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You can use your dictionary to help you identify the Parts of speech and the
meaning of the underlined words in the sentences.

Sentence Part of speech Meaning in Spanish

Ex. The focus of this research will be on

opportunities provided for the acquisition of soft Noun Investigación
1. I love watching TV.
Verb Ver/Mirar
2. While White House physician Sean
Conley offered rosy assessments of Trump's
Noun Evaluaciones

3. She wore a bright yellow top.

Adjective Brillante
4. As people pick up new hobbies while they remain
in self-quarantine due to the COVID-19
pandemic, interest in gardening and farming is Noun Agricultura
experiencing a boom among Americans.

5. Duchess Kate toasted marshmallows with Scouts

during a visit in West London on Sept. 29, 2020. Verb Tostada o Tostado

6. As people pick up new hobbies while they remain

in self-quarantine due to the COVID-19
pandemic, interest in gardening and farming is Preposition Entre
experiencing a boom among Americans.

7. Some states are testing the software now before

deciding whether to go forward. Preposition Ahora

8. Nicole Burke owns a garden installment business

in Houston, where she’s seen a surge in
Verb Poseer
customers ready to put their green thumb to the
9. If you are diagnosed positive for the coronavirus
and you inform the app, messages are then sent
Pronoun Tú
to everyone you met.

10. Rebecca Broom from Madison, Mississippi,

decided to take one of Burke's online tutorials to Pronoun (De) Ella
get started with her garden.

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