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PAST SIMPLE (2ªcolumna)

PRESENT SIMPLE I work (Yo trabajo)
Añadir -s 3ª pers. Afirmativo afirmative negative interrogative
Generalidades o hechos cientificos I work I don´t work Do I work?
Para instrucciones (imperativo) You work You don´t work Do you work?
Acciones programadas futuro prox. He/she/it works He/she/it doesn´t work Does he work?
We work We don´t work Do we work?
Adverbio tiempo + verbo You work You don´t work Do you work?
To be + adverbio tiempo They work They don´t work Do they work?

PRESENT CONTINUOUS I am working (Yo estoy trabajando)

afirmative negative interrogative
Acciones en curso, ahora SUJ + TO BE + ING SUJ + TO BE NEG + ING TO BE + SUJ + ING?
I am working I am not working Am I working?
ARE NOT (AREN´T) You are working You are not (aren´t) working Are you working?
IS NOT (ISN´T) He/she/it is working He/she/it is not (isn´t) working Is he working?
We are working We are not (aren´t) working Are we working?
You are working You are not (aren´t) working Are you working?
They are working They are not (aren´t) working Are they working?

PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE I have worked (Yo he trabajado)

Cosas que suceden durante la vida afirmative negative interrogative
Acciones completadas recientemente SUJ + HAVE/HAS + PAST PART SUJ + HAVEN´T/HASN´T + PAST PART HAVE/HAS + SUJ + PAST PART
Acciones que empezaron y continúan I have worked I haven´t worked Have I worked?
en el presente You have worked You haven´t worked Have you worked?
He/she/it has worked He/she/it hasn´t worked Has he worked?
VERBOS IRREGULARES We have worked We haven´t worked Have we worked?
PAST PARTICIPLE 3ª columna You have worked You haven´t worked Have you worked?
They have worked They haven´t worked Have they worked?

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOS I have been working (Yo he estado trabajando)

Cosas que hemos estado haciendo afirmative negative interrogative
Acciones que han finalizado SUJ + HAVE BEEN + ING SUJ + HAVEN´T/HASN´T BEEN + ING HAVE/HAS BEEN + SUJ + ING
Se usa con for/sin I have been working I haven´t been working Have I been working?
You have been working You haven´t been working Have you been working?
BEEN equivale a nuesto "estado" He/she/it has been working He/she/it hasn´t been working Has he been working?
We have been working We haven´t been working Have we been working?
FOR - indica duración You have been working You haven´t been working Have you been working?
SINCE - indica desde cuando They have been working They haven´t been working Have they been working?
PAST SIMPLE (2ªcolumna)
PAST SIMPLE I worked (Yo trabajé)
PAST SIMPLE -ed / AUXILIAR DID //todas iguales\\
afirmative negative interrogative
Acciones pasadas SUJ + INF -ed (REGULARES)
VERBO AUXILIAR DID/DIN´T I worked I didn´t work Did I work?
You worked You didn´t work Did you work?
VERBOS REGULARES añadir -ED He/she/it worked He/she/it didn´t work Did he work?
We worked We didn´t work Did we work?
VERBOS IRREGULARES You worked You didn´t work Did you work?
PAST SIMPLE (2ª columna) They worked They didn´t work Did they work?

PAST CONTINUOUS I was working (Yo estaba trabajando)

afirmative negative interrogative
Acción en progreso en un tiempo SUJ + WAS/WERE + ING SUJ + WASN´T/WEREN´T + ING WAS/WERE + SUJ + ING
pasado I was working I wasn´t working Was I working?
You were working You weren´t working Were you working?
TO BE EN PASADO He/she/it was working He/she/it wasn´t working Was he working?
WAS/WASN´T para 1ª/3ª pers. sing. We were working We weren´t working Were we working?
WERE /WEREN´T resto You were working You weren´t working Were you working?
They were working They weren´t working Were they working?

PAST PERFECT SIMPLE I had worked (Yo había trabajado)

HAD + -ed (PAST PARTICIPLE) //todas iguales\\
Algo que habia pasado entes de afirmative negative interrogative
otra acción pasada SUJ + HAD + INF -ed (REGULARES)
VERBO HAVE EN PASADO I had worked I hadn´t worked Had I worked?
HAD/ HADN´T You had worked You hadn´t worked Had you worked?
He/she/it had worked He/she/it hadn´t worked Had he worked?
VERBOS REGULARES añadir -ED We had worked We hadn´t worked Had we worked?
VERBOS IRREGULARES You had worked You hadn´t worked Had you worked?
PAST PARTICIPLE (3ª columna) They had worked They hadn´t worked Had they worked?

PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS I had been working (Yo había estado trabajando)
HAD BEEN + ING //todas iguales\\
Algo que había estado ocurriendo afirmative negative interrogative
antes de otra cosa SUJ + HAD BEEN + ING SUJ + HADN´T + ING HAD + SUJ + BEEN + ING
I had been working I hadn´t been working Had I been working?
You had been working You hadn´t been working Had you been working?
He/she/it had been working He/she/it hadn´t been working Had he been working?
VERBO HAVE EN PASADO We had been working We hadn´t been working Had we been working?
HAD/ HADN´T You had been working You hadn´t been working Had you been working?
They had been working They hadn´t been working Had they been working?
PAST SIMPLE (2ªcolumna)
FUTURE "WILL" I will work (Yo trabajaré)
WILL / `LL //todas iguales\\
afirmative negative interrogative
Decisión espontánea, en el momento SUJ + WILL + INF SUJ + WON´T + INF WILL + SUJ + INF
Predicciones basadas en opinión I will work I won´t work Will I work?
Nos ofrecemos a hacer algo You will work You won´t work Will you work?
Promesas He/she/it will work He/she/it won´t work Will he work?
Cuando preguntamos educadamente We will work We won´t work Will we work?
You will work You won´t work Will you work?
WILL ´LL / WON´T They will work They won´t work Will they work?

