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Comparison Analysis: Levels of learning achieved by Our Lady of

Fatima University Pampanga Campus, Senior High in STEM 12

students through physical and online learning

A Research Proposal Presented

to the Our Lady of Fatima University

Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for

Practical Research 2

Submitted by:

Luat, Raven

Ocampo, Frances Margaret

Refuela, Dolly Arwen

Santos, Francine Desiree

Torres, Mary Kate

Torres, Siren May




1.1 Background of the Study

Online learning has emerged as a topic of discussion in the twenty-first

century. Online learning is the delivery of instruction through the use of digital

resources. Electronic devices are used to deliver this type of learning. Online

learning is also known as distance education, computerized electronic learning,

and internet learning. With the introduction of online learning, students can now

access their learning materials from anywhere and at any time. Over the last two

decades, the advancement of technology has made education more accessible at

all levels (Darwa & Antwi, 2021).

Many similarities exist between online and traditional education. Students

must still attend class, learn the material, turn in assignments, and work on group

projects. Teachers must still create curriculum, maximize instructional quality,

answer class questions, motivate students to learn, and grade assignments. Despite

these fundamental similarities, the two modalities differ significantly. Classroom

instruction has traditionally been known to be teacher-centered and requires

passive learning from students, whereas online instruction is frequently student-

centered and requires active learning (Paul & Jefferson, 2019).


The outbreak of the new coronavirus pandemic posed the most significant

challenge to the worldwide education system in the last century by the end of

2019. E-learning has emerged as a significant alternative for reforming the entire

traditional educational system during the COVID-19 epidemic. Both teachers and

students have to adjust their behaviors, learning and teaching techniques, and

other aspects of their lives. This reform has brought about several benefits, but

has caused tensions and frustrations among both the beneficiaries of the teaching

act and the educational actors. (Gherheș et al., 2021)

In order to maximize student learning, educators must offer a consistent

and coherent technical framework for students and provide training and support to

access technology when needed. Teachers must consider learning preferences of

students when selecting technology because students may be more comfortable

with one type of technology such as video or audio tools rather than computer-

based instruction. It may be desirable to combine various types of technology to

reach the interest and ability level of all students (Willis, 1993). The availability

of the internet and the cost of internet packages determine the continuity of online


However, in practice, study found that students experienced limited

internet access because of their geographical location, or as a result of limited

finances with which to purchase internet packages. Students’ level of literacy, and

their ability to access online learning, is also crucial to the effectiveness of online

learning, and found that internet connection was the most significant factor to

influence the effectiveness of e-learning. (Hazwani et al., 2020)

Senior High School students at Our Lady of Fatima University Pampanga

campus are one group of students who are experiencing the different effects of

online learning compared to physical learning. Even though in the division of

Pampanga a lot of researchers conducted the same topic as my groupmates, we, as

researchers in this study, are still motivated to conduct the said topic because, as

students who are still in the midst of online classes caused by the COVID_19

pandemic, we believe that this study can still fill some of the gaps and questions

about the differences between online and physical learning. To learn more about

the benefits of these two scenarios for every senior high school student at Our

Lady of Fatima University Pampanga, we'd like to dig deeper into the subject.

We'd like to compare the effectiveness of online learning to physical learning,

especially now that other students are taking full face-to-face classes rather than

virtual ones. For that reason, the researchers from this study will evaluate the

effects of online learning compared to physical learning since one of our aims is

to discuss the exact impact and adjustment that a senior high school student made

in order to cope with either online or physical learning according to the

implementation of Our Lady of Fatima University Pampanga campus.

1.2 Statement of the Problem


This study is to be conducted to point out and examine the academic performance
differences between physical learning and online learning of senior high students
in Our Lady of Fatima University.
Precisely, this study sought to answer the following question:
1. How many to profile of the respondents be described in terms of:
1.1 Grade and strand;
1.2 Age;
1.3 Gender;
1.4 Attending blended learning system;
2. How might the impact of students' academic performance in SHS be
described in terms of:
1.1 Online learning and;
1.2 Physical learning.
3. What can be the possible impact of Online and Physical Learning of
OLFU SHS students’ academic performance?
4. What is the most preferred type of education of OLFU SHS students
between online and physical learning?
5. To what extent do the levels of learning attained through online and
physical learning differ?
6. In what percentage of the population in SHS grade 12- stem are in favor of
learning through physical schooling than learning online?
7. Between face-to-face and online learning, what are the reason why
students have a low or high rate when it comes to learning achieved?
8. How can senior high school students can learn better in physical learning
than the online learning?
9. Which is best for students: online or face to face classes?
10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online compared to face-to-
face class?



