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1.I will probably show how thankful I am to a friend who remembering my special day and for the gift eventhough
it is a kind of perfume that I am extremely allergic to I will accept it whith all my heart and without any hesitation ,
I will tell to my friend that I had an allergic to that perfume but I will never ask for any reciept I just want them to
know and be honest for them to know what is the kind of perfume that is not capable for me , as a friend you shoud
be honest to each others and be true about your feelings , for us to have a strong bond friendship , so if they will
give again they know what the gifts they buy for me .
2.I will go back pay and tell them that there’s an item that is not on the reciept , so they will aware about that
situation , The store will know what is their mistake for them not to repeat it again because not everyone will going
to them but as a buyer we should be honest we don’t know how much tired the seller is . We should be responsible
also as a buyer .

1 It’s hard for me to choose among them , I am a softhearted person I will do my best to help a person who
needs my help but in this situation if I’m going to choose I will choose a three families with a young children ,
why not seniors ? It’s hard for them because as a person I am super connected to the older I respect them with
all my heart but I think they can think any reason to survive, they can think as long as they can , they know
everything and they can think any idea how to survive even sometimes they need someone who cares for them .
Why not go to the young strong people , even though I have a chance to survive I will never live someone who
needs my help as long as I can , I didn’t think about myself but others , strong people can also think how to
survive and do their best to make their life safe they can save their self then I choose three families with a few
young children , so if we are going to be a parent we can do everything to make our child feel safe and secure ,
children cann’t do to save their lives they didn’t know what is happening , they cann’t do anything to survive
and save their self unlike us , children doesn’t know anything about this world so I want them to know that
someome is there for them to save them . Also it is my conscience to the people who left behind but I will do
my best to help them as long as I can I will feel sad also , I am just a human wanting to help but doesn’t have
any chanceto save all of them .
2.I will frankly say to him , what is wrong to him , as a friend I will not tolerate that kind of attitude , I will talk
to him and let him know what kind of behavior he was doing that is not capable , I will talk to him nicely I will
tell to him that making fun of others and making some jokes is not a good idea it is not something funny I
consider him as a friend but I will never tolerate that kind of insult , I will tell them to change what he needs to
change about his self so others will not think that there is something funny about them , it will cause them to
down their confidence . So as a friend there is nothing wrong if I tell to change that kind of behavior and surely
you will treasure my words to you.
3.I definitely feel something fishy , why would I ? If you are a friend of mine why whould you hide something
that I have rights to know ? I trust you as friend but I just want to know the details about what kind of
transaction is that , Who is a person that is going to invest without even knowledge about that kind of
transaction . Giving you my investment without even know what will you do , of course there is something in
my mind that you will do something that is not good , so before I invest I will definitely think and examine if I
am going to invest.

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