FUTURE "GOING TO" I `m going to work (Yo voy a trabajar)

afirmative negative interrogative
Predicciones basadas en evidencias I am going to work I ´m not going to work Am I going to work?
You are going to work You aren´t going to work Are you going to work?
He/she/it is going to work He/she/it isn´t going to work Is he going to work?
Ej. Hoy va a llover (lo vemos en el cielo) We are going to work We aren´t going to work Are we going to work?
Today it´s going to rain You are going to work You aren´t going to work Are you going to work?
They are going to work They aren´t going to work Are they going to work?

FUTURE CONTINUOUS I will be working (Yo estaré trabajando)

WILL BE + ING //todas iguales\\
afirmative negative interrogative
Eventos que vamos a estar realizando SUJ + WILL BE + ING SUJ + WON´T BE + ING WILL + SUJ + BE + ING
en un futuro I will be working I won´t be working Will I be working?
You will be working You won´t be working Will you be working?
WILL/WON´T He/she/it will be working He/she/it won´t be working Will he be working?
We will be working We won´t be working Will we be working?
You will be working You won´t be working Will you be working?
They will be working They won´t be working Will they be working?

FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE I will have worked (Yo habre trabajado)

WILL HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE //todas iguales\\
afirmative negative interrogative
Algo que habremos echo en un SUJ + WILL HAVE + -ed/past part SUJ + WON´T HAVE + -ed/past part WILL + SUJ + HAVE + -ed/past part
futuro y terminaremos en un I will have worked I won´t have worked Will I have worked?
futuro You will have worked You won´t have worked Will you have worked?
Suelen utilizarse puntos temporales He/she/it will have worked He/she/it won´t have worked Will he have worked?
(at, for "x" years, by the time… We will have worked We won´t have worked Will we have worked?
You will have worked You won´t have worked Will you have worked?
WILL HAVE / WON´T HAVE They will have worked They won´t have worked Will they have worked?
FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS I will have been working (Yo habre estado trabajando)
WILL HAVE BEEN + ING //todas iguales\\
afirmative negative interrogative
Acciones que continuaran hasta SUJ + WILL HAVE + -ed/past part SUJ + WON´T HAVE + -ed/past part WILL + SUJ + HAVE + -ed/past part
un punto futuro, expresando I will have been working I won´t have been working Will I have been working?
duración You will have been working You won´t have been working Will you have been working?
Suelen utlizarse expresiones de He/she/it will have been working He/she/it won´t have been working Will he have been working?
tiempo We will have been working We won´t have been working Will we have been working?
You will have been working You won´t have been working Will you have been working?
BEEN equivale a nuesto "estado" They will have been working They won´t have been working Will they have been working?

"IF" If I work... (Si yo trabajo)


Frase condicional Frase principal
If + Present Simple Present Simple
Verdades o hechos ZERO
If you heat water at 100 degrees, its boils - Si calientas agua a 100 grados, hierbe
If + Present Simple Will/won´t + Infinitive
Es muy problable que ocurra FIRST
If it is sunny, we will go to the park - Si hace sol, iremos al parque
If + Past Simple Would/wouldn´t + infinitive
No es problable que ocurra SECOND
If I won the lottery, I would buy a new house - Si ganara la loteria, me compraría un casa nueva
If + Past Perfet Would/wouldn´t have + past participle
Pasado, ya no puede pasar THIRD If shet had got a gold medal, she would have been happy - Si hubiera tenido una medalla de oro, habría
sido feliz

* Solo se pone coma cuando la frase condicional "if" va la primera.

SUJ + TO BE (conjugated) + PAST PARTICIPLE (-ed/3ªcolum.)

Subject + verb + Object Object + to be + Past participle

I see your friend Your friend is seen (by me)
Present simple
Yo veo a tu amiga Tu amiga es vista (por mi)
I am seeing your friend Your friend is being seen (by me)
Present continuous
Yo estoy viendo a tu amiga Tu amiga esta siendo viesta (por mi)
I saw your friend Your friend was seen (by me)
Past simple
Yo vi a tu amiga Tu amiga fue vista (por mi)
I was seeing your friend Your friend was being seen (by me)
Past continuous
Yo estaba viendo a tu amiga Tu amiga estaba siendo vista (por mi)
I have seen your friend Your friend has been seen (by me)
Present perfect simple
Yo he visto a tu amiga Tu amiga ha sido vista (por mi)
I have been seeing your friend Your friend has been being seen (by me)
Present perfect continuous
He estado viendo a tu amiga Tu amiga ha sido vista (por mi)
I had seen your friend Your friend had been seen (by me)
Past perfect simple
Había visto a tu amiga Tu amiga había sido vista (por mi)
I will see your friend Your friend will be seen (by me)
Future simple (will)
Yo veré a tu amiga Tu amiga será vista (por mi)
I will have seen your friend Your friend will have been seen (by me)
Future perfect simple
Habré visto a tu amiga Tu amiga habrá sido vista (por mi)
I´m going to see your friend Your friend is going to be seen (by me)
Future (going to)
Yo voy a ver a tu amiga Tu amiga va a ser vista (por mi)

Ir un tiempo verbal atrás Cuando decimos que alguien ha dicho algo.