This chapter focuses on a number of related studies and other types of

literature that have an influence on the variables included in the research.  It

focuses on several aspects that will aid in the advancement of this research.

2.1 Online learning

Online learning is described as a teaching method in which the student and

teacher are separated by distance and the entire learning process is carried out

through communication networks and the Internet. (Ali Ta’amneh, 2021) Despite

the benefits of online education, there are still many difficulties that students,

staff, and professors must overcome, whether in normal circumstances or

emergency situations. To enable this kind of learning, for instance, it is necessary

to have an integrated infrastructure and qualified, skilled staff workers. Teachers

and students must also have access to computers supported by communication

networks and a quick internet connection. Due to a lack of technology and

auxiliary tools, this type of learning approach may be difficult to implement in

underdeveloped nations. (Osuji & Amadi, 2020).

Other difficulties in implementing online learning include certain

students' lack of concentration and their rare communication chances, which can

limit the sharing of ideas, experiences, and knowledge  (Fathelrahman, 2019).

2.2 Traditional/ Physical learning

Physical or offline learning is another name for what happens in a

classroom. Learning is the process of gaining new knowledge, abilities,

preferences, and actions. Building mental models of the world. is an active

process that involves engaging with and modifying events. Learners gain

knowledge by interacting, observing, and exploring the world around them. As a

result, it includes utilizing existing knowledge. (Bransford, J., et Al. 2007)

2.3 RRL

in the study of Alzahrani, M. (2022) they claim that the importance of

online learning because it is obvious that students perform better using this

method than they do using traditional learning. It has been established that online

learning may be a good educational alternative if the necessary conditions and

infrastructure are in place. International organizations, especially institutions of

higher education, may change their policy as a result of this situation. Numerous

studies demonstrate the value of online education. First, according to studies by

(Navarro & Shoemaker, 2000) , students who learn online achieve learning results

that are at least as good as those of students who learn traditionally. This fact

stands separate from the fact that students are happy with online learning in


This is also what Yu-Fong Chang et al., (2021) revealed that there was a

difference in learning effectiveness between studying in a real classroom and

learning online for dentistry education during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the

conclusion is that online learning was more effective than learning in a physical


Students' performance might change as they become more accustomed to

the online environment. The characteristics of virtual courses may also change

over time. Artificial intelligence, which is just starting to be used in online

courses, holds out hope for enhancing online learning by adapting to students'

needs and individualized instruction in ways that would be difficult for classroom

teachers to replicate as well as by figuring out what kinds of information and

assessments best support student learning (Hart et al., 2019).

While studies above indicate that online learning is significantly more

successful, other research contends that there is little difference between online

and traditional learning. Such as the study of Kemp & Grieve, (2014) showed that

students favored to finish rather than online, perform chores in person, although

there was no Significantly different exam results between the two techniques


This chapter describes the research process. It describes the method used
to conduct this research and provides evidence for its use. It would cover the
research design and methodology, including the study population, research
instrument development, establishing reliability and validity, data collection
procedures, and appropriate data analysis.
3.1 Respondents and Research Locale
The research will be carried out at the Our Lady of Fatima University
Pampanga Campus, located at Dela Paz Norte, San Fernando, Pampanga
(formerly known as Fatima Medical Science Foundation, Inc., and abbreviated as
OLFU). This place was selected because it is known for its allied medical
sciences programs, and the school must provide appropriate teaching methods and
technology in order to cover these programs. Students are also encouraged to go
to school and use the internet to make their studies more efficient, and with the
addition of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the school’s learning methods have
changed and are now available to do online through Google Meet, Zoom, and the
Canvas application, but now they are slowly going back to physical learning after

such a long period of time because of the pandemic. This study’s respondents are
Grade 12 senior high school STEM students from Our Lady of Fatima
University's Pampanga Campus who are between the ages of 16 and 19 for the
school year 2022-2023. This study’s sample size was 50 respondents, and all of
the data came from a survey of the 50 respondents.
3.2 Research Design
This quantitative study will use a comparative method research design. A
comparative method allows the researcher to seek evidence in order to adapt the
investigation on how a specific characteristic of a phenomena approaches an
adaptation of testing hypothesis (Pagel, 2001). Comparative method will
eventually pursue two objectives alternately in order to compare the levels of
learning achieved by OLFU SHS students between physical and online learning.
In gathering data, stratified and convenience sampling is used for the students
who answered the given survey with a given choice of a yes or no answer. By
using comparative analysis, the gathered data will eventually differentiate the
educational levels achieved through physical and online learning, and the
analyzed data findings of this research will determine the most effective and
beneficial way of education between online and physical learning for SHS grade
12 STEM students in OLFU.

