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Mandarin for Everyday Life 1A Yolanda LIU

Topic 1 Meeting someone for the first time in Ningbo


Shamrock Irish Bar 三叶草酒吧

Laowantan 老外滩

Ningbo 宁波


Mike - UNNC’s international

student, British

Carol Chen – UNNC’s PG student,


Jack Lee – Mike’s friend, Manager

of a foreign company, American

Today they are at the Shamrock Bar. Mike would like to
introduce Carol Chen to his friend Jack Lee. Carol and Jack are
meeting each other for the first time in Ningbo.
Mandarin for Everyday Life 1A Yolanda LIU


Mike: Jack, hăo jiŭ bú jiàn, nĭ hăo ma?


Jack Lee: wŏ hěn hăo. nĭ ne?


Mike: xué xí hěn máng. nĭ zěn me yàng?


Jack Lee: wŏ yě hěn máng.

(Jack is looking at Carol)
zhè shì nĭ de péng yŏu ma? hěn piào liàng.

Mike: duì.

Carol Chen: (Carol is smiling to Jack.)

nĭ hăo, wŏ jiào Carol. nín guì xìng?

Jack Lee: wŏ xìng lĭ, jiào Jack.


Carol Chen: Jack, rèn shi nĭ, hěn gāo xìng.


nĭ zuò shén me gōng zuò?

Mandarin for Everyday Life 1A Yolanda LIU


Jack Lee: wŏ shì jīng lĭ, zài gōng sī gōng zuò. nĭ ne?

Carol Chen: wŏ shì xué sheng,

zài nuò dīng hàn dà xuè xué xí.

Jack Lee: nĭ xué xí shén me?


Carol Chen: guó jì shāng wù.


Jack Lee: Carol, nĭ shì năr rén?


Carol Chen: wŏ shì níng bō rén. Jack, nĭ shì nă guó rén?


Jack Lee: wŏ shì měi guó rén.


Carol Chen: nĭ xĭ huān níng bō ma?


Jack Lee: (laughing) wŏ ài níng bō.

Mandarin for Everyday Life 1A Yolanda LIU


你 nĭ Pr you

我 wŏ Pr I, me

好 hăo adj. good; well; fine;


叫 jiào v to call, to be known as

什么 shén me Q Pr what

名字 míng zi N name

您 nín Pr polite form, you

贵 guì adj. honourable

姓 xìng v one’s surname is---

是 shì v. to be(am, is, are)

哪 nă Q Pr which

国 guó N Country
人 rén N People

也 yě adv. too; also

吗 ma Pt a particle used at the end

of a question sentence expecting a yes-no answer

做 zuò v. to do

什么 shén me Q Pr what
Mandarin for Everyday Life 1A Yolanda LIU

工作 zuò v./n. to work, work

学生 xué sheng n. student

学习 xué xí v./n. to study; study

在 zài prep. in, at

喜欢 xĭ huān v. to like

爱 ài v. to love
Mandarin for Everyday Life 1A Yolanda LIU

High Frequency Characters:

Mandarin for Everyday Life 1A Yolanda LIU

人 什么 也 吗
Key grammar and sentence patterns:

1. Word order

S + V + O + particle

wŏ shì níng bō rén.

nĭ shì níng bō rén ma?
wŏ xué xí guó jì shāng wù.

S + places before the VP + VP

wŏ zài níng bō gōng zuò.

wŏ zài nuò dīng hàn dà xuè xué xí

2. Yes or no “ma” question

nĭ hăo ma?
nĭ shì níng bō rén ma?

3. Question sentence with an interrogative pronoun

nĭ xué xí shén me?

nĭ shì nă guó rén?

nĭ shì năr rén?

Mandarin for Everyday Life 1A Yolanda LIU

nĭ zěn me yàng?

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