Present simple Past simple
He said "I play football" He said that he played football
Present continuous Past continuous
She said "She is reading a book now" She said that she was reading a book

Present perfect simple Past perfect simple

She said "I have bought a new car" She said that she had bought a new car
Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous SE QUEDAN IGUAL
She said "I have been working" She said that she had been working Past Perfect

Past simple Past perfect simple Verbos modales: Would

He said " There was an accident" He said that he there had been an accident Could, Should, Ought to, Might
Past continuous Past perfect continuous
She said "I was working" She said that she had been working
Future simple: will/would Would
She said "I will work" She said that she would work
Future: be going to Future: was/were going to
She said "I´m going to the cinema" She said that she was going to the…
Can Could
She said "I can speak 5 languages" She said that she could speak 5 lang…
May Might
She said "I may eat a lot" She said that she might eat a lot
Have to / must Had to
She said "I must study" She said that she had to study
Arise arose arisen surgir
Be was / were been ser / estar
Beat beat beaten golpear
Become became become convertirse
Begin began begun comenzar
Bet bet / betted bet / betted apostar
Bite bit bitten morder
Bleed bled bled sangrar
Blow blew blown soplar
Break broke broken romper
Bring brought brought traer
Build built built construir
Buy bought bought comprar
Catch caught caught atrapar
Choose chose chosen elegir
Come came come venir
Cost cost cost costar
Creep crept crept arrastrarse
Cut cut cut cortar
Deal dealt dealt dar, repartir
Do did done hacer
Draw drew drawn dibujar
Dream dreamt / dreamed dreamt / dreamed soñar
Drink drank drunk beber
Drive drove driven conducir
Eat ate eaten comer
Fall fell fallen caer
Feed fed fed alimentar
Feel felt felt sentir
Fight fought fought pelear
Find found found encontrar
Flee fled fled huir
Fly flew flown volar
Forget forgot forgotten olvidar
Forgive forgave forgiven perdonar
Forsake forsook forsaken abandonar
Freeze froze frozen congelar
Get got got / gotten tener, obtener
Give gave given dar
Go went gone ir
Grind ground ground moler
Grow grew grown crecer
Hang hung hung colgar
Have had had tener
Hear heard heard oír
Hide hid hidden esconderse
Hit hit hit golpear
Hold held held tener, mantener
Hurt hurt hurt herir, doler
Keep kept kept guardar
Kneel knelt knelt arrodillarse
Know knew known saber
Lead led led encabezar
Learn learnt / learned learnt / learned aprender
Leave left left dejar
Lend lent lent prestar
Let let let dejar
Lie lay lain yacer
Lose lost lost perder
Make made made hacer
Mean meant meant significar
Meet met met conocer, encontrar
Pay paid paid pagar
Put put put poner
Quit quit / quitted quit / quitted abandonar
Read read read leer
Ride rode ridden montar, ir
Ring rang rung llamar por teléfono
Rise rose risen elevar
Run ran run correr
Say said said decir
See saw seen ver
Sell sold sold vender
Send sent sent enviar
Set set set fijar
Sew sewed sewn / sewed coser
Shake shook shaken sacudir
Shine shone shone brillar
Shoot shot shot disparar
Show showed shown / showed mostrar
Shrink shrank / shrunk shrunk encoger
Shut shut shut cerrar
Sing sang sung cantar
Sink sank sunk hundir
Sit sat sat sentarse
Sleep slept slept dormir
Slide slid slid deslizar
Sow sowed sown / sowed sembrar
Speak spoke spoken hablar
Spell spelt / spelled spelt / spelled deletrar
Spend spent spent gastar
Spill spilt / spilled spilt / spilled derramar
Split split split partir
Spoil spoilt / spoiled spoilt / spoiled estropear
Spread spread spread extenderse
Stand stood stood estar de pie
Steal stole stolen robar
Sting stung stung picar
Stink stank / stunk stunk apestar
Strike struck struck golpear
Swear swore sworn jurar
Sweep swept swept barrer
Swim swam swum nadar
Take took taken tomar
Teach taught taught enseñar
Tear tore torn romper
Tell told told decir
Think thought thought pensar
Throw threw thrown lanzar
Tread trode todden / trod pisar
Understand understood understoot entender
Wake woke woken despertarse
Wear wore worn llevar puesto
Weave wove woven tejer
Weep wept wept llorar
Win won won ganar
Wring wrung wrung retorcer
Write wrote written escribir


Accountant : someone whose job is to keep or examine the finalcial records of a
Contable: alguien cuyo trabajo es mantener o examinar los registros financieros de
una empresa.

Acquire: to buy or take control of company or part of a company.

Adquirir: comprar o tomar el control de una empresa o parte de una empresa.

Ad: an advertisement.
Anuncio: un anuncio

Adjust: to change something slightly so that it works better, fits better or is more
Ajustar: para cambiar algo ligeramente para que funcione mejor, se ajuste mejor o sea
más adecuado.

Advantage: a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favourable or superior

Ventaja: una condición o circunstancia que lo coloca a uno en una posición favorable o

Advertisement: a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product,

Anuncio: aviso o anuncio en un medio público que promociona un producto o servicio.

Agenda: a list of subjects that people will discuss at a meeting.

Agenda: una lista de temas que las personas discutirán en una reunión.

Aim at: to producir something for a particular purpose, or a particular group of people.
Enfocado a: producir algo para un propósito particular, o un grupo particular de

Alienate: to cause someone or a group of people to stop supporting and agreeing with
Alienar: hacer que alguien o un grupo de personas dejen de apoyarte y estar de
acuerdo contigo.

Apology: a regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure.

Disculpa: reconocimiento arrepentido de una ofensa o falla.

Apply for a job: to ask officially for regular work.

Solicitar un trabajo: solicitar oficialmente un trabajo regular.
Appoint: to officially choose someone for a job.
Nombrar: elegir oficialmente a alguien para un trabajo.

Appraisal: when you examinas someone or something and judge how good or
successful they are.
Valoración: cuando examina a alguien o algo y juzga qué tan bueno o exitoso es.

Area of responsability: a part of your job that is your particular duty to deal with.
Área de responsabilidad: una parte de su trabajo de la que es su deber particular

Assemble: to build something by joining different parts together.

Ensamblar: construir algo uniendo diferentes partes.

assets: things such as money, property or land owned by a person, company or

Activos: cosas como dinero, propiedades o terrenos que son propiedad de una
persona, empresa u organización.