3.3 Materials and Methods

3.3.1 Sampling and Sampling method
This study's participants are senior high school students from
STEM 12-1P at Our Lady of Fatima Pampanga campus who will be 17 or 18
during the school year 2022-2023.This study had a sample size of 50 respondents,
which comprised 50 student survey forms.

The researcher would utilize stratified sampling to ensure specific

subgroups are present in their sample for our Lady of Fatima University
Pampanga Campus senior high school STEM 12-1P students, where voluntary
samples are especially likely to be used when researchers need to have potential
participants come forward and identify themselves.

Students from the senior high school STEM 12-1P class at Our Lady of
Fatima University, Pampanga Campus, will be selected via convenience
sampling, a method of non-probability sampling where researchers choose their
sample based solely on convenience. Non-probability sampling means that
researchers choose the sample as opposed to randomly selecting it. You can share
a link to the online survey with people you know in person and people you are
linked to on social networking sites like Messenger. This would be the quickest
and easiest way to find primary data sources for our study.
3.3.2 Ethical Consideration

Before data collection in the field, the researcher will seek permission
from the Senior High School Students of Our Lady of Fatima University
Pampanga Campus, they will be given ample time and consideration to respond to
the interview questions so they can answer honestly. The researcher will ensure
that all respondents voluntarily participate in the study and the information
collected will be kept confidential. they must examine if their processes are likely
to cause physical or mental harm to their participants. Harm may be inflicted by
infringing the informant's right to privacy by asking sensitive questions or getting
access to records that may contain personal data and allowing personal
information that informants would want to keep confidential to become public, as
well as neglecting to observe/respect specific cultural norms, customs, or taboos
treasured by their informants.
3.3.3 Research instrument
The researchers employed structured questions. Ten dichotomous
questions were created by them. Four of the ten dichotomous questions are
concerning online learning, while five are regarding in-person learning. A
comparison analysis of the learning levels attained by OLFU SHS grade
12 students through traditional classroom classes and online learning was the aim
of the survey used in this study. The researchers are limited to 50 participants.
Then distributed their questionnaires using G-forms, and they used pie charts to
analyze the results.

3.3.4 Data Gathering

The researchers used dichotomous question to gather the data and the
researcher provide the questionnaires to the students in Our Lady of Fatima
University SHS Grade 12 Stem Pampanga.
The researchers gather 50 respondents to answer the survey through
goggle form. The survey was created using dichotomous questions from related
research and individual questions formed by the researchers. The survey was
composed 10 question the handing of questionnaire will be done personally by the
researchers and the researchers will be collecting the answered questionnaire. The
data gathered from this research instrument were tailed for interpretation of the

Data analysis and discussion
4.1 Data analysis

The data and a discussion of the results are presented in this chapter. a study

design using a quantitative, comparative approach. A poll of ten questions


answered with a YES or NO was conducted at the Our Lady of Fatima University

Pampanga Campus in Dela Paz Norte, San Fernando, Pampanga. that employ

convenience sampling and stratified sampling. aiming to reach 50 stem students in

grade 12 STEM. The question will be first categorized into sections such us

online class and face-to-face class, then the number of answers will be combined

and a computer program called Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Software was used

to evaluate the data. Pie charts and percentages are used to show the research


4.4 Findings and Results

4.4.1 Age of respondents

The respondents’ ages ranged from 16 to 19 years. A total of 35 (70%)

were aged 17 and a total of 13 (26%) were aged 18. Senior high school students

are typically between the ages of 17 and 18. ( shown in figure 4.1)

Figure 4.1 Gender of respondents

In our survey, 28 (56%) of respondents were female, while 22 (44%) were

male. (Shown in Figure 4.2)

Figure 4.2 Students who preferred online classes

The vast majority of respondents, 136 (68%), do not prefer online classes,

and only 64 (32%), do. As a result, most students find online classes challenging,

and their experience may not be what they expected.


Figure 4.3 Students who preferred physical learning

Yes, 216 students (86%) responded. And 34 (14%) said no. This shows

that students prefer physical learning because they are familiar with how it works

for them. When compared to online classes, students look forward to physical

learning because it provides them with something they cannot feel or fall into in

online classes.

Figure 4.4 Respondents who believe that there is a significant

difference between the two variables

A total of 50 respondents (100%) voted yes. This indicate that online and

physical learning have many differences when it comes to a student's level of

learning, but it is well known that these two variables have benefits for student

academic performance in their own ways of teaching, and therefore, students will

only choose what is best for them.


Figure 4.5


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