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The present research work was carried out at company “El Pino S.R.L.” of Majes in the
Provincia de Caylloma in Arequipa, with the objective of determining the influence of the
implementation of conveyor belts for the production of wheat flour.

As far as the methodology of investigation, is of field of non-experimental type of

explanatory and correlational level of transversal approach; technique of documentary analysis
were used and field survey was applied for the analysis of the results.

In summary, the results that we can obtein of the applied survey show us that the highest
percentage agree that it is really necessary to implement the belt conveyor for the production
of wheat flour.

The research work regarding the application of the field survey of the dependent variable
or response to the users of the distrito de Majes test the null hypotheses with a level of
significance of 5% and with g.l. of 1 and 3 in what it gave a result of the Chi-square tests
accepting the null and the alternative hypotheses.

KEYWORDS: Belts conveyors, flour, wheat and mill.

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