Attach : to add a computer file to an email message.

Adjuntar: para agregar un archivo de computadora a un mensaje de correo

Audit: when an independent person examine all the financial records of a company to
produce an official report.
Auditoría: cuando una persona independiente examina todos los registros financieros
de una empresa para producir un informe oficial.

Autonomy: the right of a country or group of people to govern itself.

Autonomía: el derecho de un país o grupo de personas a gobernarse a sí mismo.

Average: usual and like the most common type of something.

Promedio: habitual y como el tipo más común de algo.
Black-up copy: a computer file, document, etc, that is created to be exactly the same
as another one.
Copia negra: un archivo de computadora, documento, etc., que se crea para ser
exactamente igual a otro.

Balance sheet: a document that shows what a company has earned and what it has
spent. Balance: documento que muestra lo que una empresa ha ganado y lo que ha

Be let in charge: to be the person who is responsible for someone or something.

Dejar a cargo: ser la persona responsable de alguien o algo.

Bear market: a time when the share prices of a company are falling as a lot of of
people are selling them.
Mercado bajista: un momento en el que los precios de las acciones de una empresa
están cayendo porque mucha gente las vende.

Bill: a printed or written statement of the money owed for goods or services.
Factura: declaración impresa o escrita del dinero adeudado por bienes o servicios.

Boardroom: a room where the people who control a company or organisation have
meetings. Sala de juntas: sala donde se reúnen las personas que controlan una
empresa u organización.

Bond : an official document from a government or company to show that you have
given them money that they will pay back with a certain amount of extra money.
Fianza: documento oficial de un gobierno o empresa para demostrar que les ha
entregado dinero que lo devolverá con una determinada cantidad de dinero extra.

Bonus: an extra amount of money that you are given, especially because you have
worked hard.
Bonificación: una cantidad extra de dinero que se te da, especialmente porque has
trabajado duro.

Bookkeeping: recording the money that an organisation or businnes send and

Contabilidad: registro del dinero que una organización o empresa envía y recibe.

Boost: an act or event that increases or improves something.

Impulsar (aumentar): un acto o evento que aumenta o mejora algo.

Brand: a product that is made by particular company.

Marca: un producto fabricado por una empresa en particular.

Brand identity: a set of ideas and features that a company wants people to connect in
their minds with his products or brand.
Identidad de marca: un conjunto de ideas y características que una empresa quiere
que las personas conecten en sus mentes con sus productos o marca.
Brand management: the process of controlling the way in which a company markets a
product or brand so that people continue to buy it or buy more of it.
Gestión de marca: el proceso de controlar la forma en que una empresa comercializa
un producto o marca para que las personas sigan comprándolo o comprando más.

Break into an area: to suddenly start an activity.

Irrumpir en un área: iniciar de repente una actividad.

Broaden your product range: to increase the number of different things made by your
Amplíe su gama de productos: para aumentar la cantidad de cosas diferentes que
fabrica su negocio.

Broker: someone whose job is to buy and sell shares equal parts of a company´s total.
Agente financiero: alguien cuyo trabajo es comprar y vender acciones a partes iguales
del total de una empresa.

Budget: an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.

Presupuesto: una estimación de ingresos y gastos durante un período de tiempo

Chain: number of similar shops, restaurants, etc, owned by the same company.
Cadena: número de tiendas similares, restaurantes, etc., propiedad de la misma

Chief Executive Officer (CEO): the main person responsible for managing a company or
organisation, who is also sometimes the company´s president or chairman of the
Consejero Delegado (CEO): la persona principal responsable de la gestión de una
empresa u organización, que a veces también es el presidente de la empresa o el
presidente del directorio.

Creditor: a person or organisation that someone owes money to.

Acreedor: una persona u organización a la que alguien le debe dinero.

Commission: an instruction, command, or role given to a person or group.

Comisión: instrucción, comando o rol que se le da a una persona o grupo.

Co- ordinate: to make different people or things work together effectively, or to

organise all the different parts of an activity.
Coordinar: para hacer que diferentes personas o cosas trabajen juntas de manera
efectiva, o para organizar todas las diferentes partes de una actividad.

Competitive market: the buying and selling of somethings when other businesses are
trying to be more successful than yours.
Mercado competitivo: compra y venta de cosas cuando otras empresas intentan tener
más éxito que la suya.
Complaint: an expression of discontent.
Queja: expresión de descontento.

Consultant: someone who advises people about a particular subject.

Consultor: alguien que asesora a las personas sobre un tema en particular.

Corporation: a large company or group of companies.

Corporación: una gran empresa o grupo de empresas.

Cost: the price of something.

Costo: el precio de algo.

Cover your expenses: to have enough money to pay for the things you need.
Cubra sus gastos: tener suficiente dinero para pagar las cosas que necesita.

Customer base: the group of people who usually buy or use a company´s products or
Base de clientes: grupo de personas que habitualmente compran o utilizan los
productos o servicios de una empresa.

CV: a document which describes your qualifications and the jobs you have done,
which you send to an employer that want to work for.
CV (curriculum vitae): un documento que describe sus calificaciones y los trabajos que
ha realizado, que envía a un empleador para el que desea trabajar.

Data warehouse: a large amount of information sotored on one computer, or on a
number of computers in the same place.
Almacén de datos: una gran cantidad de información almacenada en una
computadora o en varias computadoras en el mismo lugar.

Deadline: a time by which something must have be done.

Fecha límite: tiempo en el que se debe haber hecho algo.

Deal with: to do business with a person or organisation.

Tratar con: hacer negocios con una persona u organización.

Debt: a sum of money that is owed or due.

Deuda: una suma de dinero que se adeuda o adeuda.

Debtor: someone who owes money.

Deudor: alguien que debe dinero.

Decline: to become less in amount, importance,quality, or strength.

