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Aocosta, Christian Cyrous S.

November 3, 2022

Dubai, UAE is constructing the world's busiest and largest airport project, AI
Maktoum Airport, which is expected to carry and accommodate approximately 200
million passengers and bags per year. Several features of the project were described as

1.1 Capable of accommodating over 200 million passengers per year

1.2 Has a large runaway that can accommodate an A380 landing.
1.3 Consists of five (5) parallel runaways, each 800 meters long and 4.5 kilometers
The Middle East's tallest freestanding ATC tower stands at 1.4 meters.
1.5 Several terminals, two main entrances, and large cargos with a capacity of (16
million tonnes)
1.6 System for fully automated baggage handling
1.7 Provide 100,000 parking spaces as well as an express rail system
1.8 Hotels, shopping malls, support facilities, and high-end maintenance facilities are

These new and improved airport projects stated/built incredible features in order to
attract and accommodate more passengers in the future.

Jackson Atlanta International Airport in the United States, a leading airport and
one of the busiest in the world, has promised to support the AI Maktoum Airport. In
comparison to the project's carrying capacity, it can only accommodate about 100
million passengers per year. The project is an excellent alternative for expanding air
transport services by broadening the scope of its services. Once completed, the project
will be a leading integrating airport that will form an interconnection and link between
sea, air, and land. The new airport project will provide the most advanced and package
services; air-sea travel can now be done in an hour, which other transportation service
providers cannot promise. The features included in this new airport project go beyond
passenger satisfaction, from hotels and shopping malls inside the airport to reduced
travel time. Based on the content of the study, one goal of Dubai's Airport/s is expansion
and higher income generation, so the reader (I) concludes that these are the main
indicators why Dubai considered the establishment of a wider, advanced, and integrated
air transport service facilities and services.

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