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Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Design and build a queuing system for the office of population and civil
registration of Kuningan Regency based on Android
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Virtual Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (ViCEST) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1933 (2021) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1933/1/012011

Design and build a queuing system for the office of population and
civil registration of Kuningan Regency based on Android

Aji Permana, Fitra Nugraha, and Rio Andriyat Krisdiawan

Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Kuningan, Kuningan, Indonesia


Abstract. Queue system based on Population and Civil Registry of Kuningan Regency based
on android is used in the process of managing the queue so that the queue stacking can be
overcome. This queuing system provides a queue number for the next few days besides that the
call of the queue number screen is provided in this system so that the community can more
easily install the queue so that it is not at the location. With this system, the people of
Kuningan Regency are freed by the large number of queues or scattered queues, then people
who are far from the office location are made easy to get a queue number without having to
come to the office.

1. Introduction
The Office of Population and Civil Registration of Kuningan Regency provides services to Kuningan
people who need services regarding Identity Card Services, Family Card Services, Birth Certificate
Services and so on. The collision of operational hours has resulted in several services for people who
have received a queue number and are waiting, sometimes they cannot be served on that day because
the operational hours have passed. With several incidents like that, the Kuningan Regency Population
and Civil Registration Service limits the queue number to only 130 queue numbers or 130 people that
can be served in 1 day and then closes the queue number collection, but with these limitations there
are several obstacles such as the people who live far from the office location sometimes do not get a
queue number and have to come back the next day to get a queue number.
Things like that are a big problem for the Office of Population and Civil Registration of Kuningan
Regency because many people who are far from the office location complain and feel disadvantaged
due to restrictions on queue numbers. Another problem that is often faced is the obstruction in the
process of delivering important information to the people of Kuningan Regency so that the important
information released by the Office of Population and Civil Registration of Kuningan Regency does not
spread widely to people who live far from the location of the office.
Based on the description above, it is necessary to create a system that can manage queues for the
services of the Kuningan Regency Population and Civil Registration Service to the Kuningan
community so that operating hours do not become an obstacle in providing services to the Kuningan
community. In addition, this system can be used as a means of conveying information related to the
Office of Population and Civil Registration of Kuningan Regency. Therefore, the authors make ideas /
ideas to solve these problems in a study with the title "Design and Build a Queuing System for the
Office of Population and Civil Registration of Kuningan Regency based on Android".

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of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
Virtual Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (ViCEST) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1933 (2021) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1933/1/012011

2. Methodology
2.1 Systems Development Method
The system development methodology used by the author is the Rational Unified Process (RUP) as a
prescriptive and well-defined system development methodology which is often used to develop object-
based systems or technology-based components.

2.2 Business Modeling

Figure 1. Queuing System Flowchart

2.3 Use Case Diagram

Figure 2. Use Case Diagram of the Queuing System

In the picture above, it explains that the public or application users must log in using their ID card
number so that several facilities such as creating queues, monitoring queues and viewing information
can be used.

2. 4 Activity Diagram

Figure 3. Activity Diagram Creating Queues, Viewing Queues, and Viewing Information

The following is the flow of several processes that are described using Activity Diagrams about the
process of creating queue numbers, seeing running queue numbers and seeing information on android

Virtual Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (ViCEST) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1933 (2021) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1933/1/012011

2.5 Class Diagram

The following is the static structure of the Android-Based Queuing System to be built at the Office of
Population and Civil Displacement of Kuningan Regency.
+SimpanAntrian ()
-id_antrian +DetailAntrian() Masyarakat
-nik +GetMsy()
-tgl_antrian +ProsesLogin () -nik
-id_jenis_antrian +DetailInformasi() -nama

-judul _informasi

Figure 4. Class Diagram for Android-Based Queuing System

3. Result and Discussion

Figure 5. Login Page, Dashboard Menu Page, and Queue Screen Page
a. Login Page.
This page is used for the community login process using the NIK. If the NIK is registered, the
login process is successful and is directed to the Dashboard page.
b. Page Menu
This page is a display after the login process is successful, the menu is used to move to the
intended page such as viewing Queue Screen, Queue Data, Add Queue and Information Data.
c. Queue Screen page
This page is the queue screen information for the running queue process. This process displays
queuing data according to calls made at the queue counters so that the public can see the process
of running the queue on this Android-based application.
d. Data page and Add Queue
This page is used to see the queue data list that has been scheduled by each user. To add a user,
simply add the add icon in the lower right position so that the system displays the form. On this
page the user fills in queue data such as the type of queue and the queue date to be performed. If
the data is suitable, the user saves the queue data by clicking on the send icon at the bottom right.

Virtual Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (ViCEST) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1933 (2021) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1933/1/012011

Figure 6. Queue Data page and Add Queue page

e. Information
This page is made as a means of conveying information provided by the Population Service to the
Community regarding information related to the Office of Population and Civil Registration of
Kuningan Regency.
f. About Application page
This page is created as application information along with the use and purpose of using the

Figure 7. Add Queue page and Application Info page

4. Conclusion
In this study, an android-based queuing system has been developed which is intended for the Office of
Population and Civil Registration of Kuningan Regency. This system can help the people of Kuningan
Regency to get a queue number according to the type of service and the desired date without having to
come to the location of the service office. In addition, the people of Kuningan Regency can also
monitor the process of running the queue through an Android-based queuing system so that people do
not bother waiting when they are called for service. This system is equipped with information delivery
facilities provided by the Disdukcapil Kuningan so that information entered into the system will be
immediately received by all Kuningan Regency people who use this Android-Based Queuing System.
With the implementation of this system, the Office of Population and Civil Registration of Kuningan
Regency can improve services to the Kuningan Regency community, especially for people whose
homes are far from the Service Office.

Virtual Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (ViCEST) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1933 (2021) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1933/1/012011


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