Declive: disminuir en cantidad, importancia, calidad o fuerza.
Decrease: make or become smaller or fewer in size, amount , intensity, or degree.
Disminuir: hacer o volverse más pequeño o menor en tamaño, cantidad, intensidad o

Degree: a qualificacion give for completing a university course.

Título: una calificación otorgada por completar un curso universitario.

Delegate: someone who is sent to somewhere to represent a group of people.

Delegado: alguien que es enviado a algún lugar para representar a un grupo de

Delivery charges: the amount of money that you have to pay for taking things such
letters, parcels or goods to a person or place.
Gastos de envío: la cantidad de dinero que debe pagar por llevar cosas como cartas,
paquetes o mercancías a una persona o lugar.

Demand: a need for something to be sold or supplied.

Demanda: necesidad de vender o suministrar algo.

Demanding: needing a lot of your time, attention or effort.

Exigente: necesita mucho de su tiempo, atención o esfuerzo.

Demonstration: showing how to do something, or how something works.

Demostración: mostrar cómo hacer algo o cómo funciona algo.

Depreciation: a loss a value, especially over time.

Depreciación: una pérdida de valor, especialmente a lo largo del tiempo.

Discounted: cheaper than usual.

Descuento: más barato de lo habitual.

Dismiss: to officially make someone leave their job.

Descartar: hacer que alguien deje oficialmente su trabajo.

Distributor: a person or organisation that supplies goods to shops and companies.

Distribuidor: persona u organización que suministra bienes a comercios y empresas.

Dividend: an amount of money paid regularly to someone who owns shares in a

company from the company's profits.
Dividendo: una cantidad de dinero que se paga regularmente a alguien que posee
acciones en una empresa con cargo a las ganancias de la empresa.
Economic boom: a period when there is a big increase in sales or profits.
Boom económico: período en el que hay un gran aumento de las ventas o los

Emerging market: a part of the world where a product or service is starting to be sold.
Mercado emergente: una parte del mundo donde se comienza a vender un producto o

Enclose: to send something in the same envelopeor parcel as something else/ to

Adjuntar: enviar algo en el mismo sobre o paquete que otra cosa / adjuntar

Entitled to: if you are entitled to something, you have right to do or have it.
Con derecho a: si tiene derecho a algo, tiene derecho a hacerlo o tenerlo.

Entrepreneur: someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves
Emprendedor: alguien que inicia su propio negocio, especialmente cuando esto
implica riesgos.

Evaluate: to consider or study something carefully and decide how good or bad is.
Evaluar: considerar o estudiar algo cuidadosamente y decidir qué tan bueno o malo es.

Exceed: to be more than a particular number or amount.

Exceder: ser más que un número o cantidad en particular.

Expand: to increase in size or amount , or to make something increase.

Expandir: aumentar de tamaño o cantidad, o hacer que algo aumente.

Expenditure: the total amount of money that a government or person spends on

Gasto: la cantidad total de dinero que un gobierno o una persona gasta en algo.

Exploit: to use or develop something for profit or progress in business.

Explotar: utilizar o desarrollar algo con fines de lucro o progreso en los negocios.
Fee: an amount of money that you pay to do something, to use something, or to get a
Tarifa (cuota): una cantidad de dinero que paga para hacer algo, para usar algo o para
obtener un servicio.

Field: an area of study or activity.

Campo: un área de estudio o actividad.

Fill in a form: to write the necessary information on an official document.

Completar un formulario: escribir la información necesaria en un documento oficial.

Fire: to tell someone they must leave their job.

Despedir: decirle a alguien que debe dejar su trabajo.

Fit: to put or fix something in a particular place.

Encajar: poner o arreglar algo en un lugar determinado.

Fix a time: to decide a certain and particular point in the day or night to do something.
Fijar una hora: decidir un punto determinado y particular del día o de la noche para
hacer algo.

Flipchart: large pieces of paper attached to a board on legs, which you write or draw
on when you are talking to a group of people.
Rotafolio: hojas grandes de papel adheridas a una pizarra con patas, en las que escribe
o dibuja cuando habla con un grupo de personas.

Float: to start selling a company´s share to the public.

Float: para comenzar a vender al público las acciones de una empresa.

Flood the market: to provide too much of a product to that there is more of this
product available then there are people who want to buy it.
Inunda el mercado: para proporcionar demasiado de un producto para que haya más
de este producto disponible, entonces hay personas que quieren comprarlo.

Floor: an area where a particular activity happens.

Piso: un área donde ocurre una actividad en particular.

Fluctuate: to keep changing, especially in level or amount.

Fluctuar (oscilar): para seguir cambiando, especialmente en nivel o cantidad.

Forecast: to say what you expect to happen in the futuro.

Pronóstico: decir lo que espera que suceda en el futuro.

Forum: a situation or meeting in which people can exchange ideas and discuss things.
Foro: una situación o reunión en la que las personas pueden intercambiar ideas y
discutir cosas.

Founder: someone who establishes an organisation.

Fundador/ar: alguien que establece una organización.
Forward: to send a letter, email, etc that you have received to someone else.
Reenviar: para enviar una carta, correo electrónico, etc.que haya recibido a otra

Fraud: when someone does something illegal in order to get Money.

Fraude: cuando alguien hace algo ilegal para obtener dinero.

Fulfilling: something tht satisfies you and makes you happy.

Realización: algo que te satisface y te hace feliz.

Gadget: a small piece of equipment that does a particular job, especially a new type.
Artilugio, dispositivo: una pequeña pieza de equipo que hace un trabajo en particular,
especialmente un tipo nuevo.

Get in touch: to communicate with someone by telephone, or by writing on them.

Póngase en contacto: para comunicarse con alguien por teléfono, o escribiendo sobre

Giant: a very large and important company or organisation.

Gigante: una empresa u organización muy grande e importante.

Globally mobile: able to change your way of working to suit many different countries.
Globalmente móvil: capaz de cambiar su forma de trabajar para adaptarse a muchos
países diferentes.

