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Why do people lie?

For me people intend to cover up something, or

telling lie due to good purpose not to offend
someone, in order to avoid being embarrassed and
also to hide an awkward situation. We people living
in the earth is not perfect we could actually lie
sometimes so that other people think we are okay
and to show them that we good at something even if
we don’t. In my current situation I can’t deny the fact
that I actually lie in order for my family to see that
I’m tough all the times, I also can’t deny I have lied
several times to my child in good way which later on
she will understand why I said such word. Sometimes
people always like to hide the mistakes or sins that
they have done by cheating others people, I can say
that lying has been a part of us even in our childhood
days. For me, we can’t stop lying but we can control
it if we insist to do it. We should evaluate and think
carefully what effect it may cause if we lie because
later on we could ruin someone’s life or pass wrong
information. We should put up to our minds that
regret is always in the end.

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