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A. To help you formulate an effective introduction of your study, profoundly answer the
following items:

Proposed Study: Ascertaining the Computer Assembling Skills of Computer Arts and
Technological College Inc. Grade 12 Senior High School Students

1) State the rationale of your research problem. Start from the international context down to the
local or personal circumstance.

In the international level, people use computers in order to do communicate or transfer

information all over the globe with such speeds unlike letters in the olden days which can take
for weeks. It is also used for entertainment like watching videos, playing video games, and
simply browsing social media. On our country, the Philippines, we are reliant on communication,
that’s why we the Philippines is the text capital of the world. Computers are generally pre-built,
which means that someone has assembled it for you, the consumer. Of course the price of the
computer is going to rise because of the labor that was put into it. It is essential to build your
own computer because it simply cheaper and easier to maintain as you know where the computer
parts are in place, and you can learn about computers more in general.

2) Describe the setting where your study is to be conducted.

This study will be conducted in the Computer Laboratory of Computer Arts and
Technological College Inc., Main Campus. We researchers will ask for permission to use one of
their computers, preferably inactive or dormant.
3) Indicate the terms or variables (concepts) that need to be defined, clarified, or described to
your reader.

Computer Building – or Computer Assembly is the act of assembling the parts of the
computer (e.g. CPU, RAM, Motherboard, Storage, etc.)

Desktop Computer – is a personal computer designed primarily for use on a desk and is
not intended to be moved around. It consists mainly of a PC case (Personal Computer Case)
which contains the CPU (Central Processing Unit), Motherboard, RAM (Random Access
Memory), Storage, etc.

Laptop - is a personal computer that is related to a desktop computer, except it’s designed
for portability and is intended to be moved around. It has a smaller size than a desktop computer.

Pre-built computer – a computer that was assembled by someone

Information – interpretable (digital) data like text, images, videos, audio, documents, etc.
4) Search for related literature that you can use to define the main variables of your study.
Collect at least 3 references per variable. Write down the definitions

a) Computer in education in the 21st century. A scientific mapping of the literature in Web
of Science
Authors: Antonio José Moreno Guerrero, José Antonio Marín-Marín, Mª Elena Parra Gonzalez,
Jesús López-Belmonte
Definition: This study talks about how computers are essential for education in the 21st century.
That it changed how people used to communicate.

b) Computer-based technology and student engagement: a critical review of the literature

Authors: Laura A. Schindler, Gary J. Burkholder, Osama A. Morad & Craig Marsh
Definition: This study talks about how computers greatly affected society on daily living and
common tasks. Most people can’t get rid of the presence of using digital devices nowadays.

c) The Effectiveness of Using E-learning in Computer Assembly at Vocational School

Authors: Faizatul Amalia, Adam Hendra Brata, Aditya Ardi Nugraha
Definition: This study is about learning Computer Assembly by the means of using electronic
5) Determine the seriousness of your research problem. Show statistical evidence of its gravity.
Give the complete details of the references.

We researchers have a fairly high confidence about this study because it is inclined to our
field of knowledge as students of the TVL strand. We know that most computers that we have
encountered are pre-built, that’s why we want to change that.

6) State the general objective of the research study.

We researchers want to know if assembling a computer is truly easy for an average Senior
High School student in Computer Arts and Technological College Inc.

7) After the research has been conducted or the problem has been solved, identify the people or
entities that will benefit from the research and the direct benefits they will get from it.

This research will greatly benefit people who intend to purchase a new computer. They
will use less money if they knew that they can assemble computers by themselves.

In the international level, people use computers in order to do communicate or transfer

information all over the globe with such speeds unlike letters in the olden days which can take

for weeks. It is also used for entertainment like watching videos, playing video games, and

simply browsing social media. The widespread use of mobile devices and the seamless

incorporation of technology into routine chores like shopping, reading, and finding directions

show how the digital revolution has significantly changed daily life (Anderson, 2016; Smith &

Anderson, 2016; Zickuhr & Raine, 2014). With technology becoming more widely available,

especially to users in developing nations, the usage of computers, mobile devices, and the

Internet is at its highest level to date and is anticipated to continue rising. (Poushter, 2016).

In the Philippines, Filipinos are reliant on communication; that’s why the Philippines is

the text capital of the world. Computers are generally "pre-built," which means that someone has

assembled them for you, the consumer. Of course the price of the computer is going to rise

because of the labor that was put into it. It is essential to build your own computer because it is

simply cheaper and easier to maintain, as you know where the parts are located, and you can

learn more about computers in general.

Inside the Computer Arts and Technological College Inc., Main Campus, Legazpi City,

Albay, Philippines The researchers noticed that computers were not used in room 104; instead,

there were laptops. The reason behind this use of laptops instead of desktop computers, which
are supposed to be more affordable, is unknown to the researchers. Those laptops aren’t even

used for portability; they are being treated as desktop computers.

The skills needed in computer assembly are as follows: familiarity with computer

hardware components: Knowing the different types of components that go into a computer, such

as the processor, motherboard, RAM, and storage, can be helpful when selecting components and

putting them together. Attention to detail: Assembling a computer requires careful handling of

delicate components and a keen eye for detail. Good hand-eye coordination Some tasks, such as

installing a processor or connecting cables, require good hand-eye coordination. Problem-solving

skills: Assembling a computer can sometimes require troubleshooting when things don't go as

planned. Having the ability to think critically and come up with solutions to problems can be

useful. Manual dexterity: Some tasks, such as fitting components into tight spaces or attaching

cables, can require a certain level of manual dexterity. Basic knowledge of computer setup and

configuration After assembling the computer, you'll need to know how to set it up and configure

the operating system and other software. Safety skills: Working with computer hardware can be

hazardous, so it's important to take safety precautions such as wearing an anti-static wrist strap

and handling components carefully. When building a computer, it's important to have a good

understanding of computer hardware and how it works. This includes knowledge of processors,

motherboards, RAM, power supplies, and other components. It's also helpful to have some basic

knowledge of computer architecture and how different components communicate with each

other. In addition, good manual dexterity and attention to detail are important skills to have when

assembling a computer, as you'll be working with small parts and making connections between

them. Assembling a computer requires a combination of technical knowledge and manual

dexterity. The assembler must be familiar with the components being used, as well as how they

fit together and function. They must also be able to follow instructions and be detail-oriented, as

even a small mistake can have significant consequences.

The researchers want to know if the Grade 12 senior high school students of Computer

Arts and Technological College Inc., Main Campus, Legazpi City, Albay, Philippines, can build a

desktop computer by only using pattern recognition. The Grade 12 students will engage in

following instructions and puzzling skills using solely their own intuition. The researchers want

to know if assembling a computer is truly easy for an average senior high school student at

Computer Arts and Technological College Inc. This study will be conducted in the 4th floor

Computer Laboratory of Computer Arts and Technological College Inc. Main Campus, Legazpi

City, Albay, Philippines The researchers will ask for permission to use one of their computers,

preferably one that is inactive or dormant.

The researchers have a fairly high level of confidence about this study because it is

inclined to our field of knowledge as students of the TVL strand. The researchers know that most

computers that we have encountered are pre-built, which is why we want to change that. The

researchers want to know if assembling a computer is truly easy for an average senior high

school student at Computer Arts and Technological College Inc. This research will greatly

benefit people who intend to purchase a new computer. The consumer will spend less money if

they know they can assemble computers themselves. This research will also benefit the students,

not just the Computer Arts and Technological Inc. students, but all students in the world, as we

live in the Information Age, where using computers is not a luxury but a necessity.

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