Go bankrupt: to be unable to continue in business because you cannot pay your debts.
Ir a la quiebra: no poder continuar en el negocio porque no puede pagar sus deudas.

Go into liquidacion: to close a business because it has no money left.

Entrar en liquidación: cerrar un negocio porque no le queda dinero.

Goods: items which are made to be sold.

Bienes: artículos que están hechos para venderse.

Graduate: someone who has studied for and received a degree qualification from a
Graduado: alguien que ha estudiado y recibido un título de grado de una universidad.

Grievance: a complaint, especially about unfair behaviour.

Queja: una queja, especialmente sobre comportamiento injusto.

Gross: money that has not had taxes or other costs taken from it.
Bruto: dinero al que no se le han descontado impuestos u otros gastos.

Growth potential: the ability of an economy or business to produce a greater number

of goods and services.
Potencial de crecimiento: capacidad de una economía o empresa para producir una
mayor cantidad de bienes y servicios.
Handout: a copy of a document that is given to all the people in a class or meeting.
Folleto: una copia de un documento que se entrega a todas las personas en una clase
o reunión.

Hard copy: information from a computer that has been printed on papel.
Copia impresa: información de una computadora que se ha impreso en papel.

Highlight: to make something a different colour so that it is more noticiable, especially

written words.
Resaltar: hacer algo de un color diferente para que sea más notorio, especialmente las
palabras escritas.

Hire: to begin to employ someone.

Contratar: comenzar a contratar a alguien.

Human resources: the departament of an organisation that deals with finding people
to work there, keeping records about all the organisation´s employees, and helping
them with any problems.
Recursos humanos: el departamento de una organización que se ocupa de encontrar
personas para trabajar allí, llevar un registro de todos los empleados de la organización
y ayudarlos con cualquier problema.

In charge of : responsible for something or someone.
A cargo de: responsable de algo o alguien.

In stock: to be available in a shop.

En stock: para estar disponible en una tienda.

Inflation: the rate at which prices increase, or a continuing increase in prices.

Inflación: la tasa a la que aumentan los precios o un aumento continuo de los precios.

Innovation: a new idea or method that is being tried for the first time, or the use of
such ideas or methods.
Innovación: una nueva idea o método que se está probando por primera vez, o el uso
de tales ideas o métodos.

Insurance: an agreement in which you pay a company money and they pay your costs
if you have an accident, injury, etc.
Seguro: un acuerdo en el que le pagas dinero a una empresa y ellos pagan tus costos si
tienes un accidente, lesión, etc.

Interpersonal skills: particular abilities connected with relationships between people.

Habilidades interpersonales: habilidades particulares relacionadas con las relaciones
entre personas.
Invest heavily: to give a lof of money to a business, or buy someting which costs a lot,
because you hope to get a profit.
Invertir mucho: dar mucho dinero a un negocio, o comprar algo que cuesta mucho,
porque esperas obtener ganancias.

Invoice: a list that shows you how much money you owe someone for work they have
done or for goods they have supplied.
Factura: una lista que muestra cuánto dinero le debe a alguien por el trabajo que ha
realizado o por los bienes que ha suministrado.

Jobseeker: someone who is trying to find a job.
Buscador de trabajo: alguien que está tratando de encontrar un trabajo.

Labour costs: the money needed to pay workers in a company or a country.
Costes laborales: el dinero necesario para pagar a los trabajadores de una empresa o
un país.

Launch a product: if a company launches a product or service, it makes it available for

this first time.
Lanzar un producto: si una empresa lanza un producto o servicio, lo pone a disposición
por primera vez.

Lay off: to stop employing someone, usually because there is no more work for them.
Despido: dejar de emplear a alguien, generalmente porque no hay más trabajo para él.

Lead the team: to be in control of a group of people who work together to do

Liderar el equipo: tener el control de un grupo de personas que trabajan juntas para
hacer algo.

Leadership: the job of being in control of a group, country, or situation.

Liderazgo: el trabajo de tener el control de un grupo, país o situación.

Lease: to make an agreement by which someone pays you money in order to use
something for particular period of time.
Arrendamiento: para hacer un acuerdo mediante el cual alguien le paga dinero para
usar algo durante un período de tiempo determinado.

Legal requirements: official rules about something that it is necessary to have or to do.
Requisitos legales: reglas oficiales sobre algo que es necesario tener o hacer.

License: to give someone official permission to do or have something.

Licencia: dar permiso oficial a alguien para hacer o tener algo.
Line graph: a drawing that uses lines to show how different pieces of information are
related to each other.
Gráfico de líneas: un dibujo que utiliza líneas para mostrar cómo se relacionan las
distintas piezas de información entre sí.

Logo: a design or symbol used by a company to advertise its products.

Logotipo: un diseño o símbolo utilizado por una empresa para publicitar sus

Look forward to : to feel happy and excited about something that is going to happen.
Esperamos: sentirse feliz y emocionado por algo que va a suceder.

Look up information: to look at a book or computer in order to find facts about a

situacion, person, event, etc.
Buscar información: mirar un libro o computadora para encontrar datos sobre una
situación, persona, evento, etc.

Lose custom: when people stop buying things from shops or business.
Pierde la costumbre: cuando la gente deja de comprar cosas en tiendas o negocio.

Loss: when you do not have someone or something that you had before, or when you
have less of something than before.
Pérdida: cuando no tienes a alguien o algo que tenías antes, o cuando tienes menos de
algo que antes.

Low -end worker: a person whose job is not well paid.

Trabajador de gama baja: una persona cuyo trabajo no está bien remunerado.

Maintain quality: to make something that is good or well-made continue in the same
Mantener la calidad: hacer que algo bueno o bien hecho continúe de la misma

Management consultancy: a company that offers other companies´advice about the

best ways of managing and improving their business.
Consultoría de gestión: empresa que asesora a otras empresas sobre las mejores
formas de gestionar y mejorar su negocio.

