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3A. QUESTIONNAIRE: Tourist or traveler: Revisión del intento


Área personal / Mis cursos / INGLÉS MODULO 3 / UNIT 3. Keep on traveling 5/7/22 / 3A. QUESTIONNAIRE: Tourist or traveler

Comenzado el Friday, 15 de July de 2022, 18:38

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Friday, 15 de July de 2022, 18:40
Tiempo empleado 1 minutos 53 segundos
Calificación 9,00 de 10,00 (90%)

Pregunta 1 Rewrite the sentence using the tense in parentheses.

What did you do?
Se puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 What do you do  ? (simple present) 

La respuesta correcta es: do you do

1 de 4 21/07/2022 15:55
3A. QUESTIONNAIRE: Tourist or traveler: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 2 Complete the second sentence with (not)  as ... as so it means the same as the first sentence:
Rio de Janeiro is more famous than Cali.
Se puntúa 0,00
sobre 1,00 Cali is as  Río de Janeiro

La respuesta correcta es: not as famous as

Pregunta 3 Complete the sentence with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in parentheses:
My sister's apartment is farther  from the movies than mine. (far)
Se puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: farther

Pregunta 4 Complete the second sentence with (not) as ... as so it means the same as the first sentence:
At night El Barrio las Peñas is livelier than downtown.
Se puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 At night Downtown is not as lively as  El Barrio las Peñas.

La respuesta correcta es: not as lively as

2 de 4 21/07/2022 15:55
3A. QUESTIONNAIRE: Tourist or traveler: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 5 Complete the sentence with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in parentheses:
I can't believe she's older  than you. (old)
Se puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: older

Pregunta 6 Complete teh sentence with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in parentheses:
The Cerro Santa Ana is the best  place for a view of Guayaquil city. (good)
Se puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: best

3 de 4 21/07/2022 15:55
3A. QUESTIONNAIRE: Tourist or traveler: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 7 Choose the correct option to complete the sentence:

My girlfriend ___________ Chinese food.
Se puntúa 3,00
sobre 3,00
Seleccione una:
a. likings

b. is liking

c. like

d. likes

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: likes

Pregunta 8 Complete the sentence with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in parentheses:
Without a doubt Guayaquil is the most interesting  city I know. (interesting)
Se puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: most interesting

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4 de 4 21/07/2022 15:55

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