

k  – x +1 P V – PV nR(T2 – T1 )
= V2 – V1– x +1  = 2 2 1 1
1– x  1– x 1– x
Change in internal energy, U = nCV(T2 – T)
Let molar heat capacity is C
 C=
n(T2 – T1 )
U +  W
n(T2 – T1 )

C = CV +
1– x
From graph
As x → 
C→ R
 CV → R
If x = 0, C0 = CV + R = R
Now if C = 0
So 0 = CV +
1– x0
–CV =
1– x0

1– x0 = –
R R 5
x0 = 1 + = 1+ =
CV 3R 3

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [4]
Physics Skull Crusher-51 for JEE (Advanced) - (Class XI)

3. Answer (4)
Let initial volume of gas A = initial volume of gas B
= V0
Given, V0 = 10–2 m3
Mass of gas in cylinder A, mA = 100 gm
Initial pressure of gas A, P0 = 105 N/m2
Now final volume of gas in cylinder A,
VA = 25 × 10–4 m3
Let final pressure of gas in cylinder A is PA
As process of gas in cylinder A is adiabatic
 P0V0 = PAVA

 100  10–4 
 PA = P0    = 105 × 43/2
 25  10–4
 
PA = 8 × 105 N/m2
Let final pressure of gas in cylinder B is PB
FBD of piston system

Here A1 and A2 be the cross-sectional area of piston A and B

 A2 = 2A1 (As A1 = 100 cm2, A2 = 200 cm2)
 PAA1 = PB2A1
 PA = 2PB  PB = = 4 × 105 N/m2
Let P1 be the initial pressure of gas in cylinder B.
As displacement of both cylinder is same. And A2 = 2A1
So, increase in volume of B is double of decrease in volume of gas in A
 VB = V0 + 2(V0 – VA) = 2.5 × 10–2
 P1V0 = PBVB
 P1V0 = PBVB
 P110–2 = 4 × 105 × 2.5 × 10–2  P1 = 10 × 10+5 = 10 × 105 N/m2
Now for gas A
P0V0 = RT0
P0V0 M
 mA =
For gas B
1 0M
mB =
mB P1
 =
mA P0

 mB = 10 × mA = 1000 gm = 1 kg

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [5]
Skull Crusher-51 for JEE (Advanced) - (Class XI) Physics

4. Answer (1)
For gas in cylinder A
Initial pressure = P0
Final pressure, PA = 8P0
Initial volume, V0 = 10–2 m3
Final volume, VA = 0.25 × 10–2 m3
CP 3
 =
CV 2
As CP – CV = R
 CV = 2R
Let U be the change in internal energy,
 U = nCVT
= n2RT
= 2(nR(TA – T0))
= 2(PAVA – P0V0)
= 2(8P0 × 0.25 × 10–2 – P0 × 10–2)
= 2(P0 × 10–2)
= 2 × 105 × 10–2 J
= 2000 J
5. Answer (3)
Let FC be the compressive force in the connecting rod at equilibrium
 FC = PA × 100 × 10–4 N
= 8 × 105 × 100 × 10–4 N
= 8000 N
6. Answer (70)
Given cylinder

Let l, A and a0 be the length, cross-sectional area and acceleration of cylinder

Let us consider an element of length dx at a distance x from right end of cylinder

Let pressure of gas at x is P and (P + dP) be the pressure at x + dx

FBD of this element

 dPA = (Adx)a0
dP = a0dx

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [6]
Physics Skull Crusher-51 for JEE (Advanced) - (Class XI)

Using ideal gas equation

 =
 dP = a0dx
dP Ma0
 = dx
P2 l
dP Ma0
  P
RT 0

Here P1 is pressure of gas at right end and P2 is pressure at left end

P2 Ma0
 ln = l ...(i)

Using Ideal gas P = RT
P = CRT, here C is concentration of gas
 P1 = C1RT

 0.5 
P2 =  C1 + C1   RT = C1RT (1.005)
 100 

 P2 = P1(1.005)
from (1) ln(1.005) = l
0.005 = l
 Putting value of l, M, R and T
a0 = 70 × 5 m/s2

  

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [7]

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