Make inroads: to start to become successful by getting sales, power , votes, etc, that
someone else had before.
Hacer incursiones: comenzar a tener éxito obteniendo ventas, poder, votos, etc., que
alguien más tenía antes.

Market leader: the company that sells most of a product or service in a particular
Líder de mercado: la empresa que vende la mayor parte de un producto o servicio en
un mercado en particular.
Market research: the activity of finding out what people like about products and what
things they want to buy.
Investigación de mercado: la actividad de averiguar qué le gusta a la gente de los
productos y qué quieren comprar.

Merger: when two or more companies or organisations join together.

Fusión: cuando dos o más empresas u organizaciones se unen.

Monitor: to watch something carefull and record your results.

Monitor: para observar algo con atención y registrar sus resultados.

Office politics: the relationships in a group of people who work together which allow
particular people to have power over others.
Política de oficina: las relaciones en un grupo de personas que trabajan juntas y que
permiten que determinadas personas tengan poder sobre otras.

Offshore operations: a company that is based in a different country to the one in

which is does most of its business, often for tax reason.
Operaciones a distancia: una empresa que tiene su sede en un país diferente a aquel
en el que realiza la mayor parte de su negocio, a menudo por motivos fiscales.

Operating profit: the money that a company makes from its normal business activities.
Beneficio operativo: el dinero que una empresa obtiene de sus actividades
comerciales normales.

Organogram: a diagram that shows the structure of an organisation and the

relationships between the different people, departments, and jobs at different levels
within the organisation.
Organograma: diagrama que muestra la estructura de una organización y las
relaciones entre las diferentes personas, departamentos y puestos de trabajo en
diferentes niveles dentro de la organización.

Outcome: the final result of an activity or process.

Resultado: el resultado final de una actividad o proceso.

Outlet: a shop that sells one type of product or the product of one company.
Outlet: una tienda que vende un tipo de producto o el producto de una empresa.

Outsource: if a company outsources work, it employs another organisation to do it

rather than using its own employees.
Subcontratar: si una empresa subcontrata el trabajo, contrata a otra organización para
que lo haga en lugar de utilizar a sus propios empleados.

Overheads: money that a company spends on its regular and necessary cost,for
example ren and heating.
Gastos generales: dinero que una empresa gasta en su coste habitual y necesario, por
ejemplo, alquiler y calefacción.
Overtake: to become more successful than someone or something else.
Adelantar , alcanzar : tener más éxito que alguien o algo más.

Owe: to have to pay money back to someone.

Deber: tener que devolver dinero a alguien.

Partnership: a company which is owned by two or more people.
Sociedad: una empresa que es propiedad de dos o más personas.

Patent: a legal right that a person or company receives to make or sell a particular
product so that others cannot copy it.
Patente: un derecho legal que recibe una persona o empresa para fabricar o vender un
producto en particular para que otros no puedan copiarlo.

Pay off a debt: to finish paying back money that you owe for something.
Pagar una deuda: terminar de devolver el dinero que debe por algo.

Payroll: the activity of managing the money that is paid to employees.

Nómina: la actividad de administrar el dinero que se paga a los empleados.

Peak: the highest level or value of something.

Pico: el nivel o valor más alto de algo.

Per capita: for each person.

Per cápita: para cada persona.

Personal assistant (PA): a person who organises letters, meetings and phone calls for
someone with an important job.
Asistente personal (PA): persona que organiza cartas, reuniones y llamadas telefónicas
para alguien con un trabajo importante.

Personnel: the department of an organisation that deals with finding people to work
there, keeping records about them, etc HUMAN RESOURCE.
Personal: es el departamento de una organización que se ocupa de encontrar personas
para trabajar allí, llevar registros sobre ellas, etc. RECURSOS HUMANOS.

Plenary: relating to a meeting at which all the members of a group or an organisation

are present, especially at a conference.
Plenario,pleno: relativo a una reunión en la que están presentes todos los miembros
de un grupo u organización, especialmente en una conferencia.

Prioritise: to decide which of a group of things are the most important, so that you can
deal with them first.
Priorizar: decidir cuáles de un grupo de cosas son las más importantes, de modo que
pueda abordarlas primero.
Private investor: a person who invests money, rather than a company or financial
organisation that does this for a client.
Inversor privado: una persona que invierte dinero, en lugar de una empresa u
organización financiera que lo hace por un cliente.

Profitable: making or likely to make money from selling goods or services for more
than they cost to produce or provide.
Rentable: hacer o es probable que gane dinero vendiendo bienes o servicios por más
de lo que cuesta producir o proporcionar.

Promote a product: to advertise something that is made or grown to be sold.

Promocionar un producto: anunciar algo que se fabrica o cultiva para vender.

Promote growth: to encourage business activities to develop.

Fomentar el crecimiento: fomentar el desarrollo de las actividades empresariales.

Promotion: when someone is given a more important job in the same organisation.
Promoción: cuando a alguien se le asigna un trabajo más importante en la misma

Qualification: the skills, qualities or experiences that you need in order to do
Cualidades: las habilidades, cualidades o experiencias que necesitas para hacer algo.

Quality control: the process of looking at goods when they are being produced to
make certain that they are of the intended standard.
Control de calidad: el proceso de examinar los productos cuando se producen para
asegurarse de que cumplen los estándares previstos.

Reach full potencial : to develop, achieve or succeed in the most complete way.
Alcance todo su potencial: para desarrollarse, lograr o triunfar de la manera más

Receipt: a piece of paper that proves that you have received goods or money.
Recibo: una hoja de papel que prueba que ha recibido bienes o dinero.

Recession : a time when the economy of a country is not successful.

Recesión: un momento en que la economía de un país no tiene éxito.

Recruitment: when you try to persuade someone to work for a company or to join an
Reclutamiento: cuando intenta persuadir a alguien para que trabaje para una empresa
o se una a una organización.

Referee: a person who knows you and who is willing to describe your character and
abilities in order to support you when you are trying to get a job, etc.
Árbitro, evaluador: una persona que te conoce y que está dispuesta a describir tu
carácter y habilidades para apoyarte cuando intentas conseguir un trabajo, etc.

Refund: pay back (money), typically to a customer.

Reembolso: devolver (dinero), normalmente a un cliente.

Reminder: a thing that causes someone to remember something

Recordatorio: algo que hace que alguien recuerde algo.

Report: give a spoken or written account of something that one has observed, heard,
done, or investigated.
Informe: da un relato hablado o escrito de algo que uno ha observado, escuchado,
hecho o investigado.

Research and Development (R&D): the part of an organisation that works to improve
its existing products and develop new one.
Investigación y desarrollo (I + D): la parte de una organización que trabaja para
mejorar sus productos existentes y desarrollar otros nuevos.

Research project: a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover

information or understand the subject better.
Proyecto de investigación: estudio detallado de un tema, especialmente para
descubrir información o comprender mejor el tema.

Resign: to officially tell your employer that you are leaving your job.
Renunciar: para decirle oficialmente a su empleador que deja su trabajo.

Responsible for: having a duty to deal with or manage someone or something.

Responsable de: tener el deber de tratar o administrar a alguien o algo.

Restructuring: the act if organising a company, businees or system in a way to make it

operate more effectively.
Reestructuración: el acto de organizar una empresa, negocio o sistema de manera que
funcione de manera más eficaz.

Retirement: when you leave your job and stop working, usually because you are old.
Jubilación: cuando deja su trabajo y deja de trabajar, generalmente porque es mayor.

Revenue: large amounts of money received by a government as tax, or by a company.

Ingresos: grandes cantidades de dinero recibidas por un gobierno como impuesto o
por una empresa.

Review: the process of considering something again in order to make changes to it.
Revisión: el proceso de considerar algo nuevamente para realizar cambios en él.

Resumé: a document which describes your qualifications and the jobs that you have
done, which you send to an employer that you want to work for.
Currículum: un documento que describe sus calificaciones y los trabajos que ha
realizado, que envía a un empleador para el que desea trabajar.
Risk: the possibility of financial loss.
Riesgo: la posibilidad de pérdidas financieras.

Sample: synonym of "example".
Ejemplo: sinónimo de "ejemplo".

Savings: money that you have saved, usually in a bank.

Ahorro: dinero que ha ahorrado, generalmente en un banco.

Schedule: a plan of events or activities and the times that they will happen or be done.
Horario: un plan de eventos o actividades y las horas en las que se realizarán o se

Scholarship: an amount of money give to a person by an organisation to pay for their

education, usually at a college or university.
Beca: cantidad de dinero que una organización le da a una persona para pagar su
educación, generalmente en un colegio o universidad.

Set up: to start a company/to arrange for something to happen.

Configurar: iniciar una empresa / organizar para que suceda algo.

Signature: a person's name written in a distinctie way as a form of identification in

authorizing a document /The action of signing a document.
Firma: el nombre de una persona escrito de manera distintiva como una forma de
identificación al autorizar un documento / La acción de firmar un documento.

Slogan: a short phrase that is easy to remember and is used to make people notice
Eslogan: una frase corta que es fácil de recordar y que se usa para hacer que la gente
note algo.

Sponsor : a person or organisation that gives money to support an activity, event, etc.
Patrocinador: una persona u organización que da dinero para apoyar una actividad,
evento, etc.

Stereotype: a fixed idea that people have about what a particular type of person is
Estereotipo: una idea fija que la gente tiene sobre cómo es un tipo particular de

Stock: all the goods that are available in a shop.

Stock: todos los productos que están disponibles en una tienda.

Strategy: a plan that you use to achieve something.

Estrategia: un plan que usas para lograr algo.
Target: your audience.
Objetivo: tu audiencia.

Tool: a piece of equipment that you use wiht your hand in order to help you do
Herramienta: una pieza de equipo que usa con la mano para ayudarlo a hacer algo.

Trade fair: a large event at which companies show their products to people who might
buy them.
Feria comercial: un gran evento en el que las empresas muestran sus productos a las
personas que podrían comprarlos.

Trademark: the name of a particular company or product which cannot be used by

anyone else.
Marca comercial: el nombre de una empresa o producto en particular que no puede
ser utilizado por nadie más.

Trading company: a business that buys and sells goods.

Empresa comercial: empresa que compra y vende bienes.

Turnover: how much money a business earns in a period of time.

Facturación, volumen de ventas: cuánto dinero gana una empresa en un período de

Under pressure: required to do something in a limited amount of time.
Bajo presión: requerido para hacer algo en un período de tiempo limitado.

Unemployment rate: the number or percentage of people in a country or area who do

not have jobs.
Tasa de desempleo: el número o porcentaje de personas en un país o área que no
tienen trabajo.

Upgrade: to improve something to that it is of a higher quality or a newer model.

Reformar: para mejorar algo que sea de mayor calidad o un modelo más nuevo.

Venture capital: money that is spent on a new activity, or company, especially when
there is a chance that the activity or company will not be successful.
Capital de riesgo: dinero que se gasta en una nueva actividad, o empresa,
especialmente cuando existe la posibilidad de que la actividad o empresa no tenga
Wholesaler: a person or company that sells goods in large quantities at low prices.
Mayorista: persona o empresa que vende productos en grandes cantidades a precios

Webinar: an occasion when a group of people go online at the same time to study or
discuss something.
Seminario web: una ocasión en la que un grupo de personas se conecta a Internet al
mismo tiempo para estudiar o discutir algo.

Withdraw: to remove something, especially because an official decision.

Retirar: quitar algo, sobre todo por decisión oficial.

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